effects ts of dilute ted b d bitume men o on t the e

Effects ts of Dilute ted B d Bitume men o on t the E Environ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Effects ts of Dilute ted B d Bitume men o on t the E Environ ironme ment: t: A Comp ompara rative Stu Study Commi mmitte ttee M Meetin ing The Th e Beckman an C Center of the Nat atio ional A al Acad ademie ies May y

  1. Effects ts of Dilute ted B d Bitume men o on t the E Environ ironme ment: t: A Comp ompara rative Stu Study Commi mmitte ttee M Meetin ing The Th e Beckman an C Center of the Nat atio ional A al Acad ademie ies May y 4, 2015 4, 2015 Dr. T Tim N Nedwed ( d (ExxonM nMobi bil) 1

  2. Outline ine  Background  Oil sands of Alberta  Oil spill prevention  Oil Sands-Derived Crude Oil (OSDC) Spill Behavior  API Study Comparing OSDC to Heavy Crudes  Oil Spill Response Options  Key to OSR for any spill including OSDC is rapid detection and response 2

  3. Oil il Sa Sand nds of of Alb Albert rta Third largest proven petroleum reserves in the world  Oil sands bitumen is biodegraded conventional crude  oil  Conventional crude oil migrated close to the earth’s surface allowing biodegradation that increased its viscosity and density  Oil sands bitumen is treated to allow transport by pipeline to refineries  Oil sands derived crudes have physical properties similar to those of traditional heavy crude oils Crude oils derived from these oil sands have been  refined in North American refineries for decades Oil sands production could rise from 1.3 M barrels a  day to 3.7 M to 5.4 M barrels a day over next 20 yrs Next-generation technologies improving production  efficiency, reducing environmental footprint Economic and energy security benefits for both Canada  and the U.S. through jobs and nearby, reliable supply 3

  4. Oil Spill P ll Preve vention tion Along with safety, oil spill prevention will  always be industry’s top priority Oil sands-derived crudes (OSDC) can be  transported through the same equipment used for other crudes Unfounded speculation that oil sands  products have increased likelihood of spills A National Academy of Science (2013) study  showed that OSDC do not increase the risk of pipeline failures  “NAS committee does not find any causes of pipeline failure unique to the transportation of diluted bitumen”  “NAS committee does not find evidence of chemical or physical properties of diluted bitumen that are outside the range of other crude oils” 4

  5. OS OSDC DC Spill ll Behavi avior or OSDC do not immediately sink  in fresh/marine water  All OSDC transmitted by pipeline will float when fresh  Sinking can be an issue with all oil spills  Sinking will depend on many variables For any spill, speed is the key  to response! 5

  6. OS OSDC DC Spill ll Behavi avior or Initial Behavior of OSDC Spills Oil sands will not separate into bitumen and diluent  Spilled oil (crude or fuel) will immediately begin to weather   Fuel oils may weather more slowly than OSDC  Crudes may weather faster or slower OSDC tend to weather to become near the density of fresh water  Densities for heavy petroleum products (such as slurry oils, No. 6  fuel oils, Bunker C) can be as low as an API gravity of 5 6

  7. API S Study C dy Compa paring O OSDC DC to Heavy C vy Crude des API commissioned study (2012) to compare physical properties of two conventional heavy crude oils with three oil sands-derived crude oils Findings : Three OSDC tested generally evaporated more  quickly than the conventional heavy crude oils All oils tested formed unstable emulsions  5 days in a circulating weathering flume   No oil sank in sediment-free saltwater  Two OSDC and both crude samples floated in sediment-free freshwater  Only part of the third OSDC sample sank  27% in the warm fresh water  8% in the cold fresh water  The viscosities of the OSDC samples increased faster and ended higher than the heavy crudes samples 7

  8. API S Study C dy Compa paring O OSDC DC to Heavy C vy Crude des Findings: River simulating flume   No difference in the behavior of the fresh un-evaporated oils ― no sinking observed  Differences were noted with the evaporated oils  Portion of one of the OSDC samples submerged and rolled on the bottom  The other OSDC and heavy crude sample behaved similarly 8

  9. Oil Spill R ll Respon onse Options ions Conventional response options can be used on oil sands-derived  crudes (OSDC) because fresh OSDC are similar to heavy conventional crude and fuel oils Detection of Sunken Oil   Sinking is not unique to OSDC  Detection is a challenge  A variety of techniques are available Recovery of Sunken Oil at the Bottom of a Water Body   Systems are available  Slow process 9

  10. Conclu onclusion ons OSDC are heavy crude oils with physical characteristics similar to  conventional heavy crude and heavy fuel oils Conventional oil spill response techniques can be used while oil is  buoyant Like all oils, OSDC have the potential to become near neutrally  buoyant after weathering Suspended sediment can attach to any oil and cause it settle to the  bottom Sunken oil adds an additional level of complexity for response  Knowledge of how any oil behaves when spilled will help in  developing realistic and robust oil spill contingency plans Rapid pid re respo ponse is is crit ritic ical t l to re redu duce t the e enviro ronmental imp mpacts ts f from om any s spill, pill, and d spills pills o of oil il sands ds-der erived ed crud udes a are no no different nt 10

  11. Subsea Dispersants – D3 11

  12. Out utlo look for k for Ene Energ rgy Most of the world’s energy comes from hydrocarbons  Global energy demand seen rising about 35 percent from 2010 to 2040  Growth in all sources of energy are needed to meet this demand  Development of Alberta oil sands in a thoughtful and responsible way  will ensure industry meets global energy demands now and in the future 12


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