der policy evolution and

(DER) Policy Evolution and Integration into the Wholesale - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

D E C E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 9 | B O S T O N , M A Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Policy Evolution and Integration into the Wholesale Electricity Markets New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable (#164) Henry Yoshimura D I R E

  1. D E C E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 9 | B O S T O N , M A Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Policy Evolution and Integration into the Wholesale Electricity Markets New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable (#164) Henry Yoshimura D I R E C T O R , D E M A N D R E S O U R C E S T R A T E G Y ISO-NE PUBLIC

  2. ISO New England Performs Three Critical Roles to Ensure Reliable Electricity at Competitive Prices Grid Market Power System Operation Administration Planning Coordinate and direct Design, run, and Study, analyze, and the flow of electricity oversee the markets plan to make sure New over the region’s where wholesale England's electricity high-voltage electricity is bought needs will be met over transmission system and sold the next 10 years ISO-NE PUBLIC 2

  3. DER Proliferation Challenges Current Approaches • Presently, most generation and some demand response are dispatched by the ISO to meet price-inelastic demand • With more behind-the-meter technologies and time-varying retail rates, net demand could become less predictable • In a high-DER future, power flows become more variable , bi-directional , and less predictable • Real-time operations, wholesale/retail market design, and regional planning become more complex ISO-NE PUBLIC 3

  4. DERs Comprise A Sizable Share of System Capacity 39,055 MW 40,000 20% 1980 35,000 3810 1650 30,000 25,000 The amount of total system 20,000 capacity provided by various 15,000 DER categories (e.g., energy 10,000 efficiency, demand response, 5,000 solar PV, other renewable 0 generation, other generation Total System Capacity (MW) and electricity storage) as of Solar PV Outside the Wholesale Market September 1, 2019 DR Maximum Capacity Settlement-only Resources (Nameplate) System Operable Capacity ISO-NE PUBLIC 4

  5. Distributed Energy Resource Management Is Needed in a High-DER Future • ISOs/RTOs operate and administer markets for all resources connected to the bulk power system (BPS) • Some DERs participating in wholesale markets are economically dispatched along with bulk power system resources, but without regard to distribution constraints – Distribution systems and service to retail customers have traditionally been regulated by the states ISO-NE PUBLIC 5

  6. Who Should Be Charged with Managing DERs? • As DERs proliferate, a distribution system operator (DSO) will be needed to economically dispatch them in conjunction with bulk power system resources • Three potential DSO structures are emerging: – Total ISO: the ISO takes on the function of the DSO, and optimizes the entire power system (CAISO is going in this direction) – Nested: the ISO and DSOs each operate/optimize resources and loads within their footprint, and conduct trade by communicating to each other a single aggregated resource/load at each T-D interface – Hybrid: DERs could participate in either wholesale or retail markets; the ISO optimizes DERs in the wholesale markets, and the DSO optimizes DERs in the retail markets (NYISO is going in this direction) ISO-NE PUBLIC 6

  7. How Does ISO New England Fit into this Picture? • ISO New England has long recognized the role of distributed energy resources in the wholesale electricity markets • The ISO has been adapting, and will continue to adapt, its market design to accommodate the transition to a growing level of DERs ISO-NE PUBLIC 7

  8. Questions to be Resolved • Who should create and oversee the DSO function? • Should the DSO be a distribution-level entity overseen by the states , or a BPS-level entity overseen by FERC ? • How does a multi-state ISO/RTO manage a system consisting of states and distribution utilities with differing views and preferences? • What guidance will FERC provide on federal/state jurisdiction over DERs to inform regional discussions of the DSO function? ISO-NE PUBLIC 8

  9. Conclusion • Early identification of the entity responsible for the DSO function will be critical … … both for the states to realize their policy objectives , and … for the ISO to be able to successfully plan and operate a system with high penetration of DERs ISO-NE PUBLIC 9

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