dynamic measurement application of system identification

Dynamic measurement: application of system identification in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dynamic measurement: application of system identification in metrology Ivan Markovsky 1 / 25 Dynamic measurement takes into account the dynamical properties of the sensor model of sensor as dynamical system to-be-measured measured

  1. Dynamic measurement: application of system identification in metrology Ivan Markovsky 1 / 25

  2. Dynamic measurement takes into account the dynamical properties of the sensor model of sensor as dynamical system to-be-measured measured measurement process − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − → variable u variable y assumptions 1. measured variable is constant u ( t ) = ¯ u 2. the sensor is stable LTI system 3. sensor’s DC-gain = 1 (calibrated sensor) 2 / 25

  3. I can’t understand anything in general unless I’m carrying along in my mind a specific example and watching it go. R. Feynman 1. thermometer examples of sensors: 2. weighing scale 3 / 25

  4. Thermometer is 1st order dynamical system environmental thermometer’s heat transfer − − − − − − − − − → temperature ¯ u reading y measurement process: Newton’s law of cooling . � ¯ � y = a u − y the heat transfer coefficient a > 0 is in general unknown DC-gain = 1 is a priori known 4 / 25

  5. Scale is 2nd order dynamical system ¯ u = M | m | y ( t ) | | | d k | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ( M + m ) .. y + d . y + ky = g ¯ u process dynamics depends on M = ⇒ unknown DC-gain = g / k — known for given scale (on the Earth) 5 / 25

  6. Measurement process dynamics depends on the to-be-measured mass measured mass M = 10 10 M = 5 5 M = 1 1 0 100 time 6 / 25

  7. Sensor’s transient response contributes to the measurement error transient decays exponentially however measuring longer is undesirable main idea: predict the steady-state value 7 / 25

  8. Plan Dynamic measurement state-of-the-art Model-based maximum-likelihood estimator Data-driven maximum-likelihood estimator 8 / 25

  9. Plan Dynamic measurement state-of-the-art Model-based maximum-likelihood estimator Data-driven maximum-likelihood estimator 9 / 25

  10. Classical approach of design of compensator y ¯ sensor compensator u � u goal: find a compensator, such that � u = ¯ u idea: use the inverse system C = S − 1 , where ◮ S is the transfer function of the sensor ◮ C is the transfer function of the compensator 10 / 25

  11. Inverting the model is not a general solution 1. S − 1 may not exist / be a non-causal system 2. initial conditions and noise on y are ignored 3. the sensor dynamics has to be known 11 / 25

  12. Modern approach of using adaptive signal processing real-time compensator tuning requires real-time model identification solutions specialized for 2nd order processes W.-Q. Shu. Dynamic weighing under nonzero initial conditions. IEEE Trans. Instrumentation Measurement, 42(4):806–811, 1993. 12 / 25

  13. There are opportunities for SYSID community to contribute ad-hock methods restricted to 1st / 2nd order SISO processes lack of general approach and solution 13 / 25

  14. Dynamic measurement is non standard SYSID problem of interest is the steady-state ¯ u (not the model) the input is unknown (blind identification) the DC-gain is a priori known 14 / 25

  15. Plan Dynamic measurement state-of-the-art Model-based maximum-likelihood estimator Data-driven maximum-likelihood estimator 15 / 25

  16. The data is generated from LTI system with output noise and constant input y d = y + e ���� ���� ���� measurement measured true noise data value ¯ y = u + y 0 ���� ���� ���� steady-state true transient value value response assumption 4: e is a zero mean, white, Gaussian noise 16 / 25

  17. using state space representation of the sensor x ( t + 1 ) = Ax ( t ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 y 0 ( t ) = cx ( t ) we obtain         y d ( 1 ) 1 c e ( 1 )         y d ( 2 ) e ( 2 )    1   cA            ¯ = u + x 0 + . . . .         . . . .  .   .   .   .  cA T − 1 y d ( T ) 1 e ( T ) � �� � ���� � �� � � �� � y d e 1 T O T 17 / 25

  18. Maximum-likelihood model-based estimator solve approximately �� � � � u ≈ y d 1 T O T � x 0 standard least-squares problem over � y , � u , � � y d − � minimize x 0 y � �� � � � u = � subject to 1 T O T y � x 0 recursive implementation Kalman filter � 18 / 25

  19. Plan Dynamic measurement state-of-the-art Model-based maximum-likelihood estimator Data-driven maximum-likelihood estimator 19 / 25

  20. Subspace model-free method goal: avoid using the model parameters ( A , C , O T ) in the noise-free case, due to the LTI assumption, ∆ y ( t ) := y ( t ) − y ( t − 1 ) = y 0 ( t ) − y 0 ( t − 1 ) satisfies the same dynamics as y 0 , i.e. , x ( t + 1 ) = Ax ( t ) , x ( 0 ) = ∆ x ∆ y ( t ) = cx ( t ) 20 / 25

  21. if ∆ y is persistently exciting of order n � � image ( O T − n ) = image H (∆ y ) where   ∆ y ( 1 ) ∆ y ( 2 ) ··· ∆ y ( n )   ∆ y ( 2 ) ∆ y ( 3 ) ··· ∆ y ( n + 1 )       ∆ y ( 3 ) ∆ y ( 4 ) ··· ∆ y ( n + 2 ) H (∆ y ) :=   . . .   . . .   . . . ∆ y ( T − n ) ∆ y ( T − n ) ··· ∆ y ( T − 1 ) 21 / 25

  22. model-based equation �� � � ¯ u O T = y 1 T � x 0 data-driven equation �� � � ¯ u = y | T − n ( ∗ ) 1 T − n H (∆ y ) ℓ subspace method: solve ( ∗ ) by (recursive) least squares 22 / 25

  23. The subspace method is suboptimal subspace method u , � over � y , � � y d | T − n − � minimize ℓ y � �� � � � u = � subject to H (∆ y d ) y 1 T − n � ℓ maximum likelihood model-free estimator u , � over � y , � � y d | T − n − � minimize ℓ y � �� � � � u = � H (∆ � subject to 1 T − n y ) y � ℓ structured total least-squares problem 23 / 25

  24. Summary dynamic measurement is identification(-like) problem however, the goal is to estimate the stead-state value ML estimation � structured total least squares 24 / 25

  25. Perspectives recursive solution of the STLS problem statistical analysis of the subspace method generalization to non-constant input 25 / 25


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