Department meeting September 19-20
Agenda 19th of September 11.30-13.00 Session 1: Organizational overview, KoN2018; Introduction department strategy 13.00-13.45 Lunch Session 2: Teamwork regarding our Department’s strategy. 13.45-15.00 ” Fika ” 15.00-15.20 15.20-16.45 Session 3: Presentation session 2 &Coordinators describes the goals/activities for each research group. Social activities e.g. Explore the castle with a guided tour, 1h. Wine/Beer testing, 1h. Outdoor activities like playing ‘ kubb ’ or ‘ brännboll ’ - or take a walk in the beautiful surroundings. 18.00 Dinner 20th of September 8.00-9.00 Session 4: Information from the administrative group. ” Fika ” 9.00-9.30 9.30-11.30 Session 5: Ongoing aspects related to educational activities. 11.30-12.30 Lunch 12.30-14.30 Session 6: Group discussions regarding communication.
Staff per group/unit
Changes in balanced capital Applied GU FO REG Agri-Food Agri-Food Environmental Decision Analysis value Policy and natural making chains resource economics IB 4203 tkr -759 tkr 3375 tkr 2153 tkr 2004 tkr 4562 tkr 1732 tkr 3814 tkr 1701 UB 3710 tkr 2353 tkr* 3090 tkr 2353 tkr 2583 tkr 3838 tkr 2949 tkr 4179 tkr *Balanced 1708 capital is not this high. Periodisations not considered.
DEPARTMENT EXTERNAL FUNDING 2012-2016 External funding, SEK External funding rate % 44 35 34 33 31 MSEK AND % 19.5 15.6 14.5 12.4 12.3 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 YEAR
Project with contract > MSEK 1million Rural Entrepreneurship Agrifood policy Environmental Decision-making and Applied analysis and Trade Economics managerial behaviour Nycklar till en levande Susdiet, 3,4M OPTIMUS, 2,1M Ljuva juver, 4,4M Att samexistera med landsbygd, 4,6M Rovdjur, 3M LEAN 2,9M DESTRESS, 1,2M Cosus 3,2M Biodiversity and ecosystem, 1,7M Effekter av Jordförvärv och arrende, Stryrmedel för klimatskatt, 2,8M 2,4M klimatsmart produktion, 3M Styrmedel och Urbaniseringens dynamik, SUPREMA 1,1M konsumtion, 2,8M 7,7M NutriTrade, 5M MISTRA, 2,7M SureFarm, 3,8M Baltcoast, 3,4M Go4Baltic, 4M Alternativa system, 2,4M
50 This is total points for articles over the 45 period of 2012-2015 40 registered for each research group. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2012-2015 Statistic Agrarian Marketing REG Values chain Policy and trde Environmental Management Analysis
Examina 4.8 14.3 28.6 23.8 28.6 Marketing Value cain Policy and trade Environmental Management
KoN 2018
Time line: Send the completed form “Units of Assessment in Department- form 1” to by 15 September Registration of members to the UoA completed by 21 September Adjustments possible until 28 September after communicating with UoA will be assigned to panels in October. More information about this will be made available on the KoN2018 website. UoAs are the basis of the KoN2018 evaluation. Academic personnel who are members of a UoA must be employed by SLU at least 50% of full time sometime during the month of May 2017. A UoA is to have at least ten members of which seven have a PhD. All PhD students, regardless of how they are financed, are to be included in a UoA.
Our two UoAs:
The Department of Economics will give priority to the following four areas of strategic activities Support innovative research Support a vibrant research culture Improve the impact of the Department on society Secure larger and more stable funding for research
Support innovative research The Department of Economics support innovative research and policy analysis by ensuring broad disciplinary expertise among its academic staff. This will be achieved by recruitment and strengthened cooperation with academic partners within and outside SLU. In 2017-2020, the Department will recruit visiting scholars and specifically strengthen in-house competence in the areas of agricultural and environmental economics. This is to support the transition and replacement of professors with the aim to develop the capacity of these research groups. Collaboration with other faculties within SLU will be further developed through the specific “pillar” in the SLU strategy and additional projects . The Department of Economics will support innovative research by ensuring an international scope and collaboration in research. This will be achieved by recruitment of international staff, invitation of visiting scholars and rich collaboration with international research partners. In 2017-2020, the focus will be to strengthen cooperation with the universities within the AFEPA collaboration which are to reinforce research especially in agricultural and environmental economics. The Department will also support collaboration with the CGIAR institutes so as to focus on the work with the Sustainable Development Goals. The Department of Economics will also support participation in multilateral scientific assignments and academic exchange through academic projects. The Department of economics will further support innovative research by ensuring collaboration with business and societal partners. In 2017-2020, the Department will pursue collaborative projects and funding opportunities with authorities and business. Collaborations with partners in the Uppsala and greater Stockholm region has priority.
The Department of Economics will further support quality in research and policy analysis by: Setting up an infrastructure for social science lab to be used for behavioral experiments in relation to our subject areas. Promoting evaluation criteria of high academic quality addressing inter-disciplinary, interdisciplinary and collaborative research. Promoting the dissemination of research in high-quality scientific outlets (e.g. journal, conferences, workshops, etc). Securing high-quality support for PhD education, e.g. by contributing to the development of the PhD research school and providing PhD courses. Leadership in research shall be transparent and visible with a strong commitment to the Department’s vision and value statements. The Department will promote training in academic leadership, provided by SLU, with expectation that everyone will be able to contribute to the success of the Department.
Support a vibrant research culture The Department of Economics will support a vibrant research culture by promoting challenging scholarly research, attracting prominent international researchers and providing practical relevance. The Department will further promote external communication and visibility, e.g. promote open events in collaboration with academia, business, and society, practice new forms of disseminating scholarly knowledge (blogs, etc.) and assist researchers in being more visible in the media. Internal communication is important and will be developed through internal research seminars and specific PhD seminars (?). Improve the impact of the Department on society The Department of Economics will improve its impact on society by increasing the external communication and visibility, and enhance dialogue and interaction with the government and business. Secure larger and more stable funding for research The Department of Economics will support more secure research funding in the following way: Strengthen internal mechanisms to discuss funding calls and the development of applications, especially larger applications Increase fundraising in cooperation with SLU Grants Office.
Our mission The mission of the Department of Economics at SLU is to advance strategies for the sustainable use of natural biological resources. We do this through innovative scholarly research and applied analysis, and by providing undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in business studies and economics. Discussion points – Excellence and innovative research and applied analysis Based on the four areas of strategic activities: • What is the priority (based on the extent of urgency w r t our mission) that you would like to give to the aspects detailed under the heading “Support innovative research”? => Provide a list of aspects considered and rate priority for each aspect using the scale: 1=not urgent; 2= somewhat urgent (important but not critical); and 3=urgent (critical to our mission). • Are there any conflict of interest that you can see for the aspects that you have listed? Explain and motivate. • How should we follow up these aspects?
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