developing the young workforce

Developing the Young Workforce Rebecca Chad: Development Officer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing the Young Workforce Rebecca Chad: Development Officer (Skills 3-18) September 2015 Document title Transforming lives through learning Document title Transforming lives through learning Overarching Target To reduce the level of

  1. Developing the Young Workforce Rebecca Chad: Development Officer (Skills 3-18) September 2015 Document title Transforming lives through learning

  2. Document title Transforming lives through learning

  3. Overarching Target • To reduce the level of youth unemployment (excluding those in full-time education) by 40% by 2021 • Baseline: 52,000 (Jan-Mar 14). Update June 15 Document title Transforming lives through learning

  4. Ensuring strengthened pathways for all young people to pursue education, training and employment. Increasing collaboration between all partners to deliver reforms. Document title Transforming lives through learning

  5. Developing the Young Workforce • Ensuring all young people access the broadest range of opportunities by: • All partners , at all levels, developing a clear understanding amongst young people, parents / carers and practitioners of the value of vocational education for all of our young people • All partners, at all levels, placing a sharper focus on skills for work and employability • Schools, colleges and employers improving the quality of learning about the world of work and knowledge about the wide range of career options Document title Transforming lives through learning

  6. 50 ...and at “Youth unemployment lowers wages and happiness over thirty-five years  later... 50 ...and the more months of unemployment when young, the bigger the effects.” Document title Transforming lives through learning Source: Bell, D.N.F. and Blanchflower, D.G., Youth Unemployment in Europe and the United States, IZA Discussion Paper No. 5673, April 2011

  7. Activity Update • Encouraging leadership and partnership DYW Learning Events • Developing Products LA/partners self evaluation Standard for Career Education Linking with stakeholders and partners Standard for Work Placements Guidance on School/Employer Partnerships • Raising awareness CfE HT events Young People Conversation days National Learning Events . Developing Regional Employer and parental engagement DYW groups. Document title Transforming lives through learning

  8. What was the answer given? Document title Transforming lives through learning

  9. What will be different in 2015-16 • Establishment of regional DYW Groups • Career Education Standard (3-18) released • Work Placements Standard draft with toolkits released Guidance on School/Employer Partnerships released • • New certification for work placements in schools - workplace learning plans • Testing of new approaches across the country Document title Transforming lives through learning

  10. Parity of pathways Modern Apprenticeships focused on higher level skills and industry needs • Align provision better to Skills Investment Plans, Regional Skills Assessments and improve identification of employer demand • Increase annual volume to 30,000 starts p.a. by 2020 and aim to increase starts at SVQ3, underpinned by research • Development of advanced apprenticeships working with HE and professional bodies • Development of MA branding and marketing collateral • Strategic marketing to support STEM and key sectors Document title Transforming lives through learning

  11. Education Scotland Denholm House Almondvale Business Park Almondvale Way Livingston EH54 6GA Contact Document title Transforming lives through learning

  12. / Developing the Young Workforce – Employer led Skills Development Laura Peacock – Investors in Young People

  13. / Recruiting and developing Young People • IIP background –business improvement through people • Skills for Growth created with SDS • Investors in Young People created and evolved • Focus on employers interacting with young people to bring in the right skills, recruiting more young people and developing and retaining that talent in the workforce Investors In People Scotland |

  14. / Skills for Growth SDS project with IIP delivery This is our partnership project with Skills Development Scotland. We learn about the business and what they need in order to grow and be successful. A key part of this is skills. The Skills Action Plan is specific, relevant to company needs and will recommend skills development solutions that can support the business. Included in this are discussions about Youth Employment and signposting to support to make it happen.

  15. / Investors in Young People DYW- Invest in Youth ‘Accolade’ - Launched July 2014 -Standard Specifically developed for Youth Employment – celebrate and support • Attracting/Recruiting; Supporting/Guiding/Developing and Retaining Young People DYW stated there should be levels of accreditation: Second Generation framework launched July 2015 - Standard, Silver and Gold. Investors In People Scotland |

  16. / Business Need for Young People Why is building the skills and talents of Young People important to employers? They need people who are: • Capable and skilled • Loyal • Up for it • Want to be part of success • Flexible • Challenging YOUNG PEOPLE Investors In People Scotland |

  17. / Investors in Young People framework Investors In People Scotland |

  18. / Who is this for? Any employer who is already or WANTS to employ Young People WANT to employ YP – develop plans around good practice outcomes. Employing SOME YP - evaluate effectiveness and develop further. Employer of YP - celebrate success and builds on improvement. Investors In People Scotland |

  19. Developing Young People Investors In People Scotland |

  20. Effective Learning & Development Investors In People Scotland |

  21. Impact on Young People Investors In People Scotland |

  22. Summary • Employers need to bring in and develop skills – gaps and shortages • Young People want to learn and grow • Young People are agile and up for change and will develop as markets/needs develop • We are here to help! Identify needs, develop plans, ensure effectiveness and celebrate success. Investors In People Scotland |

  23. / Thank you Laura Peacock. Tel: 07825 600096. Email: Interactive tool - Youtube Channel


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