fisheries management and marine parks

Fisheries Management and Marine parks Why does the government Why - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fisheries Management and Marine parks Why does the government Why does the government manage fisheries? manage fisheries? 1.Common property resource 2.Sustainability 3.Optimise benefits to community How do we manage fisheries? How do we

  1. Fisheries Management and Marine parks

  2. Why does the government Why does the government manage fisheries? manage fisheries? 1.Common property resource 2.Sustainability 3.Optimise benefits to community

  3. How do we manage fisheries? How do we manage fisheries? • Input controls • Output controls

  4. Communication Compliance Management Research Rules

  5. Fisheries Management Act 2007 Fisheries Management Act 2007 Objectives • To protect, manage, use and develop the aquatic resources of the S tate in a manner that is consistent with ecologically sustainable development. • To manage aquatic resources in an efficient and cost effective manner and to set targets for the recovery of management costs.

  6. Principles of ESD Principles of ESD In pursuing ES D, the following 5 principles apply: • Avoid over-exploitation • Access to be allocated between users • Habitats and ecosystems to be protected and conserved • Fishing activities to be fostered • Participation of users in decision making

  7. Ecosystem- -Based Fisheries Based Fisheries Ecosystem Management Management ES D risk assessment process: • Retained species • Non-retained species • General ecosystem impacts of fishing • Community • Aboriginal community • Governance • External factors affecting the fishery

  8. Links with marine parks Links with marine parks • Fisheries Management Act is formally linked with the Marine Parks Act • S patial closures are used for fisheries management purposes • Impacts on protected species

  9. Where is the line? Where is the line? • Fisheries are moving from ‘stock management’ to ‘ecosystem-based management’ • Ecosystem-based management can be achieved by a range of tools, including spatial management but not limited to spatial management • Biodiversity conservation seeks to protect habitats and communities and establish ‘wilderness areas’ similar to national parks on land • Marine parks are the tool that have been chosen, and this includes spatial management I t is not black and w hite! • • I t is not black and w hite!

  10. Stock management < EBFM > Biodiversity


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