Golden sands resort , Hotel International 2 .04.20 20 Sunny beach resort , Hotel RIU Helios Paradise 2 9 .04.20 20 PRESENTATION Х E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 ОСТ
Designed and realised as an effec�ve marke�ng tool, the ХОСТ експо forum is a product of in-depth HOTEL MANAGERS E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 Х ОСТ E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 Х LOGISTIC COMPANIES F&B CONSULTANTS F &B MANUFACTURERS MANAGERS F &B COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT MANAGERS SUPPLY research and detailed knowledge of the tourism industry and its needs. DEMAND ХОСТ експо needs. needs of the tourism industry and the companies that have the resource and the por�olio to meet these With targeted and consistent ac�ons, the profile of ХОСТ експо is being built by iden�fying in detail both the directly in and with each tourist site; responsible a�tude towards each par�cipant in the event. databases for tourists sites, their poten�al and their key employees; a trained and mo�vated team working project that delivers through its most powerful resources: up-to-date and con�nuously developing Tourism", the event organiser - Patchwork Communica�ons Agency, develops ХОСТ експо as a stand-alone A�er 1 7 years and more than 40 successful edi�ons of the mee�ng-nego�a�on "Food and Beverage for ОСТ realities Business, professional, work forum Effective feedback A point of orientation in market € Reinforcing A marketing tool with the highest ROI Х E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 ОСТ Х E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 partnerships customers PROFILE par�cipants are best able to experience the pulse of the tourism industry, to orient themselves in the ХОСТ експо is a working exhibi�on forum that meets strategic business interests in the tourism industry. Being held right before the ac�ve summer season, the event provides the opportunity to present the full range of products and services required for the opera�on and good standard of each tourist site. ХОСТ експо is a professional pla�orm based on a number of key features - strategic �ming, excellent loca�ons, know-how of the organisa�on with proven effec�veness - this enables manufacturers and traders to achieve concrete posi�ve results from their par�cipa�on - sales, new contacts, stable partnerships, brand posi�oning, company and brand recogni�on. ХОСТ експо is a space in which, by exchanging informa�on, ideas and ge�ng legi�mate feedback, the dynamics of market demand and supply and to take their proper place in the rich nomenclature needed for with potential every hotel, restaurant, etc. PROFILE Presentation of products, services and technologies Meeting of two interested parties Identifying and establishing contacts ОСТ SOT E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 Х ОСТ E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 Х PARTICIPANTS ОСТ ХОСТ експо focuses on the needs of hotels and restaurants within clearly defined areas. Exhibitors at ХОСТ експо can be companies in the following areas: WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN ХОСТ ЕКСПО ? D EV E L O P M E N T C O N S U H L E T A A D H N U T N S T SECURITY E R S E X TEXTILE AND T CLOTHING E RESOURCES D R I N G HUMAN A I T L A A L D A V G E E R N T C IS IE G H IN N Y I S S G I T I G E R N E V E D A TECHNOLOGIES BUSINESS F I SERVICES N A N ENTERTAINMENT C EQUIPMENT E R O I R E T X E 5 57.14 Logistic or trade company 15 11.19 50 16.61 Restaurant 12 8.96 42 13.95 Apartment complex 3.73 74.63 35 11.63 Guest House 2 1.49 2 0.66 TOTAL 134 100.00 301 100.00 172 100 VISITORS ХОСТ експо is an event precisely posi�oned and targeted to hotels and restaurants. Personally invited to visit the event are: - HOTEL MANAGERS ; - SUPPLY MANAGERS ; - HOUSEKEEPING MANAGERS ; - TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANAGERS ; - IT MANAGERS ; - HR MANAGERS ; Hotel - ANIMATION MANAGERS and others . In 2019 , the first edi�ons of ХОСТ експо , visited 435 (Golden Sands Resort - 134, Sunny Beach Resort - 301) tourists sites. WHO VISITS ХОСТ ЕКСПО ? Х E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 ОСТ Visitors by type Number % Number % Golden Sands Resort Sunny Beach Resort 1 00 / 7 5 RESTAURANT COMPANY ( logistic / trade ) HOTEL APARTMENT COMPLEX GUEST HOUSE Visitors by type - number / % RESTAURANT COMPANY ( logistic / trade ) number / % 2/1 5 / 4 12 / 9 15 / 1 1 HOTEL VISITORS APARTMENT COMPLEX GUEST HOUSE Visitors by type - number / % Golden Sands Resort - 2019 2/1 35 / 11 42 / 14 50 / 17 172 / 57 Sunny Beach Resort - 2019 ОСТ E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 Х WHO VISITS ХОСТ ЕКСПО ? number / % Patchwork Communica�ons Agency provides exhibitors with a number of addi�onal services E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 Х + + + ADVANTAGES (RIU Helios Paradise Hotel), which guarantees maximum interest and visitors. ХОСТ експо - Sunny Beach is held in parallel with the forum "Food and Beverage for Tourism" In 20 20 awareness of the products and services offered by the companies. and catalogue Key Products and Technologies which provide in advance and subsequent newly opened tourist sites on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, the produc�on of a Product Book the event (detailed registra�on at the entrance of the forum), an informa�ve presenta�on for all that offer addi�onal value to the par�cipants – GENUINE sta�s�cal report on the a�endance of Addi�onal services ADVANTAGES high performance and business success throughout the event. Organisa�on ХОСТ експо is organised by Patchwork Communica�ons Agency, known in the industry, for over 1 7 years, with the largest and most effec�ve specialised forum in the field of tourism food - "Food and Beverage for Tourism". Personal invita�ons The guests of ХОСТ експо are PERSONALLY invited and interested individuals which ensures Loca�ons and exhibi�on spaces the products and services of the hotel/restaurant nomenclature are clear. The event is held in the heart of the resorts Golden Sands and Sunny Beach, in easily accessible, logis�cally secured and known to the representa�ves of the tourism industry loca�ons - Interna�onal Hotel and RIU Helios Paradise Hotel. Time The forum is realised at a �me when the actual prepara�on for the season begins, the management teams of the tourist sites are filled and working, and the current necessi�es of all ОСТ Each week, ar�cles and analyses will be published on the latest trends in seasonal tourism . The site presenta�on and branding opportuni�es for be�er and more effec�ve communica�on with guests. stands at the forum. They will be func�onal and convenient, providing excellent product During the 2nd edi�on of ХОСТ експо , par�cipants who wish will be able to enjoy the new exhibit NEW EXHIBITION STANDS h�ps:// well as receive �mely informa�on from our marke�ng surveys and sta�s�cs . Like and follow the ХОСТ експо on Facebook to stay tuned for everything related to the forum, as content and volume at their discre�on + 1 free presenta�on as a company-par�cipant in the forum). services and technologies - ar�cles, interviews, videos (up to 3 free adver�sing / pr publica�ons with Each exhibitor company will have the opportunity to publish their materials for new products, will be presented and ac�vely adver�sed to the target audience of hoteliers and restaurateurs. what products and services they need and what can be useful for vendors. NEW IN 2020 Black Sea coast will be published in the new pla�orm - about their expecta�ons for the new season, Interviews with hotel managers and key HoReCa specialists from hotels and resorts on the Bulgarian informa�on pla�orm. From the beginning of 2020, the Facebook page of the forum ХОСТ експо will become a modern NEW Facebook pla�orm How will ХОСТ експо increase the added value for exhibitors and forum guests? ОСТ E К С П О - 2 0 2 0 Х NEW IN 2020 Informa�on about the new stands can be seen in the Documents file.
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