Ea Early ri y risk sk pred ediction iction on th the e Internet ternet David E. Losada Fabio Crestani Javier Parapar CLEF 2020 labs
explore issues of evaluation methodology, effectiveness metrics and other processes related to the creation of test collections for early risk detection
early risk prediction: process of seq equential uential evid idence ence ac accu cumula ulation ion where al aler erts ts are made when there is enough evidence about a certain type of ri risk eR eRisk isk 20 2020: 20: 2 t 2 tas asks
T1 T1 early dete tection tion of self-ha harm rm (continuation of 2019's self-harm task) training aining data ta (2019's data) positiv tive e group oup: : (done self-harm) history of his/her writings before entering into the self-harm community server-based release of data (REST service)
T2 T2 depres ession ion-level el es esti timation tion (c (contin ntinua uation tion of 20 2019 19's T3) 3) automatically fill a standard depression questionnaire based on user's posts/comments on Social Media
T2 T2
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