department of veterans services

Department of Veterans Services Budget Request FY 2020-2021 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Department of Veterans Services Budget Request FY 2020-2021 1 About the Department FY 2020-2021 Base Budget Administration: $4,963,400 TN State Veterans Cemeteries: $3,621,200 Connect Tennessees veterans and their families with

  1. Department of Veterans Services Budget Request FY 2020-2021 1

  2. About the Department FY 2020-2021 Base Budget Administration: $4,963,400 TN State Veterans Cemeteries: $3,621,200 • Connect Tennessee’s veterans and their families with earned benefits and compensation • Represent veterans and their families throughout the appeals process • Enhance services to veterans through outreach and relationship building • Operate and maintain the state’s five veterans cemeteries, including East (2), Middle, West, and Parkers Crossroads • Schedule and perform interment services for eligible veterans and dependents • The compensation and benefits given to veterans result in $2.3 billion in economic activity. 2

  3. Change in Appropriations millions $10 $7.84 $8 $7.05 $6.46 $6.38 $5.65 $6 $4 $2 $0 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 3

  4. Change in Positions 125 113 110 105 105 99 100 75 50 25 0 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 4

  5. Dependent Burial Fee  Recent law changes have reduced the fee for dependent burials from $610 to $300 to $0.  Dependent burials continue to occur—averaging about 660 per year.  The Fiscal Notes failed to recognize this continued cost to the Department of Veteran Services.  As a result, the cost of the dependent burials cannot be absorbed within the existing budget.  The Department is asking for state appropriation to replace the loss of revenue and support the continued cost of dependent burials. 5

  6. Personnel Cost Increase: Appeal Advocates • The Board of Veteran Appeals (BVA) Team is comprised of one attorney and two appeals advocates. They are responsible for oral and written advocacy for Veterans and their families before the US Department of Veterans Affairs. • Due to the 2017 Veteran Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act, the BVA team has seen a 244% increase in caseload between 2016-2019. The caseload is projected to increase by 337% from 2016-2020. • The Department is seeking to add two appeals advocates to the BVA team in order to meet the demand of the significant increase in caseload. 6

  7. Personnel Cost Increase: Cemetery Caretaker 3 • West Tennessee Veteran Cemetery is experiencing the highest volume of burials at an increase of 41%. • The cemetery currently has 18,000 headstones that need perpetual care while there is an increase of 1,000 headstones per year. • The current foreman performs both caretaker and foreman responsibilities. • Hence, the Department would greatly benefit from the addition of one Cemetery Caretaker 3, who would contribute to more efficient management of the cemetery. 7

  8. Cost Increases Cost Increase Total State Federal Other Positions 1. TN State Veterans Cemeteries – $45,400 $45,400 $0 $0 1 Cemetery Caretaker 3 Position 2. TN State Veterans Cemeteries – 0 405,600 0 (405,600) 0 Dependent Burial Fees 3. TN State Veterans Admin – 122,600 122,600 0 0 2 Two Appeal Advocate Positions 4. TN State Veterans Cemeteries – 235,600 235,600 0 0 0 Capital Projects Revolving Fund 5. TN State Veterans Admin- 99,600 99,600 0 0 0 Resource Coordinators Salary Adjustment 6. TN State Veterans Admin – 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 Grants to distressed counties Total Cost Increase $518,200 $923,800 $0 $(405,600) 3 8

  9. Efficiency Plan Total State Federal Other Positions 1. Operational Expenditure ($69,900) ($69,900) $0 $0 0 Reductions Total Efficiency Plan ($69,900) ($69,900) $0 $0 0 9

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