easa s safety analysis supporting egu

EASAs Safety Analysis Supporting EGU Yngvi Rafn Yngvason Safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EASAs Safety Analysis Supporting EGU Yngvi Rafn Yngvason Safety Anaysis Officer Email: yngvi.yngvason@easa.europa.eu Mobile: +49 (0)162 917 3887 TE.GEN.00409-001 Introduction The history EASAs role EASAs GA Roadmap Cooperation

  1. EASA‘s Safety Analysis Supporting EGU Yngvi Rafn Yngvason Safety Anaysis Officer Email: yngvi.yngvason@easa.europa.eu Mobile: +49 (0)162 917 3887 TE.GEN.00409-001

  2. Introduction The history – EASA‘s role EASA‘s GA Roadmap Cooperation between EASA and EGU Safety Analysis – why is it important? Exposure data Outputs E-Rules 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 3

  3. The History EASA founded in 2003. First 10 years – EASA‘s main focus was Commercial Air Transport (CAT) Operations. Rulemaking activities did not consider the side effects it had on General Aviation. Finally...The GA Roadmap came along... 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 4

  4. EASA‘s GA Roadmap Simpler, Lighter and Better regulations for GA A lot being done for the Gliding community Cooperation between EASA and EGU Sharing and harmonisation of Accident data Better Safety Analysis on EU level providing a better safety picture of Europe. Joint collection of Exposure data. 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 5

  5. EASA and BGA data comparison Glider/TMG airborne substantial damage easa 2016 bga 1974-1995 bga 1996-2017 bga 2008-2016 30 25 20 15 % 10 5 0 Analysis performed by Hugh Browning 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 6

  6. EASA and BGA data comparison #2 Glider/TMG fatal accidents easa 2013-2017 bga 1974-1995 bga 1996-2017 35 30 25 20 % 15 10 5 0 Analysis performed by Hugh Browning 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 7

  7. Safety Analysis - why is it important? Nobody wants to have an accident. We want to feel safe and alive while we are flying. Not have a problem due to e.g. loss of control. Safety Analysis provides the means to understand the risks involved in any given activity – based on DATA. Results of analysis determines future actions. We want to understand the risks in as accurrate manner as possible to be able to simplify the rules as much as possible. 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 8

  8. Safety Analysis - why is it important? The Safety Analysis produces information that supports: The impact assessment done for every rule and/or Safety Action made within EASA and the Member States and published in EPAS. Engagement with aviation stakeholders helps make sure actions on gliders are linked to the great work already ongoing in the Gliding community. The Annual Safety Review outlines safety risks The EPAS contains the actions linked to those risks (we could link to EGU activities) 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 9

  9. Main Objective and Outputs To provide Useful Safety Information that increases awareness about the most relevant Safety Issues in Sailplane operations. Examples of useful data outputs Meaningful Safety Risk Portfolios Accident rate map (heat map) of Europe for Gliding Acceptable level of safety Targeted Safety Promotion Actions (EPAS) 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 10

  10. Portfolios – Current one in the ASR 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 11

  11. A possible new Portfolio – Set of Safety Issues Old portfolio New – many from BGA Operational Operational Intentional Low Flying Tow Rope Disconnects and Cable Failures Incomplete winch launch Aerotow Airborne Separation Mid-Air Collision Handling of Off-Field/Forced Landings Field Landing Control of Manual Flight Path Misuse of Controls Approach Path Management Approach Path and Landing Under/Overshoot Hit Hill Stall/Spin Wheel Up Landing Collisions during Take off and Landing In motor gliders/tugs Flight Planning and Preparation Bird/Wildlife Strikes Glider Integrity Airfield Other Ground Technical Technical Aircraft Maintenance Technical Human Human Perception and Situational Awareness Perception and Situational Awareness Decision Making and Planning Decision Making and Planning Experience, Training and Competence of Individuals Experience, Training and Competence of Individuals Medical Medical 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 12

  12. The Challenge and The Solution Challenge To help Regulators and the Glider Community work together as much as possible. Solution EASA is supporting this through the lighter, simpler and better regulation concept. Data is essential for that purpose. Both the EGU and EASA need your help on collecting relevant aggregated exposure data from the flight clubs all over Europe. 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 13

  13. EGU and EASA need YOUR help Annual Aggregated Exposure Data Number of Flights and Hours Number of Aircraft behind the activity Why is this data so important? It helps us to provide you with an accurate European Safety picture. It is vital for impact assessment – e.g. to evaluate if a rule is necesary or not. 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 14

  14. What is eRules? A comprehensive single IT system for digitalisation of rules ￘ Storing, sharing, searching, drafting and publishing of all aviation rules (“hard and soft law”) ￘ As rules are treated as data , new ways of publishing and communicating on rules are possible ￘ Accessible to internal and external stakeholders ￘ Integrated with the rulemaking workflow ￘ Integrated with other applications using EASA rules internally (IMF, SEPIAC, IFP) and externally (NAAs, industry) 11/03/2018 eRules 15

  15. Schedule Next focus: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Any time, any where ADR + IAW TCO & Remaining SERA OPS FCL CAW (+Amdts to CSs) + ATM/ANS Regulations History of GA App Access amendments (online, machine-to- ‘Change CRT tool replacement machine) information’ and integration document IMF SEPIAC Comparison with (documents and TCO Integ. with foreign regulations records indus. management) tools • Go to eRules PROD 11/03/2018 eRules 16

  16. Selected feedback from the stakeholders ‘God bless you for this Easy Access Rules for Continuing Airworthiness! This makes regulations much easier to understand. For "normal" people it's much easier meet the requirements of any regulations when they see them on one document.’ (European industry) ‘Very nice work! Simple to use. Good overview. Links within the document is very useful. Nice layout with different colors segregating rules, amc and gm from each other. Way to go!!!!’ (Flying club, Sweden) ‘We sincerely appreciate your admirable eRules document about continuing airworthiness with regards to its structure and user friendly methodology.’ (rep. of Turkish industry) eRules 17

  17. Summary EASA and EGU is working hard on changing the current rules to simpler, lighter and better rules for Sailplane operations. For that to work we need the exposure data to put accident data into correct perspective. The new rules in conjunction with your data helps us to keep the NAAs off your back. eRules system will allow you to access all relevant rules for your domain online. App is also forseen in the near future. 11/03/2018 EGU Conference - Paris - February 2018 18

  18. Thank you for your attention Definition of Judgement : A valued skill in aviation. Good judgement comes from someone else’s bad judgement. Learn from the mistakes of others, you won’t live long enough to make them all yourself.

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