development of transit corridors in the 905

Development of Transit Corridors in the 905 Urban Land Institute - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Development of Transit Corridors in the 905 Urban Land Institute October 10, 2013 Leslie Woo Vice President Policy, Planning and Innovation 1 Weve Got a Plan Increase the Triple the length of percentage of rapid transit people living

  1. Development of Transit Corridors in the 905 Urban Land Institute October 10, 2013 Leslie Woo Vice President – Policy, Planning and Innovation 1

  2. We’ve Got a Plan Increase the Triple the length of percentage of rapid transit people living within service in GTHA to 2km of rapid transit 1,725km to 81% Decrease Greenhouse Reduce commute Gas emissions from times to an average passenger of 77 minutes per transportation per person per day person by 29% 2

  3. We’re Building a Regional Network 3

  4. Union Station Revitalization Project 4

  5. Toronto Light Rail Transit Projects 5

  6. Georgetown South Project 6

  7. Bus Rapid Transit Projects 7

  8. Union Pearson Express 8

  9. Investment Strategy Four Key Principles: 1) Dedication of Revenue Tools to Specific Outcomes 2) Fairness 3) Equity Across the Region 4) Accountability and Transparency 9

  10. Investment Strategy 10

  11. Achieving Equity Across the Region Allocation of Funds Regional Other Highways Transportation ‘416’ Initiatives Municipal Region 5% Support 5% 15% 58% 42% 75% ‘905’ Regional Region Transit 11

  12. Connecting to the Regional Network Two-Way All-Day Service Connecting Corridors Strengthening the Regional Network

  13. Station Area Development Potential 13

  14. Case Study – Midtown Oakville exist xisting ing • Oakville GO station and future Trafalgar BRT terminus • Hub Study completed October 2012; working closely with the Town and Hydro One on implementation. • Intensifying the under-used publicly-owned lands (much of which is owned by Metrolinx) into a higher proposed pr oposed density, walkable community. • expanding the station to accommodate significant growth planned for the area and a future Trafalgar BRT. 14

  15. Thank You 15

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