Recommendation THAT the Vancouver Park Board approve the proposed updates to the Economic Access Policy, as outlined in Appendix C of this report, to align with the current practices of the Leisure Access Program. 57
Outline Background Impact Amendments Recommendation 58
Background Background 59
Background July 1992 Economic Access Policy January 1993 Leisure Access Program (LAP) 2015 LAP Process Review December 2015 Refugee Support Motion 60
Background 61
Background 62
Background Fast Track Self-Referred Application Application Same day service 2 weeks processing Receive or qualify for Vancouver community low income assistance recreation facility Third party referral Online 63
Background Applications August 01, 2015 - March 31 2016 6,000 5,000 1702 4,000 Third Party 3,000 Benefits 4,483 2,000 3450 1,000 0 Self Refer Fast Track 64
Background Passes in Circulation as of March 31 18,000 16,000 15,836 14,000 15,534 12,000 14,844 10,000 12,189 11,777 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 65
Background Impact Impact 66
Impact Proof of Address Low Income Curb • Cell phone bills • Under $5,000.00 67
Impact Thank you so much for your assisting us. We really appreciate the work you did in ensuring that the women and children who use our services have access to community recreation services. A woman escaping a violent man needs the whole community to respond and support her and her children. Thank you for doing your part. 68
Amendments Amendments 69
Amendments Replace “citizens” with “residents” Update references to services and programs Update list of income and social services that are used to establish eligibility • e.g. Guaranteed Available Income In Need (GAIN) is now referred to as Income Assistance 70
Recommendation 71
Recommendation THAT the Vancouver Park Board approve the proposed updates to the Economic Access Policy, as outlined in Appendix C of this report, to align with the current practices of the Leisure Access Program. 72
More recommend