department for child protection

Department for Child Protection Procurement & Contracting Sector - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Department for Child Protection Procurement & Contracting Sector Briefing 1 Thursday 21 March 2019, 3pm-5pm Flinders University Victoria Square (webex meeting 997 426 836) Acknowledgement of Country We would like to acknowledge this

  1. Department for Child Protection Procurement & Contracting Sector Briefing 1 Thursday 21 March 2019, 3pm-5pm Flinders University – Victoria Square (webex meeting 997 426 836)

  2. Acknowledgement of Country We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands of the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.

  3. Child protection sector briefing 1 Forward Procurement Plan Update Jennifer Browne, Chief Financial Officer Department for Child Protection

  4. 2019/2020 Procurement Program DCP’s 2019/2020 procurement aims Grow family based care options and service providers Standardise unit pricing and the clarity of respite model for family based care Embed Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 legislative requirements in our contracts Review key service models for disability, Aboriginal practice and independent living services Commit to growing services for children with disabilities and children from an Aboriginal background Introduce Placement and Support Packages (PaSP) which will provide a new procurement model for managing immediate and short-term care

  5. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Size and complexity Historic practices combined with legislative, statutory and business requirements, has resulted in this procurement cycle requiring an unusually high volume of procurement activity: 76% of existing OOHC Service Contracts will require Renewal, extension and/or variation All block funded agreements to be transitioned to the Not for profit (NFP) funded agreement Varying levels of procurement approval including State Procurement Board and Cabinet will be required Contract renewals, extensions and variations must be underpinned by: Embedding legislative requirements Procuring services that support Nyland Recommendations and Out of Home Care Service requirements Supporting future procurement cycles to focus on service specific review and model development Integrating Contract reform requirements Contracts created before Contract Management & Licensing System (CMLS) implementation are supported post implementation Alignment to Contract Performance Management reporting requirements and measurements

  6. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Proposed procurement cycles The procurement cycles and information provided in this presentation, is proposed, pending approval and indicative information that may be subject to change. Our Procurement Planning is looking to realign strategic contract bundles of like services to allow for: Targeted review and commissioning of models of care Smoothing procurement workload to manageable volumes Family / Advocacy Contract Residential Care & Family Based Care Contract Renewal Dates Supported Independent Living Renewal Dates Contract Renewal Dates

  7. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Family Based Care South Australia is below national benchmarks for family based care 2016/2017 South Australia 83% compared to 93% nationally 2017/2018 South Australia 85% compared to 93% nationally Procurement aims : Grow family based care options and service providers, standardise unit pricing (Nyland Recommendation 122), clarify respite model, embed legislative requirements, commit to growing services for children with disabilities and children from an Aboriginal background. Proposed procurement cycle : 2yr (base) + 2yr (extension option) expiring 2023 Set minimum targets on actual placements as at 31 December 2018 Equalise family based care unit pricing across the sector (existing and new) including rural & remote Increase number of placements based on areas of need Invest additional $2million into the sector (as a start) Require flexible care arrangements that can support short term, long term, specific child only, respite and emergency family based placements, rather than specialising in one type of placement

  8. Growing family based care Family Based Care Continue family based growth payments Future growth will be based on utilisation over the period, rather than determined based on placements at a point in time We are reviewing process and mechanisms to support the timely execution of growth payments Actively scoping DCP Carer Payments team to process specialist foster carer reimbursements, rather than through contracts Looking at how we can improve flexibility in management of contracts to reduce administrative burden Standardised respite management Every funded placement is inclusive of a primary placement and respite arrangement Every placement to have access of up to 24 nights per year General foster care respite payments are administered via DCP carer payment processes (outside of contract payments) Specialist foster care respite payments are paid via contract payments Respite requirements will be published on DCP website

  9. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Residential Care Procurement aim : Review key service models for disability and ensure consistency and a commissioning focus Priority due to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) implications Extend existing disability residential care arrangements to allow for model review Review disability model Proposed procurement cycle : Disability residential care Extend existing arrangements: procurement cycle 1yr (base) expiring 2020 Realign with General residential care and procure new model via tender 2yr (base) + 3yr (extension option) expiring 2025 General residential care 3yr (base) + 3yr (extension option) expiring 2025 Adjustment to existing agreements may be required to align to the above proposed procurement cycles

  10. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Residential Care – psychological assessment update Any person employed in a Children’s Residential Facility (CRF) licensed or operated by DCP must undergo a psychological assessment, of a kind determined by the Department. - Sections 107 and 110A of the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 Providers approved by DCP can deliver psychological assessments List of approved providers available on DCP website Submit application for psychological assessment approach to Advise DCP of approach to enable tracking against plans Psychological assessments are required to be completed by 6 September 2019 for persons employed in a CRF operated by DCP 22 April 2020 for persons employed in a licensed CRF operated by a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) Costs associated with meeting legislative requirements will be reviewed on a case by case basis Costs should be reported as part of quarterly acquittal processes or discussed with Contract Manager

  11. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Supported Independent Living Procurement aim : Review key service models for independent living services, Review contractual conditions governing service specifications for non-government independent living programs to develop greater flexibility in the age of admission and the age of discharge from programs (Nyland Recommendation 167). Proposed procurement cycle : Extend existing arrangements to allow for model review, procurement cycle 1yr (base) + 1yr (extension option) expiring 2021 Review Supported Independent living model Procure new model via tender to target commencement 1 July 2020, 2yr (base) + 3yr (extension option) + 3yr (extension option) expiring 2028

  12. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Commercial Care Procurement aim : Phase out the use of commercial carers in any rotational care arrangements except in genuine short-term emergencies (Nyland Recommendation 128). Extend existing arrangements Agency Child and Youth Worker Temporary Staff Services Tender Closed 18 March 2019 Expected contract commencement November 2019 Introduce Placement and Support Packages (PaSP) Procurement Model second half of 2019

  13. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Family Preservation and Reunification Procurement aim : Support the provision of services that ensure people get the right type and intensity of supports underpinned by Early Intervention Research Directorate (EIRD) findings and recommendations. Support the transition of DCP contracted Family Preservation services to Department of Human Services (DHS) new Intensive Support Unit established March 2019 (from 1 July 2019) Renew 1yr (base) + 1yr (extension option) expiring 2021 with improved and consistent reunification metrics Review services in preparation for future procurement cycle to start modelling at the child level

  14. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Other Services Procurement aim : Fund delivery of an advocacy service to support carers (Nyland Recommendation 116). Align funding and resources to meet service and population needs Support existing advocacy services that are fulfilling a demonstrated need of child protection services Individual procurement cycles will apply and will be discussed directly with impacted service providers

  15. 2019/2020 Procurement Program Visit SA Tenders website (for news on DCP Tenders) Visit DCP’s Service Provider Webpage Contact Attend debrief meetings coordinated by your Contract Manager Refer to DCP newsletters and Service Contract Updates emailed to you

  16. The Forward Procurement Plan

  17. Child protection sector briefing 1 Transitioning to the NFP Funded Agreement Deborah Odgers, Manager Service Contracts and Licensing Department for Child Protection


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