ee359 lecture 2 outline

EE359 Lecture 2 Outline TX and RX Signal Models Path Loss Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EE359 Lecture 2 Outline TX and RX Signal Models Path Loss Models Free-space and 2-Ray Models General Ray Tracing Simplified Path Loss Model Empirical Models Shadowing mmWave Models Propagation Characteristics

  1. EE359 – Lecture 2 Outline  TX and RX Signal Models  Path Loss Models  Free-space and 2-Ray Models  General Ray Tracing  Simplified Path Loss Model  Empirical Models  Shadowing  mmWave Models

  2. Propagation Characteristics  Path Loss (includes average shadowing)  Shadowing (due to obstructions)  Multipath Fading Slow Fast P r /P t P t P r Very slow v d=vt d=vt

  3. Path Loss Modeling  Maxwell’s equations  Complex and impractical  Free space and 2-path models  Too simple  Ray tracing models  Requires site-specific information  Simplified power falloff models  Main characteristics: good for high-level analysis  Empirical Models  Don’t always generalize to other environments

  4. Free Space (LOS) Model d=vt  Path loss for unobstructed LOS path  Power falls off :  Proportional to 1/d 2  Proportional to l 2 (inversely proportional to f 2 )  This is due to the effective aperature of the antenna  Free-space path loss

  5. Two Ray Model  Path loss for one LOS path and 1 ground (or reflected) bounce  Ground bounce approximately cancels LOS path above critical distance  Power falls off  Proportional to d 2 (small d)  Proportional to d 4 (d>d c )  Independent of l (f c )  Two-path cancellation equivalent to 2-element array, i.e. the effective aperature of the receive antenna is changed.

  6. Two Ray Model  Received power:  Critical distance:

  7. General Ray Tracing  Models signal components as particles  Reflections  Scattering  Diffraction Reflections generally dominate  Requires site geometry and dielectric properties  Easier than Maxwell (geometry vs. differential eqns)  Computer packages often used 10-ray reflection model explored in HW

  8. Simplified Path Loss Model  Used when path loss dominated by reflections.  Most important parameter is the path loss exponent  , determined empirically.    d     0 P P K , 2 8   r t   d

  9. Empirical Channel Models  Cellular Models: Okumura model and extensions:  Empirically based (site/freq specific), uses graphs  Hata model: Analytical approximation to Okumura  Cost 231 Model: extends Hata to higher freq. (2 GHz)  Multi-slope model  Walfish/Bertoni: extends Cost 231 to include diffraction  WiFi channel models: TGn  Empirical model for 802.11n developed within the IEEE standards committee. Free space loss up to a breakpoint, then slope of 3.5. Breakpoint is empirically- based. Commonly used in cellular and WiFi system simulations

  10. Empirical Channel Models  Okumura model:  in which d is the distance, f c is the carrier frequency, L ( f c , d ) is free space path loss, A mu ( f c , d ) is the median attenuation in addition to free space path loss across all environments, G ( h t ) is the base station antenna height gain factor, G ( h r ) is the mobile antenna height gain factor, and G AREA is the gain due to the type of environment

  11. Empirical Channel Models  Multi-slope (piecewise linear) model:

  12. Shadowing X c  Models attenuation from obstructions  Random due to random # and type of obstructions  Typically follows a log-normal distribution  dB value of power is normally distributed  m =0 (mean captured in path loss), 4< s <12 (empirical)  Central Limit Theorem used to explain this model  Decorrelates over decorrelation distance X c

  13. Shadowing  Log-normal distribution (envelope)  PDF:  in which ψ dB is the signal envelope, µ ψ dB is the mean value, and σ ψ dB is the standard deviation, all given in dB  Empirical studies for outdoor channels support a standard deviation σ ψ dB from 4 to 13 dB  Mean power µ ψ dB depends on the path loss and building properties; it decreases with distance

  14. Combined Path Loss and Shadowing  Linear Model: y lognormal 10 log K Slow    P d  y   r 0 K P r /P t   P d Very slow t (dB) -10  log d  dB Model   P d y s       y 2 r ~ N ( 0 , ) ( dB ) 10 log K 10 log ,   y dB 10 10 dB   P d t 0

  15. Outage Probability P  r

  16. Model Parameters from Empirical Measurements K (dB) s y 2  Fit model to data P r (dB) 10   Path loss (K,  ), d 0 known: log(d) log(d 0 )  “Best fit” line through dB data  K obtained from measurements at d 0 .  Exponent is Minimal Mean Square Error (MMSE) estimate based on data  Captures mean due to shadowing  Shadowing variance  Variance of data relative to path loss model (straight line) with MMSE estimate for 

  17. Statistical Multipath Model  Random # of multipath components, each with  Random amplitude  Random phase  Random Doppler shift  Random delay  Random components change with time  Leads to time-varying channel impulse response

  18. Time Varying Impulse Response  Response of channel at t to impulse at t- t : N     t   t  t j ( t ) c ( , t ) ( t ) e ( ( t )) n n n  n 1  t is time when impulse response is observed  t- t is time when impulse put into the channel  t is how long ago impulse was put into the channel for the current observation  path delay for multipath component currently observed

  19. Received Signal Characteristics  Received signal consists of many multipath components  Amplitudes change slowly  Phases change rapidly  Constructive and destructive addition of signal components  Amplitude fading of received signal (both wideband and narrowband signals)

  20. Narrowband Model  Assume delay spread max m,n | t n ( t )- t m ( t )|<< 1/ B  Then u ( t )  u ( t- t ) .  Received signal given by     N ( t )    f     j 2 f t j ( t )    r ( t ) u ( t ) e ( t ) e c n n      n 0  No signal distortion (spreading in time)  Multipath affects complex scale factor in brackets.  Assess scale factor by setting u ( t ) = e j f 0 (that is, an unmodulated carrier with random phase offset f 0 )

  21. In-Phase and Quadrature under Central Limit Theorem Approximation  In phase and quadrature signal components: N ( t )   f    j ( t ) r ( t ) ( t ) e cos( 2 f t ), n I n c  n 0 N ( t )   f    j ( t ) r ( t ) ( t ) e sin( 2 f t ) n Q n c  n 0  For N ( t ) large, r I ( t ) and r Q ( t ) jointly Gaussian by CLT (sum of large # of random variables).  Received signal characterized by its mean, autocorrelation, and cross correlation.  If  n ( t ) uniform, the in-phase/quad components are mean zero, independent, and stationary.

  22. Signal Envelope Distribution  CLT approx. leads to Rayleigh distribution (power is exponential)  When LOS component present, Ricean distribution is used  Measurements support Nakagami distribution in some environments  Similar to Ricean, but models “worse than Rayleigh”  Lends itself better to closed form BER expressions

  23. Signal Envelope Distribution  Rayleigh distribution (envelope)  in which P r = 2σ 2 is the average received signal power of the signal, i.e. the received power based on path loss and shadowing alone  Rayleigh distribution (power)

  24. Signal Envelope Distribution  Rice distribution (envelope)  in which K is the ratio between the power in the direct path and the power in the scattered paths, and Ω is the total power from both paths  If K = 0, Rice simplifies to Rayleigh

  25. Signal Envelope Distribution  Rice distribution (envelope)

  26. Signal Envelope Distribution  Nakagami distribution (envelope)  in which m is the fading intensity (m ≥ 0.5), and Ω is a parameter related to the variance  If m = 1, Nakagami simplifies to Rayleigh

  27. Signal Envelope Distribution  Nakagami distribution (envelope)

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