design and construction of silicon lung and heart for the

Design and construction of silicon lung and heart for the phantom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 st INTERDISCIPLARY ONCOLOGY CONFERENCE DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY 29 th of March 2014, Nicosia - Cyprus Presentation Title: Design and construction of silicon lung and heart for the phantom Project Title: Optimizing the Diagnostic Value in

  1. 1 st INTERDISCIPLARY ONCOLOGY CONFERENCE “DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY” 29 th of March 2014, Nicosia - Cyprus Presentation Title: Design and construction of silicon lung and heart for the phantom Project Title: Optimizing the Diagnostic Value in SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging under the influence of the respiratory motion Dr. Antonios Lontos, Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Frederick University, Cyprus, Email: The project ΥΓΕΙΑ/ΔΥΓΕΙΑ/0311/27 (ΒΙΕ) is co -financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research Promotion Foundation. Slide 1/39

  2. Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Image processing and 3D design 3. Design of the moulds 4. Construction of aluminum moulds for heart and lungs 5. Construction of silicon heart and lungs 6. Conclusions Slide 2/39

  3. 1. Introduction The specificity of myocardial perfusion images (MPI) is influenced not only by the cardiac motion but also by various other parameters such as the respiratory motion Our scope was to develop a respiratory motion phantom , in order to study the influence the respiratory motion to MPI. We will also motion correct the images by independent reconstructions of each gated- frame followed by transformation of each image with respect to a reference image using known motion fields . Concluding on the influence the respiratory and diaphragmatic motion to MPI applying the proposed approach will result in the optimization of MPI protocols by the consortium physicians Further, the elaborated phantom will be used for Quality Assurance measurements to validate new protocols before implementation as well as for educational purposes Slide 3/39

  4. 2. Image processing and 3D design The first step to construct a real lung is to know the exact geometry and shape. CT scan were conducted and various medical images of human thorax were collected. Slide 4/39

  5. Thorax-CT flash-anatomy Total planes: 86 Lungs geometry after image processing Slide 5/39

  6. Left lung geometry Schematic lung geometry Real lung geometry Real lung geometry after image processing Slide 6/39

  7. Slide 7/39

  8. Left lung geometry (volume 485 cm 3 ) Right lung geometry - (volume 569 cm 3 ) Slide 8/39

  9. Design of heart chamber Inner part Outer part Volume for heart chamber (Initial 80 cm 3 ) Slide 9/39

  10. 3. Design of the moulds left lung assembly Right lung assembly Slide 10/39

  11. Design of different parts of the left lung mould Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Slide 11/39

  12. Assembly of left lung mould Slide 12/39

  13. Design of different parts for the right lung mould Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Slide 13/39

  14. Assembly of right lung mould Slide 14/39

  15. Design of different parts for heart mould – Inner part Inner part Slide 15/39

  16. Design of different parts for heart mould – Outer part Slide 16/39

  17. 4. Construction of aluminum moulds for heart and lungs In order to manufacture all different parts for the left and right mould a CNC machine has been used. Slide 17/39

  18. Detail dimensions for part 5 left lung mould Slide 18/39

  19. Preparation of the CNC manufacturing Slide 19/39

  20. CNC manufacturing simulation Slide 20/39

  21. 4. Construction of aluminum moulds for heart and lungs Part 1 Aluminum parts of the left lung mould Part 4 Part 5 Part 2 Part 3 Slide 21/39

  22. Aluminum parts of the left lung mould Slide 22/39

  23. Aluminum parts of the right lung mould Slide 23/39

  24. Assembly of the right lung mould Slide 24/39

  25. Moulds for the heart - inner part Slide 25/39

  26. Moulds for the heart – outer part Slide 26/39

  27. 5. Construction of silicon heart and lungs Two different silicon rubber were used in order to construct left and right lungs. Special features (very good flow, excellent mould release; usually no further release agent required, fast and non-shrink cure at room temperature which, can be accelerated considerably by the application of heat, medium Shore A hardness (approx. 40), good transparency of the cured rubber, high tear strength, outstanding resistance to casting resins, particularly, polyurethanes and epoxies, for long service life of the molds. Elastosil M 4645 A/B, , RTV-2 Silastic 3481 Slide 27/39

  28. Injection of silicon rubber into the lung moulds Silicone parameters - Color - Density - Viscosity - Hardness - Elongation at break - Tear strength Silicone mixing (component A+B) Silicon injection mechanism Injection procedure Slide 28/39

  29. Injection of silicon rubber into the lung moulds Left lung mould Silicon left lung with bubbles Vacuum pump and chamber After mixture preparation 5-10 min in vacuum chamber Slide 29/39

  30. Silicon left and right lungs White silicon rubber White and transparent silicon rubber Left lung Right lung from white silicon rubber Right lung Slide 30/39

  31. Cage construction for better simulation of the respiratory motion Thermoplastic cage Thermoplastic cage with silicon lungs Slide 31/39

  32. Phantom and lungs stabilization Lung-equivalent material inserted in the lungs Shaped thermoplastics were sewed around the lungs to keep the right shape during inhalation Tissue-equivalent support Transparent cardiac and respiratory phantoms within the anthropomorphic phantom stabilized by a tissue-equivalent support (proper distances and inclinations) Slide 32/39

  33. Silicon heart final construction, transparent silicon Inner part Outer part Inner part Outer part Slide 33/39

  34. Inner part testing NO pressure With pressure Outer part testing NO pressure With pressure Slide 34/39

  35. Silicon heart final assembly and testing NO pressure With pressure Slide 35/39

  36. Respiratory movement Slide 36/39

  37. Heart movement Slide 37/39

  38. Phantom Slide 38/39

  39. Thank you for your attention The author would like to thank: - Yiannis Parpottas, Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics - Isabelle Chrysanthou, Ph.D. in Medical Physics - Antonis Antoniou, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and - Panayi Panayiotis (CNC manufacturing , Moulds Construction) “Machinery Panagiotis J. Panagi ” The project ΥΓΕΙΑ/ΔΥΓΕΙΑ/0311/27 (ΒΙΕ) is co -financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research Promotion Foundation. Slide 39/39


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