dr faizan ahmad senior lecturer in chemical engineering

Dr Faizan Ahmad Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering School of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dr Faizan Ahmad Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering School of Science and Engineering Teesside University, United Kingdom Academic Background Chemical Engineering Post Doc Yeungnam University, South Korea (2014-15) PhD Univeriti Teknologi

  1. Dr Faizan Ahmad Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering School of Science and Engineering Teesside University, United Kingdom

  2. Academic Background Chemical Engineering Post Doc Yeungnam University, South Korea (2014-15) PhD Univeriti Teknologi Peronas, Malaysia (2009-13) MS Otto-von Guricke University, Magdeburg, Germany (2004-07) BSc (Engg) University of the Punjab, Pakistan (2000-04) Track Record Over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, over 15 conference contributions, 1 Patent filed, 2 Gold medals and1 silver medal in innovation exhibitions Research Interests Carbon capture Environment and Energy Membrane Technology Process Modelling and Simulation

  3. Alignment of My Research Area and Workshop Topic Waste Low Carbon Management/ Economy Resource Efficiency CO 2 can be resource rather than waste

  4. How CO 2 Can be Resource Ref: Carbon Dioxide Can Be A Resource Rather Than A Waste Product, The Energy CollecNve, Feb. 2014

  5. MoAvaAon for Carbon Capture Technology Climate Change Source: PeNt et. al. , Nature, 2000

  6. MoAvaAon for CCS Technology Energy Profile Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Generation per year Total = 10,539 Mt Other Fuel oil 1% Global CO2 Emissions per year H2 9% NG Total = 13,375Mt 14% Petro. Steel Chem. Cement 5% 3% 7% Coal Refineries 6% 76% (60% of total) NG Sweet Power 79%

  7. Carbon Capture OpAons Technologies Overview ¡ Systems § Pre-combusNon § Post-combusNon § Oxy-fuel combusNon ¡ SeparaNon technologies § Solvents – aqueous amines and salts § Membranes – polymeric § Solid sorbents – zeolite, acNvated carbon § Cryogenic processes § Chemical Looping (Calcium looping)

  8. Advantages of Membrane SeparaAon Low Energy Ease of High Efficiency Requirements OperaNon Low Capital Mechanically Environmental and OperaNng Robust Friendly Cost

  9. Projected Growth in Membrane Market Demand (USD) 30 Million 90 Million 220 Million (2002) (2010) (2020) Reference: R. W. Baker, "Future DirecNons of Membrane Gas SeparaNon Technology," Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 41, pp. 1393-1411, 2002.

  10. ClassificaAon and SelecAon of Membrane Module Tubular Plate and Spiral Capillary Hollow Module Frame Wound Module Fiber Module Module Module Manufacturing cost 50-200 100-300 30-100 20-100 5-20 (USD/m 2 ) Packing Low Low Moderate Moderate High density(m 2 /m 3 ) Resistance to Very good Good Moderate Good Poor Fouling Parasitic pressure Low Moderate Moderate Moderate High drops Can be Can be Yes No Yes Suitable for High done with done with pressure operation difficulty difficulty No No No Yes Yes Limitations to Specific Type of Membranes

  11. Hollow Fiber Membrane Module • Hollow fiber membrane module is employed by more than 80 percent gas separaNon faciliNes in industry • Cost effecNve and Highest packing density in comparison to other modules. • Extremely fine polymeric tubes having diameter of 50-200 micron • Hollow fiber membrane module will normally contain tens of thousands of parallel fibers poced at both ends in epoxy tube sheets Ref: J. P. Montaya., Membrane Gas Exchange . 2010, Available: http://permselect.com/files/ Using_Membranes_for_Gas_Exchange.pdf

  12. Membrane Module Development Outer diameter of fibers: 400 µm Membrane ProperNes: Length of fibers: 28 cm Polyimide (Matrimid) Number of fibers: 5, 15, 20, 30, 50 Inner diameter of fibers: 250 µm

  13. Flow sheet of Gas PermeaAon TesAng Unit Pressure guage Thermocouple P T Oven F Pressure guage Flow meter P Flow meter F Pressure guage Thermocouple T Backpressure Thermocouple P T Regulator F Hollow Fiber Membrane Module Flow meter Static mixer Flow controller Compressor Feed Vessel Data Acquisition Infrared Analyzer System (Computer) CH4 N2 Natural gas CO2

  14. Gas Perme meaAon TesAng Unit (CO 2 from m Na Natural Ga Gas) )

  15. Example of Research Findings (Effect of Module CharacterisAcs on Gas Processing Cost) 0,1 0,1 Lower concentraNon feed Lower concentraNon feed 0,09 0,09 GPC (USD/MSCF of product) GPC (USD/MSCF of product) (10 % CO2) (10 % CO2) 0,08 0,08 Medium concentraNon feed Medium concentraNon (40 % CO2) 0,07 0,07 feed (40 % CO2) High concentraNon feed 0,06 0,06 (70% Co2) 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Length of fibers (cm) Radius of fiber bundle (cm) 0,09 0,06 Lower feed concentraNon (10 0,08 GPC (USD/MSCF of product) GPC (USD/MSCF of product) 0,05 % CO2) 0,07 Medium feed concentraNon 0,04 0,06 (40% CO2) 0,05 0,03 0,04 Lower feed concentraNon 0,02 0,03 (10 % CO2) Medium feed concentraNon 0,02 (40% CO2) 0,01 0,01 Higher feed concentraNon (70 % CO2) 0 0 40 45 50 55 60 65 0 0,005 0,01 0,015 0,02 0,025 0,03 Porosity (%) Outer diameter of fiber (cm)

  16. Comparison of Process Performance and Economics 99,5 0,045 0,04 99 GPC (USD/MSCF of product) 0,035 98,5 0,03 Methane purity (%) 98 0,025 97,5 0,02 97 Methane Purity (%) 0,015 96,5 0,01 GPC (USD/MSCF of product) 96 0,005 95,5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Radius of fiber bundle (cm)

  17. Hybrid Membrane Processes Hybrid membrane/disNllaNon process Hybrid membrane/absorpNon process Hybrid membrane/cryogenic process

  18. Current Project: Process IntensificaAon Hydrogen on Teesside/North East England • BACKGROUND The North East is a world leader in the large scale manufacture of hydrogen, Tees Valley and North East producing more than 50% of the UK's total in Tees Valley . A recent study Hydrogen Economic Study outlines opportuniNes to increase this Final Report further reaffirming the region's posiNon 16 th October 2014 as the third largest hydrogen economy behind London and Aberdeen. Global Trends (from World Health OrganizaTon) - The global urban populaNon is expected to grow by approximately 1.7% per year between 2015 and 2030. - Currently >80% of people living in urban areas that monitor air polluNon are exposed to air quality levels that exceed WHO limits. - According to the latest urban air quality database, 98% of ciNes in low- and middle income countries with more than 100 000 inhabitants do not meet WHO air quality guidelines.

  19. Making Hydrogen on Teesside S u l p h u r S t e a m S h i f t R e m o v a l R e f o r m i n g C o n v e r s i o n S t e a m CnHm + n H2O => n CO + ((n+m)/2) H2 P u r g e G a s t o S t e a m R e f o r m e r B u r n e r s CH4 + H2O <=> CO + 3 H2 CO + H2O <=> CO2 + H2 P r o d u c t P S A H y d r o g e n H y d r o c a r b o n U n i t F e e d Although hydrogen from natural gas is certainly a viable near- term opNon, it is not viewed by DOE as a long-term soluNon because it does not help solve the green house gas (GHG) or energy security issues. BUT……………………………………. . Chicken and Egg, Investor and Consumer

  20. What is Process IntensificaAon • Lower Cost (CAPEX – OPEX) • Smaller size • Higher Efficiency • Safer Design • Becer shape • Combined process components • Sustainable development

  21. Current Project: To develop an innovaTve Hydrogen purificaTon technology based on membrane systems, with the following aims and objecTves – Aims and objecTves: i. Stand alone (or hybrid) and small scale (suitable for 1-5 kW Fuel Cell applicaNons for small residenNal heaNng) ii. Demonstrated / Validated for operaNon under simulated environments – up to TRL 5 (Technology Readiness Levels) iii. Projected Cost effecNveness to be superior to convenNonal Pressure Swing AdsorpNon (Ref: "Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) Guidance"; United States Department of Defense. April 2011.)

  22. For Example: IncorporaNng the use of Membrane reactor/ separator technology (source: Pall CorporaNon) to produce pure Hydrogen from a convenNonal Natural Gas ReformaNon setup Replacing the Water gas Shir reactor with a WGS membrane reactor to combine reacNon and separaNon/ purificaNon of hydrogen in one module itself – one stage of process intensificaNon IncorporaNon of Membrane reactor at the reforming stage itself to induce more WGS during the reformaNon itself, and yield pure H 2 – ulNmate process intensificaNon

  23. Making and using Hydrogen is happening

  24. Making and using Hydrogen is happening • BOC Linde in partnership with Daimler to build 13 new hydrogen fuelling staNons in Germany by the end of 2015, to be supplied with sustainably sourced hydrogen. • Head of Clean Energy & InnovaNon Management at Linde. “We are making a valuable contribuNon to the successful commercialisaNon of fuel-cell vehicles while supporNng iniNaNves like the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) and ‘H2 Mobility’.” “There is no quesNon that fuel-cell technology is reaching maturity. From 2017, we are planning to bring compeNNvely priced fuel-cell vehicles to market. So now is the Nme to build a naNonwide fuelling infrastructure. The aim is to enable motorists to reach any desNnaNon in Germany in their hydrogen fuelled vehicles. This iniNaNve is a huge step forward on the journey to a truly naNonwide H2 network,” states Professor Herbert Kohler, Vice President Group Research & Sustainability and Chief Environmental Officer at Daimler AG.

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