EEIZEI“ Salzer Electronics Limited Result Update Presentation Q4 & FY18 73;? :‘v 9g; ‘ J "ifiaau
salzar' rnrs presentatran nas peen preparea py sa/zer E/ectrom'cs trrnrtea (tne ’Company”) sole/yfor rnfarrnatran parpases ana aaes nat canstrtate any offer, recarnrnenaatran ar rnyrtatran ta parcnase orsubscn'befor any secarrtres, anasnau notform tne pasrs ar pe re/rea an rn cannectran wrtn any cantract ar prnarna carnrnrtrnent wnat sa eyer. No afferrna ofsecun'n'es of tne Company Wm pe rnaae except by rneans ofa statatary afferrna aacarnent cantarnrna aetar/ea rnfarrnatran apaat tne Company. rnrs presentatran nas peen preparea py tne Company pasea an rnfarrnatran ana aata wnrcn tne Company cansraers re/rap/e, pat tne Company makes na representatran ar ar rrnp/rea, wnatsaeyer, ana na re/rance snaH pe p/acea an, tne tratn, accaracy, carnp/eteness, farrness ana reasanap/eness of tne cantents of tnrs warranty, express presentatran. rnrs presentatran rnay not be an rnc/asrye ana rnay nat cantarn an aftne rnfarrnatran tnat yaa rnay cansraer rnaterraL Any /rapr/rty rn respect of tne cantents ofi arany arnrssranfrarn, tnrs presentatran rs express/y exc/uded. Cenarn matters arscassea rn tnrs Presentatran rnay cantarn staternents regararng tne Carnpany’s market appananrty ana pasrness praspects tnat are rnaryraaa/ly ana caHectrye/y forwardr/ookr'ng staternents. sacn forwardr/ookr'ng staternents are subject ta known are not guarantees offumre performance ana ana unknown risks, ancertarntres ana assarnptrans tnat are arfirca/t ta prearct. rnese risks ana ancertarntres rnc/aae, pat are not Hmr'ted ta, tne performance aftne [ndr'an ecanarny ana of tne ecanarnres of yarraas rnternatrana/ markets, tne performance of tne rnaastry rn mar-a ana war/drwr'de, carnpetrtran, tne carnpanys apr/rty ta successful/y rrnp/ernent rts strategy tne Carnpanys future /eye/s of arawtn ana expansran, tecnna/aarca/ rrnp/ernentatran, cnanaes ana aayancernents, cnanaes rn reyenae, rncarne ar casn flows, tne Carnpanys market preferences ana rts exposure ta market risks, as well as atner risks. rne Carnpanys actaa/ resa/ts, /eye/s of actryrty, performance aracnreyernents caa/a ayfer rnaten-aHy ana adverse/yfrom resa/ts expressed rn ar rrnp/rea py tnrs presentatran. rne Company assarnes na ap/raatran ta apaate any forwardr/ookr'ng rnfarrnatran cantarnea rn tnrs presentatran. Anyforwardr/ookr'ng staternents ana prajectrans rnaae py tnrra pam'es rnc/aaea rn tnrs presentatran are not aaaptea py tne Company ana tne Company rs nat respansrp/efarsacn tnrra partystaternents andpmjecn'ons.
EEIZEI“ Table of Contents «5 Q4 & FY18 Financial Highlights @ E Company Overview mm- E E Business Overview @ E Way Ahead
5 Q4 & FY18 Financial Highlights
Ealzar Commenting on the results, Mr. D Rajesh Kumar, Joint Managing Director, said : ”I am happy to share that this quarter once again, we have demonstrated good growth in This growth was mainly driven by demand in our switchgear business our revenues. segment and also from products like wire harness and three phase dry type transformers. The increase in exports to USA and Europe has also been another factor contributing to the Our EBIDTA for the quarter, has also grown and increased revenues. we have shown significant improvement in margins of more than 285 basis points year on year. I believe this is an indication of our efi‘orts over the past three quarters, on increasing our margins and improving our operating efficiencies. We expect this margin to sustain and our endeavour continues to remain on profitable growth and margin improvement. We are also making inroads into new industry like solar, elevators and locomotives for our products like three phase transformers and wire harness. to focus on adding and high margin products, continue niche We enter new, new geographies and ofi‘er total and customised electrical solutions to our existing and new To aid to this we are constantly on the lookout for any new opportunities for customers. technical associations to strengthen the base for our product offerings.”
Key Financial Highlights- Q4 FY18* EEIZEI“ I ~-______________— 45.8% 1 286bpsT 13.5%1 13.3% 1 EBITDA Margin 12.9% Revenue Rs 126.8 crore EBITDA Rs 16.4 crore PAT Rs 4.9 crore i 0 Revenue increase mainly driven by Industrial Switchgear business 0 EBIDTA growth of 46% is due to better realization in various switchgear products 0 EBIDTA Margin improved by over 280 basis points to 12.94 % * Numbers 115 per Ind A5 guidelines
} salzer‘ \ i Rs. in more L14 rv13 L14 rv17 v-o-v% L13 rv13 Total Income from Opemlions : 126.8 144.1 110.7 Excise Duty : 0.0 32.4 I . : Net Revenue 125.3 111.7 13.5% 110.7 : Raw Materials 91.6 76.4 30.9 : 5.4 5.1 4.6 Employee Cost i Other Expenses 13.3 18.9 11.7 : Total Expenditure 110.3 100.4 37.2 i EBITDA 15.4 11.2 45.3% 13.5 E 235 bps EBIDTA margin (%) 12.94% 10.03% 12.13% i Otherlnoome .03 1.9 0.6 i 2.9 2.3 Depreciation 2.6 Interest / Finance Cost i 3.9 4.1 3.6 i Profit Before Tax 3.7 5.7 23.7% 7.9 i 3.9 2.5 2.6 Tax l Profit After Tax 4.3 4.3 13.3% 5.3 i PAT Margin (%) 3.33% 3.33% 4.73% 7 ’Numbers asper was guiueimes ~_ _______ -r
— Business Vertica|s* EEIZEF‘ Q4 FY18 Revenue Breakup Segment, 5.9% Wire a. Indus na Industrial Wire a. Ca ble, . swn‘hgea' s hgear cable, 5n 8% - 4n 3% , 43.9% 5n 3% ' * Numbers as per my As guidelines
EEIZEF Q4 FY18 Revenue Breakup cal* Geog ap Middle Middle Asia [Exclu. Asia [Emu-East, 1.4% East, 1.5% a lndiaL 5 u.s. 2.9% Europe, Europe, 4.5% 4.2% 83.4% * Numbers as per my 45 gumermes
— FY18* Key Financial Highlights EEIZEI“ I ~-______________— 15.0%1 15.4% 1 20.7% 1 56bps 1 EBITDA Margin 12.0% Revenue Rs 442.8 crore EBITDA Rs 53.3 crore PAT Rs 20.0 crore i - leading to significant contribution from this product 0 Good traction in Three Phase Transformers 0 100% growth in wire harness business 0 Growth driven by uptick in Industrial Switchgear and higher demand in Wire & Cable Segments 10 * Numbers 115 per Ind A5 guidelines
— FY18* salzar' Key Financial Highlights Revenue (Rs. Cr) EBITDA (Rs. Cr) / Margins (%) 12.5% 60 13% 442.8 13% 50 385.0 12% 351.1 12% 40 283.3 11% 30 11% 10% 20 10% 9% 10 9% 0 8% 2015 2015 2017 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 Net Profit (Rs. Cr) Networth (Rs. Cr) 272.8 25 5% ' 4.7% 232.5 5% 20 - 5% 191.3 5% 15 ' 4% 4% 107.0 10 _ 4% 4% 5 _ 4% o 4% 2015 2016 2017 2018 11 2015 2015 2017 2018 * Numbers as per Ind AS guidelines
salzer‘ ‘i ! Rs. in Crore Fle FV17 V-o-V% E Total Income from Operations : 453.3 443.7 i i Excise Duty 10.6 58.7 i E Net Revenue 442.3 335.0 15.0% E Raw Material Expenses : 323.5 272.0 i : Employee Expenses 19.9 18.7 : Other Expenses : 46.2 50.1 Total Expenditure ! : 333.5 340.3 : : EBITDA 53.3 44.1 20.7% E 55 bps EBITDA Margin ! 12.03% 11.47% l ! Other Income 3.1 5.4 E i Depreciation 10.5 8.9 E i interest/ Einance Cost 14.9 14.6 i E PBT 30.3 25.1 13.5% E E Tax 10.9 8.8 E i PAT 20.0 17.3 15.4% i I: PAT Margin 4.52% 4.50% 12 * Numbers as per my As guiueimes