div iversif ifyin ing do donors be beyond memb members

Div iversif ifyin ing do donors be beyond memb members - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Div iversif ifyin ing do donors be beyond memb members Association Foundation Group May 12, 2016 Paul Amundsen, MNA, CFRE Terminol nology c ogy clarificati tion on Non-member is anyone who doesnt pay dues and is outside of

  1. Div iversif ifyin ing do donors be beyond memb members Association Foundation Group May 12, 2016 Paul Amundsen, MNA, CFRE

  2. Terminol nology c ogy clarificati tion on “Non-member” is anyone who doesn’t pay dues and is outside of the association’s established channels of communication.

  3. A quic ick p poll ll .

  4. Assumptio ions, w we agr agree … … • Mission comes first • Donors are people • People give to what they care about • Members have to care about your mission before they’ll give • Non-members theoretically understand what you do • You know why your current donors give

  5. Are you r read ady t to b bran anch o out? Q ? Questions … … • Who are our logical non-member prospects? • Do they care about our mission? • What specifically do we do that they care about? • What channels exist that allow us to reach them? • Can our outreach efforts improve their impression(s) of our members?

  6. Must ust h haves es Public benefit mission • Solid, ideally growing, member donor • base Clear channel(s) for reaching beyond • membership Realistic, specific goals • Board support, buy-in • Patience •

  7. So Sometim imes w we overlo look t the ‘e ‘eas asy s stuff,’ p par art 1 1 Eventual Adopters Likely Adopters Early Adopters Current Donors

  8. So Sometim imes w we overlo look t the ‘e ‘eas asy s stuff,’ p par art 2 2 High High High Interest/Low Interest/High Capacity Capacity Low High Low Low Interest/Low Interest/High Capacity Capacity Low

  9. A A quick e exampl ample HSHC’s diversification strategy

  10. HSHC’s c s case se Problem • Tooth decay is the most common childhood infection • Decay affects all children, but more prevalent among lower SES populations • Tooth decay can lead to multiple, more serious problems

  11. HSHC’s c s case se What we’re doing • We support dentist-led, community- based initiatives providing dental care to children who cannot afford it • More than 300,000 children have received HSHC-funded care since 2010 • 81 agencies in 29 states, plus DC, have received $4.1 million in HSHC grants and commitments • We will issue at least $500,000 in grants and commitments in 2017

  12. Gran ants an and contributions o on the r ris ise $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Contributions Grants made Access to Care

  13. Mis Missio ion im impac act o on donor p prospectin ing • Members 40 and older • At least 100 AAPD members have an annual giving capacity of $10,000 or greater Blackbaud Target Analytics • At least 400 AAPD members have an annual giving capacity of $2,000 to $9,999 Blackbaud Target Analytics • Giving patterns suggest increased receptiveness to making major gift commitments during the months of March through June

  14. No Non-membe ber c r cultivati tion on o oppor pportu tuni niti ties • Multi-year grant states • Consistent donors, 5-year consecutive annual giving • PR support • In-office outreach • Moms like you approach

  15. Do Donor d div iversif ificat ation c checkli list  Compelling, understandable mission  Maximum external focus  Strong, growing member giving  Clear bridges, channels  Resources for targeted investment  Board support  Specific financial goal

  16. Wrap appin ing u up Loose ends and to-dos

  17. Tha hank y you ou Paul Amundsen, MNA, CFRE Vice President for Development and Charitable Programs Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children: The Foundation of the AAPD pamundsen@aapd.org

  18. Resou ource ces • Asking , Jerold Panas • Fund-Raising: Evaluating and Managing the Fund Development Process , James M. Greenfield • Association of Fundraising Professionals, www.afpnet.org • Good to Great and the Social Sectors , Jim Collins • The Axelson Center, www.northpark.edu/centers/axelso n-center-for-nonprofit-management • Nonprofit Essentials Major Gifts , Julia Ingraham Walker • The Chronicle of Philanthropy , www.philanthropy.com • The PreHistory of The Far Side: A 10 th Anniversary Exhibit, Gary Larson • Conducting a Successful Capital Campaign , Kent E. Dove • Principles of Fundraising: Theory and Practice , Wesley E. Lindahl • Forces for Good , Leslie R. Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant • Why the Wealthy Give , Francie Ostrower

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