disciplinary showcase humanities

Disciplinary Showcase (Humanities): Understanding Visual and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Disciplinary Showcase (Humanities): Understanding Visual and Performing Arts National Center for Academic Transformation Redesign Alliance Second Annual Conference Orlando, FL, March 16-18, 2008 Dr. Jim Wohlpart Associate Dean, College of Arts

  1. Disciplinary Showcase (Humanities): Understanding Visual and Performing Arts National Center for Academic Transformation Redesign Alliance Second Annual Conference Orlando, FL, March 16-18, 2008 Dr. Jim Wohlpart Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Florida Gulf Coast University

  2. Course Context: Learning Outcomes Required General Education course Understanding Visual and Performing Arts focuses on developing – the content ent knowle ledge dge of three visual arts (pictures, sculpture, and architecture) and three performing arts (music, dance, and theater) – the critical and creative thinking skill lls to analyze and participate in these art forms – a willi lingn ngnes ess to attend visual and performing arts activities and Technolo ological gical and Inform ormat ation on Literacy acy.

  3. Course Context: Course Drift 2000-2001 AY 19 Traditional Sections 3 by Full-time Faculty (16%) 16 by Part-time Faculty (84%) 2001-2002 AY 23 Traditional Sections 23 by Part-time Faculty (100%) 2002-2003 AY 2 Redesigned Sections Both by Full-time Faculty Fall 2002 (380 enrolled) Spring 2003 (560 enrolled) 2003-2004 AY Fall 2003 (541 enrolled) Spring 2004 (810 enrolled) 2007-2008 AY Fall 2007 (1,072 enrolled, 3 sects) Spring 2008 (1,193 enrolled, 3 sects)

  4. Keys to Redesign Strategy: Building a Course • Online course • Assignments focused on Student Learning • Alternative Staffing Model • Intelligent Essay Assessor (Pearson Knowledge Tech) • Reality Through the Arts , Dennis J. Sporre (Prentice Hall, 5 th edition, 2004)

  5. Keys to Redesign Strategy: Assignments • Practice Tests (Multiple Choice Questions) • Web Board Discussions – Analysis of Exploded Essays – Analysis of Sample Short Essays (Scored by Preceptors) • Three Module Exams – Multiple Choice Questions (Scored by ANGEL) – Short Essay Questions (Scored by IEA) • Critical Analysis Essays – Scored by Preceptors

  6. Keys to Redesign Strategy Alternative Staffing Model Course Instructor • PhD; Full-time Faculty Member Course Coordinator • BA; Full-time Humanities Assistant Preceptors • BA in English; Part-time assistants

  7. Increase in Student Learning: Module Exam Grades (Part 1) 90% 85% 85% 80% Traditional Redesigned 75% 72% 70% 65% Average Grade Multiple Choice Questions: Average Grades

  8. Increase in Student Learning: Module Exam Grades (Part 1) 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% A-B grade C grade D-F grade 37% 24% 38% Traditional 77% 13% 10% Redesigned Multiple Choice Questions: Grade Distribution

  9. Increase in Student Learning: Module Exam (Part 2) 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 4's 3's 2's 1's 6% 26% 46% 21% Traditional 8% 39% 45% 7% Redesign Short Essay Questions: Grade Distribution

  10. IEA Inter-rater Reliability: All Essays (803) 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Human IEA Re-Scored 46% 38% 19% Inaccurate 54% 62% 81% Accurate

  11. Cost Savings (Cost Per Student) $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 02-03 (950) 03-04 (1100) 04-05 (1250) 06-07 (2000) $128 $129 $129 $129 Traditional $69 $65 $62 $69 Redesign

  12. Produced by Jim Wohlpart Associate Dean, Arts and Sciences With special thanks to National Center for Academic Transformation Pearson Knowledge Technologies Prentice Hall Publishers Instructional Technology (FGCU) Humanities and Arts Faculty (FGCU)


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