developing a culture of continuous improvement

Developing a Culture of Continuous Improvement Australian Red Cross - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing a Culture of Continuous Improvement Australian Red Cross Blood Service - Brisbane Processing Centre Presented by; Josh Duncan & Joe Patkes March 2016 Presentation Outline The Blood Where Early CI Service to now? What We Do

  1. Developing a Culture of Continuous Improvement Australian Red Cross Blood Service - Brisbane Processing Centre Presented by; Josh Duncan & Joe Patkes March 2016

  2. Presentation Outline The Blood Where Early CI Service to now?

  3. What We Do & Who We Are? States and Territories / Commonwealth Governments Standing Council on Health (SCoH) Jurisdictional Blood Committee (JBC) Membership comprise Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers with responsibility for health matters National Blood Authority (NBA) Suppliers of blood and blood products Suppliers of fractionated components

  4. We are organised pretty similar to most Manufacturing businesses… Corporate Strategy & Performance Donor Services Supply Chain Manufacturing Donor Patient Medical, Transplantation & Quality Services Finance, HR, R&D, IS

  5. With a few key differences • We rely on voluntary blood donors as our raw material OUR RAW MATERIAL • We need to market to our donors as if they are customers • Recipients of our products, patients, are by OUR CUSTOMERS definition vulnerable • They do not generally make the buying decision • Our products are supplied free at the point of sale OUR PRODUCTS • We collaborate with governments and clinicians to minimise use of our products

  6. Type of Blood Donations

  7. Post Donation – Whole Blood

  8. Post Donation – Apheresis Plasma & Platelets

  9. What Blood Products Do? Red Cells The main function of these cells is to carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body and remove waste products such as carbon dioxide. Plasma It is the straw coloured fluid in which the red cells, white cells and platelets are suspended. It contains very important nutrients and clotting factors which help to prevent or stop bleeding. Platelets Platelets assist in the blood clotting process. They are literally tiny plates that wedge together covering tears in the blood vessels and preventing blood from leaking into surrounding tissue. Platelets are used primarily in the treatment of people with various cancers. Diseases such as leukaemia and medical treatments like chemotherapy can decrease a person's platelet count.

  10. Blood Product Supply Chain Overview Hospitals Approx.150 hospitals (excludes a number of minor clinics) 10 depots – 5 at processing centres (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Customer Service Perth and Darwin) and 5 more (Canberra, Adelaide, Townsville, and Order Hobart and Cairns) Fulfilment BLOOD SERVICE 5 processing centres in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Processing & Darwin (there is no testing in Darwin) Testing 30 mobile collection 78 static Blood Collections units collection units Donors Approximately 500,000 unpaid donors

  11. 2015 Inventory is held at our main processing centres (red) and at strategically located depots (black)

  12. Drivers for Lean Our Government:  Expects adequate, safe and secure supply of blood products  Expects us to use its funding wisely on behalf of taxpayers  Judges our performance against that of our peers By embracing lean methodologies: • Can meet the Government’s expectations • Meet the needs of the patients who rely on us • Honour the contribution of our donors

  13. Lean Journey 2011 – 2014 Rapid Executive & Improvement All Divisions National Lean Manufacturing Lean Events Manufacturing Regional Lean Division Created Leadership Introduced Team Created Coordinators May May Aug Apr Nov Mar Apr May Aug 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 First rollout Lean Leadership Manufacturing Lean – Manufacturing, Lean Awareness Identity Practitioner for Manufacturing Donor Services, Launched Training Supervisors HR, Corporate and Strategy Focused on Foundation and Leadership Training

  14. Lean Journey Cont. 2014 – 2016 BPC Team Suggestion Member Lean BPC Lean BPC Line of Scheme takes Coordinator Practitioner sight flight appointed workshop training Sept Nov Dec Mar Jul Aug Oct Jan 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 Lean Awareness Are we BPC Value 1 st Lean for all Solving the Stream Practitioner Manufacturing right Mapping projects team members problems? workshop completed Regional Awareness, Training and Projects

  15. Embedding Lean in the Strategy 2014

  16. (Internal) Manufacturing KPIs OUTCOMES FOR OUTCOMES FOR SAFETY QUALITY SERVICE COST CUSTOMERS PEOPLE HAZARD: PRODUCTIVITY RIGHT FIRST CUSTOMER EMPLOYEE INCIDENTS DIFOT and TIME SATISFACTION ENGAGEMENT REPORTED RATIO COST PER PRODUCT We will continue We will continue We will improve We will responsibly manage our We will deliver products We will attract to focus on to focus on efficient & costs & maximise & services that are & retain improving the producing reliable conversion nationally consistent, the best staff safety of quality delivery of donations reliable and meet the for the work we do our workplace products of our product to component needs of our customers

  17. Restructure of Production Activities Production Specialist Services Focused on targets, Focused investigation, Red Cell Processing Team efficiency and quality, service, quality and Reference Team delivering the production building expertise schedule in a nationally in a nationally consistent Process blood components Scientific and diagnostic services consistent way way Process Control Testing Team Team Undertake core testing Quality control of production Manufacturing Support Scientific & Technical Administration Lean Coordinator Services Team Provide scientific and technical Supports the business through Provides the catalyst for change, support, troubleshoots, manages coordination of non-core and coordinates Lean & RIE programs deviations administrative services Focused on enabling production and continuous improvement in a nationally consistent way April 2014

  18. Processing Productivity Testing Productivity All four major processing centres have continued to achieve productivity improvements after the introduction of the new structure in April 2014. 16000 14000 Weighted Processed Components 14000 12000 Core Tests per 12000 10000 SPC SPC 10000 8000 MPC MPC 8000 BPC 6000 BPC FTE PPC PPC 6000 4000 National National 4000 per FTE 2000 - Post implementation, 9% increase for 2013-14 - Post implementation, 16% increase for 2013-14 - As at Jan 2014-15 YTD, a 45% improvement - As at Jan 2014-15 YTD, a 15% improvement

  19. Cultural Change and Lean, post restructure Work practice changes implemented which focus on manufacturing and lean principles: • Daily production meetings and huddles focusing on manufacturing requirements Daily – Weekly Gemba walks, monthly across shift Toolbox communications • Suggestion scheme launched with a focus on JDI’s (just do it) and Kaizen • events – we want your ideas • Introduction of visual management into all areas of Manufacturing (and also uptake into Donor Services and Medical Services) • Production scheduling tool utilisation, brain storming sessions, adhoc problem solving and 5S April 2014

  20. BPC - Suggestions

  21. Strategy Deployment - Acid Test – March 2015 In any division and any team member….. Could you get the correct answer to the following questions? What is the KPI’s/Strategic Plan for this business over the next few 1. years? What are you doing that is different to contribute to our 2. KPI’s/Strategic Plan ?

  22. Most Team Members answered question 2 of the acid test = they are doing Nothing!!!!! “Doing nothing, is a great way to change nothing” Kid President

  23. What’s our Foundation?

  24. Name some of our Objectives from Strategic Plan?

  25. What are Our targets? National Regional Key Performance Objectives 14-15 14-15 Indicators 15-16 Target 15-16 Target Result Result Continue to improve the Hazard: Incidents reported S AFETY > 50% N/A > 50% N/A safety of our workplace ratio Continue to produce quality Q UALITY Right First Time ≥98.5% N/A ≥98.5% N/A products Red Cells 97.0% Improve efficient and Red Cells 96.8% Delivery In Full On Time Platelets 97.0% S ERVICE reliable delivery of our ≥97% Platelets 96.2% ≥97% (DIFOT) Cryo 97.0% products Cryo 93.7% Productivity: Testing 18,200 14,987 22,040 18,100 Responsibly manage our Processing 13,000 12,151 15,776 15,101 costs and maximise Customer Service 931 N/A N/A N/A C OST conversion of donations to Order Fulfilment 532 N/A N/A N/A components Cost Per Product <$85 85 86 86 Deliver products & services that are nationally C USTOMER consistent, reliable and Customer Satisfaction 8.9 8.9 8.9 9 meet the needs of our customers

  26. Driving Lean culture? 5 Lean Behaviours 4 Lean Principles We go, look and study at the We work in a standardised way place where the work happens. We never pass on poor quality to We constantly challenge the the next process. current situation. We do our work at the right time We respect the individual and driven by our customer utilise their potential. requirements. We work as a team. We level out activities across the time available. We strive to make small improvements every day. August 2015


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