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Dies ist ein Typoblindtext. An ihm kann man sehen, ob alle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

THE QUICK BROWN FOX Jumps over the lazy dog 1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Dies ist ein Typoblindtext. An ihm kann man sehen,

  1. THE QUICK BROWN FOX Jumps over the lazy dog 1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ………………………………………………………………………………… … • Dies ist ein Typoblindtext. An ihm kann man sehen, ob alle Buchstaben da sind und wie sie aussehen. Manchmal benutzt man Worte wie Hamburgefonts, Rafgenduks oder Handgloves, um SchriEen zu testen. • Manchmal Sätze, die alle Buchstaben des Alphabets enthalten - man nennt diese Sätze »Pangrams«. Sehr bekannt ist dieser: PARNUTs Task Force The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy old dog. PMFA Session • OE werden in Typoblindtexte auch fremdsprachige Satzteile eingebaut, ESVCN Congress um die Wirkung in anderen Sprachen zu testen. The quick brown fox September 2017 jumps over the lazy old dog. PARNUTs Background and where we are Site 01 FEDIAF | Avenue Louise 89 | B-1050 BRUXELLES | Tel: +32 2 536 05 20 | www.fediaf.org

  2. Outline PARNUTs definitions • Examples of PARNUTs ‘dietetic’ pet food • Need to update the regulation • FEDIAF PARNUTs Revision Task force work and • outcomes First amendments and perspectives • 2

  3. What is a “PARNUT” ? (definitions from Directive 2008/38) “ PAR ticular NUT ritional purpose” (PARNUTs) To meet the specific nutritional needs of animals whose process of assimilation , absorption or metabolism is, or could be, temporarily or irreversibly impaired and which can benefit from ingestion of the feed appropriate to their condition “Feedingstuffs for particular nutritional purposes” can satisfy a particular nutritional purpose by: • particular composition, or § particular method of production, and § are easily distinguishable from ordinary § feed or medicated feed 3

  4. Marketing of feed intended for particular nutritional purposes (Regulation 767/2009) Feed intended for particular nutritional purposes may only be marketed as such if its intended use is included in the list of intended uses and if it meets the essential nutritional characteristics for the respective particular nutritional purpose set forth in that list. 4

  5. PARNUTs relevant to dogs and cats 1. Support of renal function in the case of chronic renal insufficiency 2. Dissolution of struvite stones 3. Reduction of struvite stone recurrence 4. Reduction of urate stones formation 5. Reduction of oxalate stones formation 6. Reduction of cystine stones formation 7. Reduction of ingredient and nutrient intolerances 8. Reduction of acute intestinal absorptive disorders 9. Compensation for maldigestion 10. Support of heart function in the case of chronic cardiac insufficiency 11. Regulation of glucose supply ( Diabetes mellitus ) 12. Support of liver function in the case of chronic liver insufficiency 13. Regulation of lipid metabolism in the case of hyperlipidaemia 14. Reduction of iodine levels in case of hyperthyroidism 15. Reduction of copper in the liver 16. Reduction of excessive bodyweight 17. Nutritional restoration, convalescence 18. Support of skin function in the case of dermatosis and excessive loss of hair 19. Support of the metabolism of joints in the case of osteoarthritis 20. Stabilisation of water and electrolyte balance to support the physiological digestion 5

  6. PARNUTs: a distinct category PARNUTs Medicated pet Ordinary pet food food Animals with Sick animals impaired Healthy Animals metabolism Contains Drugs Regular nutri8onal ParOcular needs needs (growth, adulthood) Prevents, treats or Provides adapted nutriOon cures the disease Provides nutri8on 6

  7. Renal Pet food with a particular composition Plan8nga et al., 2005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FEDIAF Protein 52.7 54.8 52.7 53.1 62.3 49.4 53.6 62.5/83.3 (g/1000 kcal) Phosphorous 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.4 0.7 0.9 1.25/1.67 (g/1000 kcal) * Plantinga et al., 2005. Retrospective study of the survival of cats with acquired chronic renal insufficiency offered different commercial diets. Veterinary Record (2005) 157, 185-187. 7

  8. Gastrointestinal pet food with a particular method of production • Reduced number of protein sources • Can contain hydrolysed protein sources • Molecular weight of proteins is lower than a typical pet food 8

  9. History of PARNUTs 1993 • 93/74 “ PARNUTs directive” • 94/39 “directive establishing a list of PARNUTs” • 2008/38 “directive establishing a list of PARNUTs” • 767/2009 “Placing on the market and use of feed” regulation PARNUTs legislation : 20 years of enforcement : PARNUTS are useful 20 years of scientific developments : need to refresh the 17 historical entries • 2012 : “FEDIAF PARNUTs revision Task Force” is created • 2014 : 3 first amendment published in EU OJ 9

  10. PARNUTs regulation: an updatable list “Directive 2008/38” • Feed operators can submit a dossier to the competent authority to add a new PARNUT to the list • EU Commission publishes a regulation to update the list 10

  11. Why is there a need for an update of historical entries ? PARNUTs legislation : • 20 years of enforcement Ø PARNUTs are useful • 20 years of scientific developments • 20 years of innovation in pet food production Ø Need to refresh 11

  12. The request from EU Commission: FEDIAF to submit dossiers with threshold values for essential nutritional characteristics To: « High quality proteins and From: restricted levels of phosphorus « Low level of phosphorus and maximum 5 g/kg complete pet restricted level of protein but food with a moisture content of 12 % and crude protein maximum of high quality » 220 g/kg complete pet food with a moisture content of 12 % » 12

  13. Scope of the revision: the 17 “historical PARNUTs” 1. Support of renal function in the case of chronic renal insufficiency 2. Dissolution of struvite stones 3. Reduction of struvite stone recurrence 4. Reduction of urate stones formation 5. Reduction of oxalate stones formation 6. Reduction of cystine stones formation 7. Reduction of ingredient and nutrient intolerances 8. Reduction of acute intestinal absorptive disorders 9. Compensation for maldigestion 10. Support of heart function in the case of chronic cardiac insufficiency 11. Regulation of glucose supply ( Diabetes mellitus ) 12. Support of liver function in the case of chronic liver insufficiency 13. Regulation of lipid metabolism in the case of hyperlipidaemia 14. Reduction of iodine levels in case of hyperthyroidism 15. Reduction of copper in the liver 16. Reduction of excessive bodyweight 17. Nutritional restoration, convalescence 18. Support of skin function in the case of dermatosis and excessive loss of hair 19. Support of the metabolism of joints in the case of osteoarthritis 20. Stabilisation of water and electrolyte balance to support the physiological digestion 13

  14. Directive 2008/38 EC Example of Renal PARNUT before revision Species Recom- Particular Essential or mended Other provisions Labelling declarations nutritional nutritional purpose characteristics category length of of animal time Support of Low level of Dogs and — Protein Initially Indicate on the package, cats renal phosphorus and source(s) up to container or label: ‘It is 6 months function in restricted level recommended that a — Calcium case of of protein but of veterinarian's opinion be high quality — Phosphorus chronic sought before use or — Potassium renal before extending the period insufficiency — Sodium of use.’ Indicate in the instructions for use: ‘Water — Content of should be available at all essential times. fatty acids (if added) 14

  15. Process of updating PARNUTs FEDIAF EU PARNUTs Task Force COMMISSION FEDIAF Member States NUTRITION National experts Working Group NATIONAL Referal Scientific ASSOCIATIONS Experts Informed: Scientific Advisory Updated Board regulaOon 15

  16. Scientific review of nutrition and renal disease dogs and cats Reviewed and submitted analysis of 9 (cat) and • 15 (dog) scientific studies considered pertinent at time of dossier submission Provided epidemiological background to the risk • and impact of nutrition on the condition Provided follow up Q+A in response to member • state review 16

  17. Directive 2008/38 EC Example of Renal Function after revision Species Recom- Particular Essential or Labelling mended Other provisions declarations nutritional nutritional purpose characteristics category length of animal of time Cats Support of High quality — Protein Initially — The feed shall be placed renal proteins and source(s) up to on the market as complete function in restricted levels 6 month feed. — Recommended — Calcium s case of of phosphorus digestibility of proteins: — chronic maximum 6,2 minimum 85 %. — Indicate Phosphorus renal g/kg complete on the labelling: “It is insufficiency — Potassium pet food with a recommended that advice — Sodium moisture from a veterinarian be content of 12 % sought before use and — Content of and crude before extending the period essential protein of use.” — Indicate in the fatty acids (if added) maximum 320 instructions for use: “Water g/kg complete should be available at all pet food with a times.” moisture content of 12 % 17

  18. Where are we in the process? 3 Published 3 Pending EU amendments evalua8on 11 Adop8ons pending 18

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