1. How many liters of water do you drink a day? A. 5 liters B. 2 liters C. I don’t drink water during a day
2. Do you eat 5 meals a day? A. Yes, always B. No, never C. Depends on a day
3. Do you eat breakfast before leaving the house? A. Yes, always B. No, never C. Sometimes, when I have some time left
4. How often do you eat sweets during the week? A. Once or twice a week B. Daily C. In general, I do not eat sweets
5. Finish the sentence: I eat meals ... A. in a hurry B. very slowly, savoring it C. absently playing on the computer or watching TV
6. How does your usual snack at school look like? A it is a healthy sandwich B. fast food C. I do not eat at school
7. What do you like eating most? A. Salads B. Fast food C. Sweets
8. Have you ever been on a diet? A. So many times I have tried to be on a diet B. No, I've never been on a diet C. Yes, and I'm currently on a diet
9. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables during the week? A. Once a week B. Several times a week C. Daily D. I do not eat fruits and vegetables
10. At what time do you usually eat the last meal? A. At 6 p.m B. At 8 p.m C. After 9 p.m
11. How many hours do you usually sleep? A. 9-10 hours B. 7-8 hours C. 6 hours D. Less than 6 hours
12. How much time per day do you spend watching TV or playing on the computer? A. 5 or more B. Approx. 2 - 4 hours C. for 1 hour D. I don’t watch TV or play computer games
13. Do you do sports during the week? A. Yes, I attend additional sports B. Yes, I’m running on my own C. Only practicing the lessons of physical education D. No, I do not do sports
14. How much time do you spend on sport during the week? A. Approx. 10 - 7 hours B. Approx. 6 - 3 hours C. Approx. 2 - 1 hour D. I do not do sports
15. How do you usually get to school? A. By bus B. By car with parents C. Cycling D. Walking
16. Do you run during a week? A. Yes, every day B. No, never C. From time to time when I have time D. Only on physical education
17. Do you practice during physical education lessons? A.Yes, always C. Seldom B. Usually D. No, never
18. Do you attend gym or fitness classes? A. Yes, regularly B. From time to time C. Very seldom D. Never
19. Does anyone in the close family has any addiction? A. Yes B. No C. I don’t know
20. Does anyone of your friends drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or use other drugs? A. Yes, a lot of them B. Yes, but only individuals C. nobody D. I don’t know
21. Have you ever used some kind of drugs? A. Yes, but only once B. This is repeated often C. No, never
22. Do you want to consume alcohol, smoking or other addictive things? A. Yes, very often B. Sometimes, but I try to stop it C. No, and I do not want to try
23. Are you adicted to... A. Computer B. Cigarettes C. Eating anything D. Eating sweets E. Doing shopping F. I dont’t have addictions
24. How often do you drink fizzy drinks? A. From one to three times a week B. From one to three times a month C. Everyday
25. What kind of beverage do you usually drink? A. Water B. Juice C. Soft drinks D. Alcohol
26. How often are you consuming alcohol? A. What is alcohol? B. Only on special occasions. C. Once a week. D. More than once a week.
27. What do you mainly use your mobile phone for? A. Communication B. Games C. Work D. Surfing the Internet
28. How healthy do you feel? A. Very healthy B. Healthy C. Not healthy D. I am ill at the moment
In January, among 80 students, 80 teachers and 80 parents selected in four countries (Poland, Spain, Austria and Turkey) we conducted a questionnaire about healthy habits. The teachers, the students and the parents received a questionnaire consisting of 28 closed questions with the answers to choose from. Here are the results.
Most of the students drink at least 2 liters of water a day and nearly a half of them eat 5 meals a day. 45% of the students eat breakfast when they have some time left before leaving the house. The students eat much sweets - 70% eat sweets daily. They eat meals absently playing on the computer or watching TV or in a hurry. Their favourite snack at school is a healthy sandwich and for 30% fast food. 85% of the students have never been on a diet and 55% eat fruits and vegetables daily. Many students eat the last meal either at 8 p.m or after 9 p.m. 40% of the students sleep 7-8 hours and 60% spend 2-4 hours watching TV or playing on the computer. 50% do sports only during Physical Education lessons and many of them spend 1-2 hours on sport during the week.
40% of the students get to school by bus, 25% with their parents, 20% by bike and only 15% walk to school. More than a half of the students never attend gym or fitness classes. 50% answered that there are member in their families who have some addictions and 40% answered that their friends drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and use some drugs. More than a half has never used drugs but 40% want to consume alcohol, smoking or other addictive things but they try to stop it. The students are mostly addicted to the computer and cigarettes. 75% drink fizzy drinks everyday but they usually drink water and juice. 60% drink alcohol only on special occasions. The mobile phone is generally used for communication and games. 40% of the students feel very healthy and 30% feel healthy.
Most of the teachers drink at least 2 liters of water a day and nearly a half of them never eat 5 meals a day. Only 30% of the teachers always eat breakfast and 40% never eat breakfast. The teachers eat much sweets - 75% eat sweets daily and a half of them eat meals in a hurry. Their favourite snack is a healthy sandwich and for 10% fast food. 55% of the teachers have never been on a diet and 30% have tried to be on a diet so many times. 65% eat fruits and vegetables daily and only 5% do not eat fruits and vegetables.
A half of the teachers eat the last meal at 8 p.m and 30% after 9 p.m. Only 20% eat the last meal at 6 p.m. 40% of the teachers sleep only 6 hours and only 30% sleep 7-8 hours. 45% spend 2-4 hours watching TV or playing on the computer. 15% of the teachers run every day and 35% attend gym or fitness classes regularly. 60% answered that there are member in their families who have some addictions and 45% answered that their friends drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and use some drugs. The teachers are mostly addicted to cigarettes. 60% everyday drink fizzy drinks but they usually drink water and juice. 50% drink alcohol on special occasions and 30% more than once a week. The mobile phone is generally used for communication. 45% of the teachers feel very healthy and 35% feel healthy.
Most of the parents drink at least 2 liters of water a day (70%) and 40% always eat 5 meals a day. Only 25% of the parents always eat breakfast and 35% never eat breakfast. 60% eat sweets daily and 65% eat meals in a hurry. Their favourite snack is a healthy sandwich and for 15% fast food, 55% like eating salads. 50% of the parents have never been on a diet and 35% have tried to be on a diet so many times. 60% eat fruits and vegetables daily and only 5% do not eat fruits and vegetables. A half of the parents eat the last meal after 9 p.m and 20% after 6 p.m. Only 20% eat the last meal at 6 p.m. 45% of the parents sleep less than 6 hours and only 20% sleep 7-8 hours. 50% spend 5 or more hours watching TV or playing on the computer.
20% of the parents run every day and 30% attend gym or fitness classes regularly. 45% answered that there are member in their families who have some addictions and 45% answered that their friends drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and use some drugs. The parents are mostly addicted to cigarettes. 70% drink fizzy drinks everyday but they usually choose water and juice. 70% drink alcohol only on special occasions and 30% more than once a week. The mobile phone is generally used for communication and work. 35% of the parents feel very healthy and 45% feel healthy.
1. We should organize our day in a way that we will have time to eat breakfast before leaving the house because it is one of the most important meals of the day. 2. We should not eat so much sweets and we should eat meals very slowly, not in a hurry. 3. We should eat fruits and vegetables everyday and we should sleep more. 4. We should spend less hours on playing on the computer or watching TV and use this time to walk, to exercise, do some sports or attend a gym.
5. We should not drink much alcohol, smoke cigarettes and use drugs because it is really harmful to our organism. 6. Drink more water instead of fizzy drinks. 7. Go to school/work by bike instead of the car. 8. Use the mobile phone only if necessary. 9. Pay more attention to your health because it is only one for the whole life!
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