DTSC Organizational Structure Budget Overview Proposed FY 2016-17 Budget prepared for the Independent Review Panel January 13, 2016 Barbara Lee, Director Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 1
Organizational Chart Office of Civil Rights Director Manager Barbara Lee Albert Hernandez Assistant Director of Environmental Justice Ana Mascareñas Chief Deputy Director Francesca Negri Office of Legislation Legislative Director Joshua Tooker Safer Products & Hazardous Waste Special Assistant for Brownfields & Workplaces Management Program Review Environmental Restoration Program Program Terri Hardy Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director (Vacant) Meredith Williams Elise Rothschild Office of Environmental Office of Office of Office of Environmental Chemistry Lab Administrative Legal Affairs Communications Information Services Research Chief Counsel Deputy Director Management Scientist Manager Deputy Director Reed Sato Deputy Director Jim Marxen Bruce LaBelle Andrew Collada George Okamoto Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA
Organizational Chart Executive Branch Assistant Director Director for Office of Civil Barbara Lee Environmental Rights Justice Albert Ana Hernandez Mascareñas Chief Deputy Director 4 3 Francesca Negri Special Office of Legislation Assistant for Legislative Program Director Review Joshua Tooker Terri Hardy 5 12 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 3
Organizational Chart Brownfields & Environmental Restoration Deputy Director (Vacant) 331.75 Total Div Chief, CEA Div Chief, CEA 181 147.75 Engineering Office of Cypress & Special Sacramento Geology Project 28 42 34 21 Santa Susana Human & Field Lab Berkeley Chatsworth Ecological Project Risk Support 36 33 31.75 14 Schools Grants & Evaluation & Legacy Program San Joaquin Brownfields Landfills Support Outreach 12 28 21 24 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 4
Organizational Chart Hazardous Waste Management Program Deputy Director Elise Rothschild 208 Total Enforcement & Policy and Office of Criminal Permitting Division Emergency Investigations Program Support Response 70.5 33 113 49.5 Supervising Supervising Berkeley/ Policy Chatsworth Hazardous Criminal Clovis Implementation Enforcement Substances Investigator II Enforcement & Support Engineer II 23 25 15 28 35 Cypress / Imperial/ San Diego Trinity Environmental Environmental Research & Enforcement CUPA Program Program Policy Manager I Manager I Development 18 12 (Supervisor) (Supervisor) 33.5 Statewide 15 18.5 Enforcement Emergency Performance Response & Management Sacramento Enforcement 9 22 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 5
Organizational Chart Safer Products & Workplace Program Deputy Director Meredith Williams 45 Total Product Operations Health & Safety Research 24 6 12 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 6
Organizational Chart Office of Administrative Services Deputy Director Andrew Collada 150 Total Financial Human Regional Planning/ Resources/ Accounting Administration Business Training Management 52.5 26.5 30 40 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 7
Organizational Chart Office of Legal Affairs Chief Counsel Reed Sato 51.5 Total Office of Office of Legal Planning and Affairs Environmental Analysis 37 12.5 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 8
Organizational Chart Office of Environmental Information Management Deputy Director George Okamoto 63 Total Applications Project Customer Management Development & Support Office Support 20 16 22 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 9
Organizational Chart Office of Communications Deputy Director Jim Marxen 34.8 Total Public Participation & Media Communications Community Relations Relations 6 21.8 5 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 10
Organizational Chart Environmental Chemistry Lab Research Scientist Manager Bruce La Belle 52.5 Total Quality Analytical Environmental Assurance & Biomonitoring Chemistry Chemistry Tech Support 5 10 8 27.5 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 11
DTSC Funding History in Real Dollars Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 12
DTSC Legislative Mandate Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 13
DTSC Staff Levels Flat Over Time (Authorized Positions) 1,800 --Formation of Department 1,600 1,400 Trend Line 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 90/91 92/93 * 94/95 96/97 98/99 00/01 02/03 04/05 06/07 08/09 10/11 12/13 14/15 * In FY 1993/94 the Hazardous Materials Laboratory was transferred from the Department of Health Services to DTSC (82.5 positions) Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 14
DTSC Funding Sources DTSC Budget by Fund Total = $216 million General Fund, SCUPA, $2.7 $27.1 Special Funds, $13.0 HWCA, $61.8 Federal, $33.6 Reimbursement $13.1 TSCA, $55.1 Site Remediation, $10.6 *State Operations, excluding continuous appropriations, shown in millions of dollars Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 15
HWCA Revenues by Source FY 2014-15 Total = $55.5 Million (Figures in millions of dollars) Permit Application Fee, $0.6 Manifest Correction, $.1 Manifest, $1.8 Interest, $0.01 Disposal, $4.8 Facility, $5.3 Generator, $27.0 Cost Recovery, $10.6 EPA ID, $5.5 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 16
HWCA: Activities Funded FY 2014-15 Total = $49.12 Million (Figures in millions of dollars) Support Programs * Facilities, $6.2 Compliance & Enforcement, $6.2 BOE, $1.3 Permitting, $2.7 Dept of Justice, $1.5 Corrective Action, $8.1 Haz Waste Technical Statewide Costs – Assistance & Tracking, $5.1 ProRata, 1.8 CalEPA, 0.32 Environmental Chemistry Lab, $3.7 *Support Programs include: Legal Review, Health & Safety, CEQA, Public Participation, Billing & Accounting, Data Systems, etc. $12.2 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 17
TSCA Revenues by Source FY 2014-15 Total = $59.7 Million (Figures in millions of dollars) Fines & Penalties, Interest & Unclaimed Checks, $0.1 $2.6 Cost Recovery, $7.9 Environmental Fees (Tax), $49.1 Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 18
TSCA Activities Funded FY 2014-15 Total = $58.8 Million (Figures in millions of dollars) Biomonitoring $1.0 CalFire $1.5 Environmental Chemistry Lab $1.8 Statewide Costs - ProRata Transfer to SRA for Data Management $2.3 $1.4 NPL/Orphan $10.2 Consumer Ban Enforcement Board of Equalization $3.4 $0.4 Department of Justice $1.5 State Response (Cleanup), Facilities $5.8 $13.7 Support Services *$10.9 Safer Consumer includes Executive, Admin, Legal, Health & Safety, Toxicology, Communications, Products $4.9 operating costs, Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 19
Site Remediation Account State 10% funding match required for federal cleanup at contaminated sites on the construction of the remedy National Priorities List (NPL, a.k.a Superfund sites). The State pays 100% during operation and maintenance. Cleanup of contaminated sites with no responsible party that are not on the NPL. Funding for cleanup at contaminated sites that are not on the NPL during cost recovery activities (recovered costs are returned to TSCA). Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 20
Federal Superfund Demands Compete with Orphan Site Cleanups* NPL / Orphan Demand - Stable Funding Level ($ in thousands) $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Est NPL Demand Est State Orphan Demand Current Funding Level *Excludes legacy landfills. Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 21
Orphan Sites US EPA estimates: ◦ 450,000 contaminated sites nationwide ◦ Between 96,000 and 212,000 contaminated sites in California DTSC has identified approximately 9,800 contaminated sites statewide. At most of these sites the responsible parties no longer exist, or have no ability to pay for the cleanup. ◦ Potentially large number of orphan sites in California. Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 22
Impacts of Orphan Sites Many of these sites have already impacted groundwater designated for crops or drinking, or are migrating towards priority groundwater reserves. These sites often also release toxic vapors from underground contamination into buildings where people work and live, or children study and play. Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA
Safer Consumer Product Program How it Works: The SCP Regulations Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 24
SCP Program Build-out Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 25
FY 2016-17 Proposed Governor’s Budget Department of Toxic Substances Control Cal/EPA 26
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