dev evel elopmen ent of proje ject evalu luatio ion crit

Dev evel elopmen ent of Proje ject Evalu luatio ion Crit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dev evel elopmen ent of Proje ject Evalu luatio ion Crit iteria ia August 5, 5, 2020 2020 Pres esent entation O n Over erview ew Consolidation of investment categories Scoring weightage (BCA Vs. planning factors)

  1. Dev evel elopmen ent of Proje ject Evalu luatio ion Crit iteria ia August 5, 5, 2020 2020

  2. Pres esent entation O n Over erview ew  Consolidation of investment categories  Scoring weightage (BCA Vs. planning factors)  Safety council discussion  Congestion Management Process Update  Next steps  Revised draft timeline

  3. 2018 C CFP O Other her I Inv nves estment ents Categ egories es  Access Management/  Rehabilitation/Reconstruction Safety/Grade Separations  Roadway Added Capacity/New  Active Transportation Construction/Complete Streets  AV/CV Infrastructure  Transit Expansion  Infrastructure Resiliency  Transit Facility State of Good Repair  Innovative Freight Movement  Transit Passenger Facilities  Regional ITS Infrastructure  Transit Priority Infrastructure

  4. Inv nves estment ents C Categ egories es  Major Investments  Expand  Manage  Maintain  Active Transportation  committee/transportation-improvement-program- subcommittee/documents/TIP-Subcommittee-Agenda-Aug- 2020.pdf

  5. 2018 Call ll Proje jects: Proje ject Scorin ing  50% Benefit Cost Analysis • Safety benefits/Crash Reduction • Reduced travel delay • Air quality benefits  50% Planning Factors • Barrier Elimination, Connectivity, Environmental Justice, Planning Coordination.

  6. Tot otal S Scor oring

  7. Tot otal Scor oring (Active T Transpor ortation on)

  8. TSC Polic licy & Regula latio ion Subcommit ittee  July 30, 2020 Meeting  Regional Vision Zero Policy  Performance measures for Pedestrian – Bicycle and Traffic Safety  Benchmarks and thresholds

  9. Ped edes estrian-Bicy cycl cle PMs  Roadways: KA Crashes per er Mile (5-Years)  Intersections: KA C Cra rash F Fre requency cy (250 ft; 5-Years)  Adopted by TSC on March 24, 2020 9

  10. Traffic S Safety PMs  Roadways: KA C Crash R Rate per 100 Millio illion V VMT  Intersections: KA C Crash R Rate te per Million V Vehicles Ente tering  Time Period: 5-Years  By Functional Class  Urban vs. Rural 10

  11. Benchmarks & & Thresholds  Purpose  Basis for Comparison (Regional or State?)  Scale  Selection Criteria 11

  12. Cong nges estion n Mana nagem ement ent Proces ess (CMP)  CMP Update  Completed in September  Identify Multimodal CMP network  Identify congested segments in the region 12

  13. Next S t Ste teps  Finalize Investment Categories  Continue Benefit/Cost Analysis review  Development of planning factors/narrative questions  TAC/TPC Subcommittee comments (e.g., Ped/Bike, Transit, Safety)  Weighting and Scoring  Application/Submittal Process

  14. Draft T Tim imelin line Begin discussions on investment criteria and establish July working group Continue discussions on investment criteria August-October Update on the Benefit/Cost Analysis review Input from other Subcommittees November TAC Mid-point Progress Report (Inf nformati tion) n) Continue development of draft evaluation criteria and December-March selection process with TIP Subcommittee TAC/TPC review of draft evaluation criteria and April selection process (Inf nformati tion) n) Final draft evaluation criteria and selection process to May-June 2021 TAC/TPC (Acti tion) n)


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