DSA Needs and Training Assessment Summer 2018
Project Background
Survey Administration Assessment administered every 3 years (2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018) Electronic survey sent to approximately one-third of the DSA full-time staff members, representing all departments except SLS Survey was open from July 24 – August 7, 2018 Response rate was 51% (90 staff out of 176 completed some part of it) Response rate by departments ranged from 100% (by 3 departments) to 20% (by 1 department)
Assessment Related to Our Work % SA / A I a m a wa re o f the a sse ssme nt re so urc e s a va ila b le 92% thro ug h SL S I use a sse ssme nt to ma ke de c isio ns a b o ut 87% pro g ra ms a nd se rvic e s Asse ssme nt is pe rva sive in the Divisio n o f Stude nt 86% Affa irs I inc o rpo ra te a sse ssme nt into the wo rk I do 79% Asse ssme nt is pa rt o f e ve ryo ne ’ s jo b 72%
Assessment Related to Department Work % SA / A Asse ssme nt is suppo rte d in my de pa rtme nt 88% Asse ssme nt is tie d to o ur de pa rtme nt’ s stra te g ic 86% pla n My de pa rtme nt inc o rpo ra te s a sse ssme nt into o ur 86% pro g ra ms a nd se rvic e s My de pa rtme nt fre q ue ntly ta lks a b o ut a sse ssme nt 80%
What is Your Guess??? What percentage of staff reported they had developed learning or program outcomes?
The Answer Is… 81%
What is Your Guess??? What percentage of staff reported their program/unit collected persistence or retention data?
The Answer Is… 63%
What is Your Guess??? What assessment method was most commonly reported as being used at least once in the past three years?
The Answer Is… Surveys (electronic or paper)
Assessment Method Utilization Me thod 2018 % 2015 % Surve ys 95% 92% T ra c king 67% 78% F o c us g ro ups 61% 68% Be nc hma rking 61% 56% E xisting Da ta 60% 39% Re fle c tive Que stio ns 56% 25% Rub ric s 45% 50% Do c ume nte d o b se rva tio n 35% 48% Do c ume nt a na lysis 23% 17% Ca se studie s/ sc e na rio s 16% 29% Pho to g ra phy 13% 13% Othe r 4% 5% I do n’ t kno w me tho ds tha t ha ve b e e n use d 2% 1%
What is Your Guess??? What percentage of staff reported they assessed what students were learning through their experiences with their program/unit?
The Answer Is… 63%
Sharing Results within the Division How do you shar e asse ssme nt r e sults with any 2018 % 2015 % le ve l within the division? (c he c k all that apply) De pa rtme nt sta ff me e ting 80% 88% DSA Upda te 35% * Stude nt o rg a niza tio n me e ting 27% 40% De pa rtme nt/ o rg a niza tio n we b site 27% 16% De pa rtme nt ne wsle tte r/ b ro c hure / ma rke ting 27% 14% ma te ria ls So c ia l me dia 20% 19% Othe r 17% 18% I do no t ha ve a sse ssme nt re sults to sha re 6% * Do no t sha re within my pro g ra m/ unit, 5% * de pa rtme nt, o r divisio n Pre ss re le a se s 3% 11% * Que stio n no t a ske d
Sharing Results Outside the Division How do you shar e asse ssme nt r e sults at any le ve l 2018 % 2015 % outside the division? (c he c k all that apply) Co nfe re nc e pre se nta tio n (sta te , re g io na l, na tio na l) 53% 40% F a c ulty/ sta ff o utside my de pa rtme nt 46% 44% WE AVE o nline 26% * So c ia l me dia 21% 19% Pro fe ssio na l a sso c ia tio n jo urna l/ ma g a zine a rtic le 19% 4% Unive rsity pub lic a tio n (dig ita l o r printe d) 15% * Stude nt o rg a niza tio n me e ting 14% 40% Pro fe ssio na l a sso c ia tio n ne wsle tte r 13% * Othe r 12% 18% I do no t ha ve a sse ssme nt re sults to sha re 9% * I do no t sha re o utside the divisio n 8% * Pre ss re le a se s 3% 11% * Que stio n no t a ske d
Help from Student Life Studies How c an Stude nt L ife Studie s he lp you in the 2018 % asse ssme nt pr oc e ss? (c he c k all that apply) Ana lyzing o r inte rpre ting da ta 73% Pro viding g e ne ra l suppo rt in a sse ssme nt e ffo rts 72% De ve lo ping a sse ssme nt q ue stio ns o r pro mpts 67% Writing re po rts to summa rize a sse ssme nt re sults 63% E xpla ining re le va nc e in q ua ntita tive da ta 59% Pla nning a sse ssme nt pro je c ts-wha t to a sse ss 56% I de ntifying c ha ng e s to ma ke fo r impro ve me nt 48% b a se d o n a sse ssme nt re sults Sha ring a sse ssme nt re sults 47% Pro viding tra ining a nd re so urc e s 45% Othe r 4%
Making Meaning of Results What stands out to you as an assessment liaison for your department?
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