early improvements update

Early Improvements Update 15 May 2018 Project Process 2 Candidate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Early Improvements Update 15 May 2018 Project Process 2 Candidate Early Improvements 107 interventions Considered to the stage where sufficient willingness and resource will enable delivery within three years Most still require

  1. Early Improvements Update 15 May 2018

  2. Project Process 2

  3. Candidate Early Improvements • 107 interventions • Considered to the stage where sufficient willingness and resource will enable delivery within three years • Most still require definition, investigation and assessment • Prioritised into 15 mostly geographic packages • Identified potential candidates for showcase and trial • Current estimate of cost is o $M 40 – 60 capex (including 20 – 30 of cycling) o $M 10 – 17 opex 3

  4. Implementation Planning 107 interventions – if delivered under BAU • WCC – 75 • NZTA – 31 • GWRC – 1 Legal advice confirms that WCC traffic resolution decisions cannot be delegated • Any changes to parking or traffic restrictions on WCC roads Therefore the delivery mechanism needs some thinking 4

  5. Prioritisation • Setting safer speeds first to prioritise safety • Benefits realisation – seeking biggest benefit returns first • Only a matter of months between different packages starting, intention is to deliver as many as possible early in the programme • Showcase and trial opportunities identified 5

  6. Prioritisation Investment Objectives Sub-Total Multimodal Liveability Resilience Access Safety Showcase Prioritisation - weave these points into a story, it's only a matter of months between them and there's a bold desire to Trial Package Description do it all Reducing speed limits on selected roads in the CBD and 2 -1 1 3 0 5 Setting Safer Speeds sections of SH1 east of Mt Vic Potential to significantly improve safety across the network Corridor length improvements to walking and cycling Showcase project with good multi-modal benefits, and the 2 1 2 1 0 6 Featherston St priority, and provision of cycling facilities on Whitmore potential to improve the last mile pedestrian trip from rail Bus priority enhancements, minor safety improvements, Golden Mile 2 1 2 1 0 6 and trial restriction of general traffic on sections of Network wide PT benefits as a pre-cursor to lane drop on the northern Willis Street and Courtenay Place Quays Package of relatively low cost minor at-grade Basin Reserve 0 3 1 1 0 5 improvements to improve efficienct access Improving a critical conflict point Public transport and cycling priority along the corridor with Improve PT and cycle trips from the north, begin to 1 1 1 2 0 5 Hutt Road integrated pedestrian improvements discourage private vehicle use as a pre-cursor to lane drop Traffic signal and intersection enhancements, pedestrian crossing improvments and shelter and wayfinding Isolated Minor enhancements, lengthening nine bus stops to meet 1 1 1 1 1 5 Improvements minimum standard, further use of technology to improve management of on-street parking Progress minor individual projects as possible Improved signal operations, applying MaaS platform to Operational 0 2 1 0 2 5 Wellington context, improved incident management, Improvements enhancing existing TDM programmes Progress minor individual projects as possible Corridor length improvements to walking and cycling Large PT LoS gap, but not currently high numbers of buses 1 1 2 1 0 5 Willis/Victoria priority or cyclists Restrict parking on Vivian Street and minor efficiency Karo / Vivian 0 2 1 1 0 4 improvements Implementing cycling connections and pedestrian Dixon Street 1 0 2 1 0 4 improvements Pedestrian and cycle crossing signals on Cobham Drive, 1 0 1 2 0 4 SH1 East of Mt Vic bus priority and minor intersection safety improvements (dependency with setting safer speeds) Trial cycling and bus priority improvements in advance of 1 1 1 1 0 4 Taranaki St final corridor form 0 1 2 0 0 3 Newtown Review bus lane priorities 6 Pedestrian priority and crossing enhancements, Bowen The Terrace 1 -1 2 1 0 3 Street bus lanes/clearways 0 1 0 1 0 2 Motorway Corridor Minor efficiency and safety improvements

  7. Package Maps 7

  8. DRAFT proposals for Setting Safer Speeds Speed Limit Review Liveability 2 Access -1 Multimodal 1 3 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 0.4-0.6 Opex 0.4-0.6

  9. DRAFT proposals for Featherston Street Safety Improvements Optimise signals to favour pedestrians Add pedestrian (consider LED strip crossing lighting trial) Widen footpath Provide Cycling Facility Liveability 2 Access 1 Multimodal 2 1 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 2.5-4.1 Opex 0.3-0.6

  10. DRAFT proposals for Golden Mile Remove Bus Stop Convert angle parking to parallel PT Priority Upgrades Potential shared space Pedestrian countdown timers Add pedestrian crossings/crosswalks Trial removal/ restriction of General Traffic Liveability 2 Access Provide Cycling Safety 1 Facility Improvements Multimodal 2 1 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 4.7-7.8 Second cycle Opex 1.4-2.6 minor phases Improved Laneway

  11. DRAFT proposals for Basin Reserve Remove parking Remove/restrict parking Southbound Close/restrict bus lane Ellice Street At-grade access improvements Liveability 0 Access 3 Widen footpath Multimodal 1 1 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 5.8-9.3 Opex 0.5-0.9

  12. DRAFT proposals for Hutt Road Improved Public Transport priority/HOV Improved crossing opportunities Liveability 1 Access 1 Trial Cycling Multimodal 1 Signalise Facility 2 Safety pedestrian crossing 0 Resilience Capex 2.2-3.5 Opex 0.2-0.4

  13. DRAFT proposals for Willis / Victoria Improved bus priority Provide Cycling Facility Liveability 1 Access 1 Improved Laneway Multimodal 2 1 Remove Safety Parking 0 Resilience Capex 1.5-2.4 Opex 0.3-0.5

  14. DRAFT proposals for Karo / Vivian Second cycle Abel Smith (west) Restrict parking Remove Parking Second cycle right turn Optimise signals (queue conflict and PT delay) Second cycle right turn Change lane designations Second cycle Restrict turns Pirie Street Liveability 0 Access 2 Multimodal 1 1 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 0.7-1.2 Opex 0.2-0.4

  15. DRAFT proposals for Dixon Provide Cycling Facility Pedestrian Liveability 1 Connection Access 0 Multimodal 2 1 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 1.5-2.5 Opex 0.1-0.2

  16. DRAFT proposals for SH1 East of Mt Vic Pedestrian crossing opportunities Safety Improvements PT priority Liveability Add pedestrian 1 and cycle crossing Access 0 Multimodal 1 2 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 4.8-7.7 Opex 0.4-0.8

  17. DRAFT proposals for Taranaki Street Trial cycling facility PT priority improvements Liveability 1 Access 1 Multimodal 1 1 Safety Add pedestrian 0 crossings/ Resilience signalise zebra Capex 3.4-5.5 Opex 0.3-0.5

  18. DRAFT proposals for Newtown Review bus lane times/ PT priority Liveability 0 Access 1 Multimodal 2 0 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 0.1-0.5 Opex 0.0-0.0

  19. DRAFT proposals for The Terrace Review clearway Improved right times/ PT priority turn into Museum Street Improve pedestrian crossing opportunities Improved pedestrian route Liveability 1 Access -1 Multimodal 2 1 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 1.6-2.7 Opex 0.8-1.5

  20. DRAFT proposals for Motorway Corridor Active queue warning sign Increase off-ramp stacking capacity and optimise intersection Safety Test lane lights Improvements Liveability 0 Access 1 Multimodal 0 1 Safety 0 Resilience Capex 1.8-3.0 Opex 0.3-0.6

  21. Operational Improvements and Isolated Minor Improvements • Improved Incident Response • Applying MaaS platform to Wellington context • Increased workplace and School travel planning • Further encourage e-bike uptake • Increase resource for operations • • Pedestrian wayfinding Cycle rumble strips on harbourside walkway • • Additional countdown timers (traffic signals) Double right turn out of Hinemoa onto Waterloo Quay • • Pedestrian sensors (traffic signals) Remove two single car parks that affect intersection capacity Tinakori Road • Additional smart parking infrastructure • Trial half cycle minor phases at traffic signals during peak • Loading zone parking sensors operation • Pedestrian shelter • Signalise zebra crossing on Tinakori Road • Widened footpaths (minor only) • Rationalise bus stops near Kilbirnie Aquatic Centre • Airport travel choice VMS • Improve pedestrian crossing on Molesworth near • Additional CCTV for traffic operations monitoring Hawkestone • Lengthen nine bus stops to minimum standard on 2018 core • Improve pedestrian crossing on Mulgrave at Thorndon Quay routes • Improved pedestrian lighting 21


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