e arl y l e arning coal it ion of duval

E ARL Y L E ARNING COAL IT ION OF DUVAL He lping par e nts c - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

E ARL Y L E ARNING COAL IT ION OF DUVAL He lping par e nts c hoose , pr e par ing c hildr e n to le ar n QUAL IT Y CONNE CT IONS Pr e se ntation at the Boar d Me e ting August 31, 2011 1 COALITION VISION STATEMENT All

  1. E ARL Y L E ARNING COAL IT ION OF DUVAL He lping par e nts c hoose , pr e par ing c hildr e n to le ar n QUAL IT Y CONNE CT IONS Pr e se ntation at the Boar d Me e ting August 31, 2011 1

  2. COALITION VISION STATEMENT All Jacksonville Early Learning Programs will provide high quality care and early learning services that result in demonstrated positive school readiness outcomes for all children. 2


  4. QUALITY CONNECTIONS - PROGRAM OBJECTIVE To empower school readiness providers to offer quality early learning experiences To use the environment rating scales to help with quality improvement and provide an entry into Guiding Stars of Duval 4

  5. MEASURABLE OUTCOME – FY 10-11  Number of classrooms assessed - 2 classrooms per center – RANDOM selection  Measured using the Infant Toddler Rating Scale- Revised (ITERS-R) for infant / toddler classrooms & the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale- Revised (ECERS-R) for preschool classrooms.  Overall AVERAGE score of 3.0 or above (new centers), and 3.50 or above (support for more than 2 years) on ITERS + ECERS 5

  6. ITERS-R / ECERS-R SUBSCALES ITERS-R – Birth to 30 ECERS-R – 31 months to 5 yrs months 1. Space and Furnishings 1. Space and Furnishings 2. Personal Care Routines 2. Personal Care Routines 3. Language and reasoning 3. Listening and Talking 4. Activities 4. Activities 5. Interaction 5. Interaction 6. Program Structure 6. Program Structure 7. Parents and Staff 7. Parents and Staff In the first 6 subscales, there are In the first 6 subscales, there are 37 items and over 400 indicators 32 items and over 350 indicators which are scored. which are scored. 7 - EXCELLENT 5-6 - GOOD 3-4 - MINIMAL 1-2 INADEQUATE 6

  7. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE – ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT  Introductory meeting – Director & Specialist  Center staff meeting to discuss expectations with the teachers  Support strictly anchored to ITERS and ECERS  Learning materials purchased for supported classrooms  Average caseload per Specialist – between 17 to 22 centers  Differentiated support – 100 centers / 275 to 300 classrooms  Average number of TA visits to each center – 12 to 14  Unit Cost per Quality Connections center - $10,000  Balance between TA & provider accountability 7

  8. “It is the average total score that is related to positive child development, but not any of the single requirements by themselves.” (All About the ECERS-R, xii) 8

  9. QUALITY CONNECTIONS 2010-11 AVERAGE ITERS SCORE 7.00 6.00 4.97 4.87 4.82 4.00 5.00 4.15 3.58 4.00 3.00 1.97 2.00 1.00 - Space & Personal Care Listening & Activities Interaction Program OVERALL Furnishings Routines Talking (Supervision) Structure AVERAGE SCORE

  10. QUALITY CONNECTIONS 2010-11 AVERAGE ECERS SCORE 7.00 5.35 5.28 6.00 4.58 4.18 5.00 3.83 3.30 2.81 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 - Space & Personal Care Language & Activities Interaction Program OVERALL Furnishings Routines Reasoning (Supervision) Structure AVERAGE SCORE 10

  11. QUALITY METRIC – RESULTS BASED ACCOUNTABILITY HOW MUCH DID WE DO? HOW WELL DID WE DO IT?   Approx 100 child care centers 5 Specialists provided support   Worked in 275 classrooms Caseload of 17 to 22 centers each  127 Infant / toddler classrooms Bi-weekly (or monthly) differentiated system 148 preschool classrooms of support to teachers and directors in the  Serving 800 infants / toddlers + 1,200 preschool classrooms  children (estimated) Support based on ITERS / ECERS moving  Expenditures - $1,000,000 from intensive support to a hybrid of support and accountability / ownership IS ANYONE BETTER OFF? Quantity of Effect Quality of Effect   BENCHMARK: All QC centers made the BENCHMARK: 100% of the centers’ sample benchmark of 3.0 or 3.50 average in ITERS + classrooms made the benchmark ECERS* combined OVERALL ITERS SCORE – 4.00 OVERALL ECERS SCORE – 4.18 *- ITERS – Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale - ECERS – Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale - Score 1-2 – Inadequate Care; 3-4 Minimal Care; 5-6 – Good Care; 7- Excellent 11

  12. Average Environment Rating Score – 4 years – 2007-08 to 2010-11 Moving from intensive support to a hybrid of intensive & maintenance support 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.64 4.14 4.11 4.02 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 12

  13. Thank you to all the Directors, Teachers, and Specialists for their dedication and diligent work, as we continue to raise the quality of early learning in this community. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8U96Q_x3qE 13


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