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Different approaches Modesto, Calif.; Wellesley, MA; and Wichita, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Different approaches Modesto, Calif.; Wellesley, MA; and Wichita, KS Modesto high school teacher Sherry McIntyre in her classroom Former Modesto schools Superintendent Jim Enochs: Schools could not t make littl ttle saints ts and

  1. Different approaches – Modesto, Calif.; Wellesley, MA; and Wichita, KS

  2. Modesto high school teacher Sherry McIntyre in her classroom

  3. Former Modesto schools Superintendent Jim Enochs: “ Schools could not t make littl ttle saints ts and to tolerant t people of all of th their stu tudents ts because parents ts had th them to too much of th the ti time… … What t schools could do was softe ten some of th the differences among children.” – – inte terview with th auth thor, 2013

  4. Dateline: Wellesley, Mass. Sixth Grade is Best

  5. Wellesley teacher Jonathan Rabinowitz 

  6. Dateline: Wichita, KS. How about first grade?

  7. What is religion ?

  8. Simple Lessons

  9. Challenges: Educating vs. celebrating

  10. Confronti ting Parents ts’ & Oth thers’ Concerns • No religion in the home. Will this upset my child? Cause discomfort? • How can you teach Hinduism? We teach our son there is only one God. • How can teachers manage young kids’ comments? • Elementary teachers don’t know much about religions other than their own. • Will my child want to adopt a different religion or any religion?

  11. Can Starting Younger Make a Difference? Find out more about Faith Ed., the book, at www.faithedbook.com. @lindakwert on Twitter


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