department for child protection

Department for Child Protection Procurement & Contracting Sector - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Department for Child Protection Procurement & Contracting Sector Briefing 5 Tuesday 30 July 2019, 9.30am-11.30am The Science Exchange (webex meeting 995 715 588) Acknowledgement of Country We would like to acknowledge this land that we

  1. Department for Child Protection Procurement & Contracting Sector Briefing 5 Tuesday 30 July 2019, 9.30am-11.30am The Science Exchange (webex meeting 995 715 588)

  2. Acknowledgement of Country We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands of the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.

  3. Department for Child Protection Procurement & Contracting Sector Briefing 5 Fiona Ward, Deputy Chief Executive Department for Child Protection

  4. Executive update – Solution Based Casework (SBC) Shifting from SBC to DCP Practice Approach DCP adopted SBC in 2013 SBC has strengths but it does not meet the requirements of the Children and Young People (Safety) Act and the implementation process has been challenging SBC’s utilisation varied widely across DCP and the sector Decision to transition away from SBC was also informed by Australian Centre for Child Protection Report Assessing the Quality and Comprehensiveness of Child Protection Practice Frameworks (2018)

  5. Executive update – Solution Based Casework (SBC) Localised to our legislative, cultural and historic context Integrated framework for practice Focused on safety and supporting children and young people to grow up well cared for, connected and empowered to reach their potential Underpinned by Practice Principles and Foundational theories and knowledge Operationalised by practice tools, processes and guidance such as case planning, family led decision making and Manual of Practice (under development) Supervision to better support staff to make evidence informed decisions Trauma responsive, culturally accountable and informed by best practice Designed and implemented in partnership

  6. Executive update – Solution Based Casework (SBC) Shifting from SBC to DCP Practice Approach Communicate with partner agencies intent to move from SBC to a DCP practice approach Individual meetings with key agencies to plan design, implementation and transition Partner agency forums / workshops will be scheduled (approx. November 2019) To discuss approach and register interest in forums please contact Claire Simmons, Lead Practitioner Megan Birchmore, Principal Project Officer

  7. Executive update – Out-of-home care (OOHC) reform The ‘in care strategy’ is under development To re-shape the child protection system to better meet the needs of the children and young people that come into care To create a system that includes a range of care settings to respond to the individual needs of children and young people To ensure we have shared vision and activities to continuously evolve to respond to new challenges and evidence about the best ways to provide care

  8. Executive update – Out-of-home care reform Our commitment, vision and principles to guide programs of work 5 key priority areas that focus on children and young peoples’ experience Broad programs of work and their benefits Key activities and actions and how they will work together National Out-of-home standards indicators to determine success Identification of the different people involved in the system and potential impacts for Children and young people Carers Aboriginal families and communities Workforce Parents and families Partners

  9. Executive update – Out-of-home care reform Draft key priority areas  Priority 1: Delivering a needs based system  Priority 2: Growing family based care  Priority 3: Transforming non-family based care  Priority 4: Improving transition to adult life  Priority 5: Enhancing quality and safeguarding

  10. Executive update – Out-of-home care reform Extensive consultation with carers, staff and non-government sector since 2017 Targeted consultation on the draft with key external partners (July 2019) Release of consultation draft – have we missed anything? (expected August 2019) Finalisation and approval for release (anticipated September 2019) ‘in care strategy’ released (proposed October 2019) For more information please contact Sanjugta Vas Dev – Manager of Commissioning. e.

  11. Department for Child Protection Sector briefing 5 2019/2020 Procurement Program Update Jennifer Browne, Chief Financial Officer Department for Child Protection

  12. 2019/2020 Procurement and contracting update Significant program enabling real reform in child protection Delivered new simplified agreements with clear, transparent and easy to access Service specifications Service provision requirements Performance measures, roles, responsibilities and expectations Executed more than $800m worth of Out-of-home care service contracts enabling Growth in family based care placements Standardised family based care unit pricing & clarity of respite requirements Legislative requirements to be embedded into Agreements Growth in services for children with disabilities and children from an Aboriginal background

  13. 2019/2020 Procurement and contracting update Significant program enabling real reform in child protection This was possible because of the feedback, support and commitment from our Service Providers to work with us in creating and implementing reform initiatives like this.

  14. 2019/2020 Procurement and contracting update DCP initiatives shaped by service provider feedback Feedback received during the implementation of the Procurement Program has been invaluable, as a result DCP have:  Implemented new OOHC Service contract content consultation guideline  Introduced clear version control management of web based contract content  Amended who pays for what – residential care  Amended carer and personnel requirements matrix  Amended family based care service specifications Thankyou for your input

  15. 2019/2020 Procurement and contracting update DCP initiatives shaped by service provider feedback Ensure service providers are informed and consulted with changes to web based content that may impact Agreements Web based contract content amendments occur via the OOHC Service contract content consultation guideline  Defines the consultation process for changes to Service provision requirements and Service specifications  Underpinned by the IAP2 Spectrum and the state government’s Better Together Principles of Engagement Clear version control management  Version control report (published annually)  Page last update dates published on contract content pages

  16. 2019/2020 Procurement and contracting update DCP initiatives shaped by service provider feedback Ensure service provision requirements are clearly defined and reflective of practice Amended Who pays for what – residential care to reflect  Who will pay for property & vehicle damage that are denied or not covered by the service provider’s insurance  Cost coverage for government primary and secondary school fees Amended Carer and personnel requirements matrix to reflect  Recognition of competency based training equivalent to Provide First Aid to recognise medical officers or similar  Provide First Aid refresher every 3 years, while encouraged, is optional for carers of some services  Cultural awareness training, while encouraged, is required on a case by case basis for carers of some services  Inclusion of reunification services training requirements

  17. 2019/2020 Procurement and contracting update DCP initiatives shaped by service provider feedback Ensure service specifications are clearly defined and reflective of practice Amended family based care service specifications to reflect  Family based care placements are determined by the level of supports needed  The supports required are influenced, but not solely determined by the Complexity Assessment Tool (CAT)  Referral requirements for specialist  Specialist provides an extra level of support  Requires carers with specialised skills and increased levels of support  Carers are committed to additional structured behavioural and therapeutic programs  Carers are supported by a specialist professional team  Also includes children and young people with high level disability needs

  18. 2019/2020 Procurement and contracting update DCP Forward Procurement Plan Budget outcomes to aligned to addressing unmet needs in the current population Received highest % increase in opening budget Increased focus on placements for disability, Aboriginal and remote / regional locations Residential care growth while Family Based Care Placements are increasing to meet demand 2019 – 2021 Business planning is currently underway Anticipated launch quarter 2, 2019/2020

  19. Department for Child Protection Sector briefing 5 FBC growth payment opportunity for improvement feedback Jennifer Browne, Chief Financial Officer Department for Child Protection

  20. FBC growth payment process Overview of the consultation process Key elements of the Growth Payment Process presented at Sector Briefing 3 3 ideas were raised as options to fast track the growth payment process:  Bring forward the acquittal reporting date  Data matching and validation process improvement  Move from a Not-for-Profit Funded Agreement (paid in advance) to a Goods and Services Agreement (paid in arrears) The opportunity to provide feedback and ideas via survey made available 9 May 2019


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