dealing dealing with the news with the news media in

Dealing Dealing with the News with the News Media in Media in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI 1 Dealing Dealing with the News with the News Media in Media in Crisis Crisis Response Response ILO Crisis Response : Trainers Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and

  1. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI 1 Dealing Dealing with the News with the News Media in Media in Crisis Crisis Response Response ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  2. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI 2 Objectives After this session, participants will: & Better understand the motivation of the news media and “net news value” of a crisis & Be able to describe the basic components of a media relations strategy & Be able to prepare for a television interview ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  3. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Understanding the Media 3 & We need to understand the media in order to deal effectively with them & What are the news media? & What motivates the news media? ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  4. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI The “Net News Value” of a Crisis 4 & Impact on national/local interests & Number of people affected & Domestic links of an overseas story & Human interest/human impact of the event & Relevance of story to public concerns & Novelty of the story & Commercial and political priorities & Professional/philosophical interests of the media source ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  5. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Media Relations ~ 5 … a Communication Flow Purpose Journalists and the Media are major players in 1 . Promote public awareness the process of change. 2 . Shape public opinion 3 . Influence decision makers 4 . Mobilise public support and resources. ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  6. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Benefits of Strategic Media Relations 6 & Advocate for post-crisis reconstruction approaches that promote labour-absorption and decent work & Gain visibility and credibility as a legitimate player in crisis response and reconstruction & Positive media exposure assists with fundraising & Educate the public about the negative impacts and threats to decent work created by crises & Educate the public about decent work solutions to post-crisis reconstruction and peacebuilding ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  7. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Media Management Strategy 7 & Cultivate contacts with the media & Designate media relations spokesperson(s) and train field staff in interviewing skills & Develop a crisis response media relations strategy with partners & Create and circulate institutional media relations policies and interviewing tips & Articulate two-three key messages all staff should convey if interviewed & Be open, cooperative and direct with the media & Invite media to view ILO crisis response in action ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  8. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI What Are the Different Ways in Which an 8 Agency can Communicate with the Media? & Interviews & Editorials & Press briefings & Press releases on specific policy or real-story & Press packages and fact sheets & Submit situation reports to disaster information networks, such as ReliefWeb ( ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  9. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI 9 Building Relations ~ … with the Media A communication process that will result in: A communication process that will result in: A communication process that will result in: LONG-TERM IMPACT CONCRETE RESULTS Create partnerships Produce : among journalists Quality Services and constituents, Press Articles field staff Videos Promote ILO’s Interviews visibility and principles Press Releases ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  10. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI InterviewingTechniques and Tips 10 ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  11. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Organize your Statement 11 Main Point The print media The print media generally generally edits in edits in “pyramidal” “pyramidal” Detail fashion, so... fashion, so... & Make your most critical points first (Add details afterwards) & Always be aware of the short “sound bite” ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  12. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Plan your Statements 12 Soundbites: “Jobs and decent work are critical for lasting peace!” Tell the human story: “Let me tell you about “Hassan”, a twenty year old ex-combatant who was recruited at the age of fourteen…” Avoid Jargon: Stay away from acronyms like NGO, ILO, IFP/CRISIS, LEPs, etc. ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  13. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Control the Interview! 13 John…you had a question…? Be in control Don’t be pushed where you don’t want to go ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  14. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI How to Increase the Chances 14 that Your Messages will be Heard? & Consider the “news value” & Is there a domestic/local connection? & What is novel about the story? & Provide factual information and figures: number of refugees, methods of transport, names of agencies, sources of funding & Human interest stories - what is the human factor in the story? ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  15. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI To Convey a Message ~ 15 … it must be Clear, Simple and Direct Keep It Short and Simple Keep It Short and Simple The media won’t waste time broadcasting your silence They might broadcast an error made while “rambling on” ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  16. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI 16 “True eloquence consists in saying only what is strictly necessary” F. de la Rochefoucauld Rochefoucauld F. de la ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  17. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Stay Positive 17 & Avoid arguing with the reporter - they always have the last word & Do not state your critics’ position & Do not repeat a negative question/hostile remark & Speak exclusively on behalf of your work, and your agency & Avoid criticizing other UN or NGO partners & Disagree if necessary, but do so firmly and politely & Do not get personal & Never lose your temper, nor become sarcastic ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  18. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Media Relations ~ 18 … How to Speak to the Press? ILO staff should: & speak only on issues related to ILO’s mandate and principles & speak only within their area of competence & provide facts, not opinions or comments ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  19. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI If You Don’t Know the Answer, Say So... 19 Maria…that’s a good question, but the truth is that I don’t know. We are trying to establish the facts as we speak. We should have more information by tomorrow. ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  20. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Your Responses Should Be 20 Message-Driven, Not Question-Driven Reporter is You are Question-driven Message-driven - Controversy? - Decent Work - ILO’s role - Scandal? - Importance of jobs - Problems? ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

  21. SESSION Dealing with the News Media in Crisis Response XI Avoid Saying “No Comment”, but Rather “Bridge” 21 to Your Key Main Messages It seems that ILO’s I understand retraining programme is your concern, favoring ex-combatants but the real issue who have raped and here is…. pillaged…. BRIDGING ILO Crisis Response : Trainer’s Guide InFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction IFP/CRISIS

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