japanese fisheries co management system based on bottom

Japanese Fisheries CoManagement System based on bottomup approach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Seminar on Effective Approach and Methods to Promote Fisheries Resources 29 June 2020 SEAFDEC Training Management in Smallscale Fisheries Department, Samut Prakan, Thailand Agenda Japanese Fisheries CoManagement System based

  1. Seminar on “Effective Approach and Methods to Promote Fisheries Resources 29 June 2020 SEAFDEC Training Management in Small‐scale Fisheries” Department, Samut Prakan, Thailand Agenda 4 Japanese Fisheries Co‐Management System based on bottom‐up approach Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Tsutom Miyata 1

  2. Outline of Japanese law and regulation for fisheries and aquaculture Inshore/Coastal fishery: fishing without boat, or fishing boat under 10 tones, or fishing boat is without engine, or set net; operated under territorial use rights in fisheries (TURF) , license to mainly fisheries cooperative association (FCA) by Governor, and free fisheries under prefectural basic‐fisheries‐regulation. With local government Marine aquaculture: a n area for aquaculture used by a group ; operated under demarcated/ aquaculture right, license to mainly FCA With local government Inland fisheries: mainly FCA , as the overall management body, are licensed fishing rights with managing inland waters and propagating fisheries resources. With local government Inland aquaculture: basically, it conducts aquaculture at private ponds/estate under law/regulation of water quality control, fisheries medicine and etc. Offshore fishery: fishing vessel from 10 to 200 tones excluding large set net using the size vessel; licensed fisheries by Governor or Minister; from a day to a week operation inside of Japanese EEZ mainly; large and middle scale purse seine, middle sized trawl, etc. Deep‐sea/High‐sea/Distant water fishery: fishing vessel over 100 tones; licensed fisheries by Minister; operation term over 6 months; high sea or EEZ of other countries; high‐sea trawl, the East China sea and Yellow sea trawl, high‐sea tuna long line, high‐sea skipjack pole and line, high‐sea squid angling, etc. 2

  3. TURFs and fishing license for small-scale fisheries IWATE Prefecture Map NODA Town Town Town Border Border KUJI City FUDAI Town Controlled by FCAs with Iwate prefecture TURFs: for Small‐ scale fishing except large set‐net Near Shore Controlled by Iwate Shore prefecture License fisheries Offshore 3

  4. Organizational structure of fisheries‐ International affaires related National Gov. Central Cooperative National Central Cooperative Insurance for Fishery Federation Bank for Agriculture, of FCA Forestry, Fishery Vessel, fishery Prefecture Insurance Prefectural Prefecture Credit Federation Federation Federation of FCA of FCA of FCA Vessel, fishery Prefecture FCA (City, Town, Village) Very Strong tie Strong Tie Small‐scale Large‐scale Tie Fishers Fishers Weak tie 4

  5. Committees for fisheries and aquaculture policies  National policies: Fisheries Policy Council; It is an advisory body to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, established to search and deliberate on important matters such as the basic plan for fisheries, the white paper on fisheries, sustainable management of fisheries resources , and the development of fishing ports and fishing grounds. The member is composed of fishers, researchers, and representatives of public interest.(marine products distributers, media, consumer and etc.)  Adjacent prefectures' policies: Wide Sea‐area Fisheries Adjustment Commission (6 areas) It is an advisory body to a few Governors, searches and deliberates on important matters such as the sustainable management of fisheries resources . The member is almost same as the above  Local government policies: Area Fishery Adjustment Commission(66 areas) The purpose and member are almost same as the above . information  Special committees for FM among representatives from fisher, distributer, local governmental officer, researcher <‐keyperson information  FCA policies: Making Exercise Rule for Fishery Right (endorsed by Governor) and FCA’s regulations by fishers themselves for costal fisheries and aquaculture  Fisher’s group policies: Making Fishery and aquaculture rules by fishers themselves 5

  6. Japanese process of making Co‐Management for Fisheries ≓ bottom‐up ≓ community based Special committees for FM Committees Prefectural Researchers information Actual resource condition The members of Discuss Explain Recommendation rules for FM Decision; guideline of FM for a fish committee Researchers Explain Fishing village/region The member of the Explain committee=representative Discuss Fishermen in village Discuss in fishing village Feedback Decision; guideline of FM for a fish Through the committees and headquarter committee After over Putting the regulation in force Announcement The area a year The local and adding it to Exercise Rule of the regulation to Fishery Adjustment government for Fisheries Right fishers and citizen Commission 6

  7. Resource survey by Local Governmental Fisheries Experiment Station CPUE(kg/boat) Adding many data ‘97 ‘98 ’99 ’01 ’02 ‘03 ’04 ’05 ’06 At a wholesale market near a fishing port Sustainable estimated catch(MT) MSY Using survey ship Stock (MT) 7 Source; http://www.pref.iwate.jp/~hp5507/

  8. Economic survey by Local Governmental Fisheries Experiment Station (円/kg) 7,000 y = 183.02e 0.0073x Price(Yen/kg) 6,000 R 2 = 0.8915 5,000 4,000 Adding many 3,000 data 2,000 1,000 At a wholesale market 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 near a fishing port (g/尾) Size (kg) 600 300g/尾、8cmを超えるケガニの漁獲量は多くない 500 Quantity 400 300 200 100 0 Month At a wholesale market in 1 月 1 月 1 月 1 月 1 月 1 月 1 月 1 月 1 月 2 月 2 月 2 月 2 月 2 月 2 月 2 月 2 月 2 月 2 月 3 月 3 月 3 月 3 月 3 月 3 月 3 月 3 月 3 月 3 月 (月) urban area Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (銘柄) 図8 釜石魚市場における月別・銘柄別上場量および価格動向 8 資料:2006年釜石魚市場原票より作成

  9. ERFR(Exercise Rule for Fisheries Right) 1. Qualification : Only member excluding associate member 2. Delegation of fishing: Prohibition excepting disease 3. and 4. are written down “Exercise Rule for Fisheries Right (ERFR) Committee” 5. Allowable Fishery Method: Limit of no. of fishing gear; under 150 gill‐ nets (from 1 st Jan. to 15 th Oct. and from 20 th Dec. to 28 th Dec.)……etc. Input control 6. Protected Area: Benten cape and Okido cape….etc. 7. When EFR Committee decide to set new ERFR, the Committee should consider about fishing household economy. 9

  10. 8. Limited catch size: under 30 cm Japanese flounder and 20 cm marbled sole Input control Limited boat size: under 10 tons for gill‐net FCA must inspection the fishing ground as needed 9. Restricted and prohibited fishing gear: under 7.5cm mesh size gill‐ net. Under 12.1cm mesh size when the target fish is Japanese Technical control flounder……etc. 10. Members should pay fee for administration of EFR 11. Administrative director of FCA is stopped fishing of violator and carry a penalty Administration <‐Rare case because of mutual monitoring 12. FCA should hear committee’s comments in charge of a fishing grand when ERFR is revised by FCA administrative board 10

  11. Mechanism for keeping FM rules by fishers 11

  12. Why do the fishers follow the Exercise Rule? • The rule is criteria which local government allow, but the rules were decided by themselves after many discussions among fishers with local governmental officers and researchers . • That’s way, they conduct mutual monitoring on violating rules. • Many fishers live in the fishing village for long term and will continue to live there. It is very OSTRACISIM important to maintain harmonization among people in the village. Therefore, it is difficult to violate the rules, it means OSTRACISIM. 12 https://ndnr.com/pain‐medicine/ostracism‐the‐painful‐exclusion/

  13. Leadership, social capital and incentives promote successful fisheries Incentives; TURF, IQ, ITQ… HDI: Human Development Index; length of life, Education, GDP 13 Source: Gutiérrez, Nicolás L., Ray Hilborn, and Omar Defeo. "Leadership, social capital and incentives promote successful fisheries." Nature 470.7334 (2011): 386‐389.

  14. Leadership‐Leader of fishers system ”Gyogyoshi” I. To be recommended the leaders by FCAs and Fisheries Extension Officers. After this, given honor/title by Governor II. To take training courses as leader III. To collect information of outside and learn new technology IV. To work as adviser in his fishing village, to implement latest technology and teach from developed areas, such as latest FM rules with success stories V. To attend the committee of leaders 14

  15. Fisher Leaders Group: SFLG Senior Fisher Leaders Group YFLG Young Fisher Leaders Authorized by Group government or local government Ordinary Fishers 15

  16. Case of MCS in Iwate Pref. MCS for an illegal fishing • Coastal guard, national level • Fisheries patrol boat; 2 local governmental ships ; over 10 FCA boats • Surveillance fishers; 251 people Cf. 5,000 households ↑formal organization ↓informal group or organization • Monitoring by ordinary fishermen themselves: mutual check • Monitoring in wholesale market 16


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