department of public works west maui storm drainage

Department of Public Works West Maui Storm Drainage August 20, 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Department of Public Works West Maui Storm Drainage August 20, 2019 West Maui Community Plan Meeting Ready & Resilient Systems County of Maui West Maui Drainage Systems Underground drainlines within County right of way Sediment and

  1. Department of Public Works West Maui Storm Drainage August 20, 2019 West Maui Community Plan Meeting Ready & Resilient Systems

  2. County of Maui West Maui Drainage Systems � Underground drainlines within County right of way � Sediment and debris basins � Flood control systems

  3. County Drainage Facilities � Underground Drainage System in Lahaina Town � 5 - DLNR Regulated Sediment Basins � Honokowai � Kahana Nui � Kaopala � Napili 4-5 � Napili 2-3 � 3 - Unregulated Sediment Basins � Honokeana � S-Turn � Mahinahina � Kahoma Stream Flood Control � Lahaina Watershed Flood Control (Lahainaluna to Launiupoko)

  4. Underground Drainage Systems � Existing corrugated metal pipes are failing � What’s next? � Drainage system inventory of West Maui recently completed � Drainline condition assessment recently contracted to consultant � Prioritize drainage systems needing repair � Secure funding

  5. Sediment Basins & Flood Control Systems � Reduces sediment entering near shore waters � Highways Division’s maintenance: � Remove sediment build up and debris � Inspect during and after a large storm event and submit reports to DLNR for regulated basins � Drone surveys used to determine the extent of sediment removal needed

  6. Drainage Issues � No access prevents Highways Division from clearing culverts/channels � Property owners need to keep drainage easements clear; no trees, structures, fences, etc. � No dumping of green waste in drainageways please! � Ponding problems due to lack of drainage systems � Need evaluation of problem areas � Seek funding

  7. Drainage Issues � Flooding � Completion of Lahaina Watershed Phases 3B, 4, & 5 is necessary � Sea level rise causing more sand plug build up at drain outlets � Sand plugs lowered by Highways in anticipation of large storm events � Continuous maintenance required to keep debris basins clear and functional

  8. Lahaina Watershed Project Status � Next phase to construct – Phase 3B at Kauaula Stream � 3B plans need revisions to address continuous stream flow � Environmental studies to be updated � NRCS to seek construction funds

  9. Considerations for Development/Redevelopment � Comply with County’s Rules: � Title MC-15, Chapter 4 - Storm Drainage Facilities � Title MC-15, Chapter 111 - Storm Water Treatment BMPs � Additional runoff generated must be retained onsite � LID (Low Impact Development) design is encouraged � Use Best Management Practices for sediment & erosion control

  10. Community Plan Suggestions Objectives and Policies: � Ensure that drainage systems comply with the County’s drainage rules. � Incorporate post-development BMPs into project planning. � Pursue funding sources to fund drainage infrastructure. � Encourage the use of low impact development (LID) techniques for all new developments, roadway projects, and Capital Improvement Projects. � Ensure that new developments will not result in adverse flooding conditions for downstream properties by requiring onsite retention facilities for stormwater run-off generated by the development.

  11. Community Plan Suggestions Implementing Actions: � Update the Lahaina Town Drainage Master Plan. � Complete the Lahaina Watershed Flood Control project. � Establish a comprehensive stormwater management plan that emphasizes the use of natural drainage systems where possible. � Complete an inventory of drainage facilities in West Maui for use in developing long-term plans for addressing stormwater issues. � Encourage the use of underground utilities and coordinate utility placement with road improvements.

  12. MAHALO! Rowena Dagdag-Andaya Director Department of Public Works


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