developing a decision support system to manage fisheries

Developing a Decision Support system to manage fisheries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing a Decision Support system to manage fisheries externalities in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone Ken Hughey, Ross Cullen, Ali Memon & Geoff Kerr Lincoln University & Nick Wyatt Ministry of Fisheries, Wellington NEW

  1. Developing a Decision Support system to manage fisheries externalities in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone Ken Hughey, Ross Cullen, Ali Memon & Geoff Kerr Lincoln University & Nick Wyatt Ministry of Fisheries, Wellington NEW ZEALAND We greatfully acknowledge the contract research funding from Ministry of Fisheries

  2. Outline • Introduction • The Decision Support Framework • Biophysical environmental externalities in NZ Fisheries • Instruments for internalising externalities • Evaluation criteria • Judging the effectiveness of instruments • The remaining challenge • The Decision Support System

  3. The Problem • NZ has 4th largest EEZ in world • ITQ system introduced in 1986 • Does not address environmental externalities • Increasing focus on management of marine environment rather than fisheries per se • New Fisheries Act 1996 is wide ranging and now requires management of adverse effects on the aquatic environment

  4. SECT. 8. PURPOSE-- (1) The purpose of this Act is to provide for the utilisation of fisheries resources while ensuring sustainability. (2) In this Act-- "Ensuring sustainability" means-- (a) Maintaining the potential of fisheries resources to meet the reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations; and (b) Avoiding, remedying, or mitigating any adverse effects of fishing on the aquatic environment: "Utilisation" means conserving, using, enhancing, and developing fisheries resources to enable people to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing.

  5. SECT. 9. ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLES-- All persons exercising or performing functions, duties, or powers under this Act, in relation to the utilisation of fisheries resources or ensuring sustainability, shall take into account the following environmental principles: (a) Associated or dependent species should be maintained above a level that ensures their long-term viability: (b) Biological diversity of the aquatic environment should be maintained: (c) Habitat of particular significance for fisheries management should be protected.

  6. SECT. 10. INFORMATION PRINCIPLES-- All persons ... shall take into account the following information principles: (a) Decisions should be based on the best available information: (b) Decision makers should consider any uncertainty in the information available in any case: (c) Decision makers should be cautious when information is uncertain, unreliable, or inadequate: (d) The absence of, or any uncertainty in, any information should not be used as a reason for postponing or failing to take any measure to achieve the purpose of this Act.

  7. The Decision Support Framework

  8. P e r c e iv e d e n v ir o n m e n t a l p r o b le m w it h fis h e r y D e f in e t y p e o f fis h e r y C a r r y o u t E I A – id e n t ify N o t a t y p e s o f p r o b le m s a n d s ig n if ic a n t e v a lu a t e s ig n if ic a n c e p r o b le m S ig n if ic a n t p r o b le m I d e n t if y r a n g e o f in s t r u m e n t s p o t e n t ia lly a p p lic a b le to t y p e ( s ) o f p r o b le m ( s ) A s s e s s lik e ly in s t r u m e n t s a g a in s t r a n g e o f e v a lu a t io n c r it e r ia S e le c t m o s t lik e ly in s t r u m e n t ( s ) I m p le m e n t a n d m o n ito r E n v ir o n m e n t a l w it h in a n a d a p t iv e p r o b le m s n o t b e in g m a n a g e m e n t fr a m e w o r k a d e q u a t e ly a d d r e s s e d E n v ir o n m e n t a l p r o b le m s b e in g a v o id e d , r e m e d ie d o r m it ig a t e d

  9. Biophysical environmental externalities in NZ Fisheries Fisheries with ‘significant’ externality problems are: Any bottom dredging fishery on a non silt/sand substrate, e.g., oyster and scallop; Any bottom trawl fishery on a non silt/sand substrate, e.g., snapper and orange roughy; Long line fisheries where there is the presence of non target fish species or seabirds in high numbers at the same fishing water level, e.g., tuna; Mid water trawl fisheries where marine mammals are present in ‘significant’ numbers, e.g., southern squid

  10. Instruments for internalising externalities Instruments are clumped in the following areas: • Regulatory • Financial systems • Voluntary approaches • Legal remedies • Education information supply

  11. Regulatory Instrument Main world uses Current NZ uses Applicability to fishing No take zones Protect juveniles, No fishing in specified zones spawning areas etc means externalities not created Marine Reserves Protect juveniles, Banks Peninsula, Area set aside for preservation of spawning areas etc Long Bay etc marine species protect habitat Closed seasons, Protect juveniles, Near sub Antarctic No fishing during designated times areas spawning areas etc islands. and /or in prescribed areas. Size or sex Direct effort away from Rock lobster, size Requirement for fishers to return to selectivity specified ages, sex requirement sea all prohibited catch individuals Bycatch Reduction Reduce rate of bycatch Vary technology used while Devices (BRD) of fish and other fishing to reduce rate of bycatch of species fish or other species Technology ban Prevent externaities Drift netting ban Reduce bycatch by only allowing associated with specific techniques which cause few harvesting technologies externalities Input limitations Reduce externalities Reduce volume of fishing activity associated with number and associated externalities of potlifts, boat days etc Catch limitations Reduce externalities Foveaux Strait Limit total harvesting and associated with effort oysters associated externalities Retention and Reduce dumping of CAAQ, FA AQ Allow non target catch to be utilisation target and non -target landed, not dumped requirements spcies

  12. Financial systems Instrument Main world uses Current NZ uses Applicability to fishing Taxes Provide incentive to Apply tax to variable inputs, boats, reduce, eg, pollution outputs, to reduce profits and externalities Subsidies Reduce costs of inputs R&D assistance Reduce costs of developing BRD Environmental Provide financial Mining, biodiversity Provide incentive to not damage performance bonds incentive to avoid protection habitat or marine ecosystem creating externalities Financial Bribe to behave in Financial reward if do not create inducements desired way environmental externalities Rights based IQ, ITQ, IVQ Reduce race to fish NZ QMS Creation of rights reduces need to CDQ, Share race, provides incentive to fisheries maintain asset, so less externalities created

  13. Voluntary approaches Instrument Main world uses Current NZ uses Applicability to fishing Co management Right holders draw up Challenger Scallop Peer agreements reduce operating systems externalities Codes of practice Agreed behaviour HSNO, Agchem Industry develop, adopt, codes which limits which limit or preclude externalities externalities Accredited Industry develops Marine Stewardship Industry develop, adopt, systems environmental systems - externally Council, ISO 14001 with environmental policy which management audited prior to aims to limit or preclude systems accreditation externalities Conservation Negotiated agreements QEII Trust, Ducks Negotiated agreement to not take easements which restrict a parties Unlimited certain actions eg create behaviour externalities

  14. Legal and Education Legal Remedies Instrument Main world uses Current NZ uses Applicability to fishing Tort law Liability for pollution RMA is a 'strict Potential damages claims provide damages liability' law incentive to avoid creating externalities Education Information supply Instrument Main world uses Current NZ uses Applicability to fishing Publications, numerous Numerous, e.g., Informed people change behaviour, guides, kits, etc biodiversity not create externalities protection Informal regulation Toxics Release Information release plus including Inventory and community pressure, modifies firm environmental corporate behaviour reporting environmental reporting

  15. Evaluation criteria • Environmental • Treaty of Waitangi • Economic • Socio-cultural • Management

  16. Environmental criteria: The Policy Instrument(s) safeguards the life supporting capacity of the marine environment in a healthy functioning state. The policy instrument: • contributes to maintaining ‘utilised’ fish stocks above a level that ensures their long-term viability • assists with avoiding, remedying, or mitigating any adverse effects of fishing on the aquatic environment • ensures fishing related mortality of marine mammals or other wildlife is below a maximum allowable fishing-related mortality level (s15 of the Fisheries Act 1996) • will seek to support aims of the NZ Biodiversity strategy which are relevant to implementing the Environmental Principles of the Fisheries Act, specifically: it will help ensure natural marine habitats and ecosystems are maintained in a healthy functioning state; and it contributes to ensuring there are no human induced extinctions of marine species. • protects habitat of particular significance for fish

  17. Treaty of Waitangi criteria: The policy instrument(s) chosen will protect Mäori customary fishery rights and practices.


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