DC Machine
DC Generator DC Motor DC Machine:
Conductor carrying current when placed in a magnetic field experience Mechanical force. B Fleming’s Left hand Rule F I
DC M/C : Principle of Operation a 1 Field a 2 winding N a a S 1 2 Armature Armature Conductor V f
S DC M/C : Principle of Operation 2 a F F 1 a N
S DC M/C : Principle of Operation a 1 F F 2 a N
DC M/C : Principle of Operation F N a a S 1 2 F Commutator & Brush V a
S DC M/C : Principle of Operation a 1 F a V F 2 a N
DC M/C : Principle of Operation F N a a 1 S 2 F = θ F BIL sin Ia θ � 0 90 V a ∝ φ T I a
Contradiction from Faraday’s Law = θ E 2 BLv sin b ∝ φω E F b N a a 1 S 2 F Fleming’s right hand rule assigns the polarity of V a induced voltage, E
DC M/C : Principle of Operation Fleming’s right F Hand rule _ + N a a 1 S B 2 I F a _ + F V a (E b ) I
A Realistic DC Machine Eb N S _ + I a + _ = φ T K I e V = φω a E K b e
DC Machine: Steady state model and behaviour
Speed-Torque Characteristics _ _ a + a + I I a
ω Feed back between electrical and J dt d + L T = T mechanical world Load T L ω Motor T
DC Machine: Torque vs. speed Characteristics
For Sep. Excited Motor: a
For Series Motor: a
Speed – Torque Characteristic
Speed Control of Separately excited dc motor
Armature Resistance Control
Armature Resistance Control
Combined Armature Voltage & Field Control
Combined Armature Voltage & Field Control Control Philosophy: •For obtaining speeds lower than the base speed: Vary armature voltage •For obtaining speeds higher than the base speed: Vary field flux (field- voltage)
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