day 1

Day 1 LO: To use the 5 Ws to concisely recount events. The 5 Ws - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Day 1 LO: To use the 5 Ws to concisely recount events. The 5 Ws Can you identify the 5 Ws (who, what, why, where and when) from this newspaper report opening? At approximately 8:00pm on Sunday, citizens of Kuala Lumpur looked to the

  1. Day 1 LO: To use the ‘5 Ws’ to concisely recount events.

  2. The 5 Ws Can you identify the 5 Ws (who, what, why, where and when) from this newspaper report opening? At approximately 8:00pm on Sunday, citizens of Kuala Lumpur looked to the skies in shock, beholding an incredible array of technicoloured clouds which hung over the city. Scientists are currently unable to confidently explain the precisely what these clouds were or the reasons behind their sudden appearance.

  3. The 5 Ws Can you identify the 5 Ws (who, what, why, where and when) from this newspaper report opening? At approximately 8:00pm on Sunday, citizens of Kuala Lumpur looked to the skies in shock, beholding an incredible array of technicoloured clouds which hung over the city. Scientists are currently unable to confidently explain the precisely what these clouds were or the reasons behind their sudden appearance.

  4. What do you think is happening in this picture? Once you have decided what it might be, write 1 or 2 sentences which include the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where and why) to describe what is going on.

  5. Butterflies Watch video 1 on the website if you’d like to hear Mr Attewell read this page with you.

  6. Watch video 2 on the website if you’d like to hear Miss Staines read this page with you.

  7. Watch video 3 on the website if you’d like to hear Miss Lacey read this page with you.

  8. Watch video 4 on the website if you’d like to hear Miss Garcia read this page with you.

  9. The Butterflies 5 Ws This week, we will be writing a newspaper report on this story. What are the 5 Ws that we will need to include in our opening? Write these in your book (then check the answers on the next page to see if you’ve got them right) When – Where – What – Who – Why –

  10. The Butterflies 5 Ws This week, we will be writing a newspaper report on this story. These are the 5 Ws for this story: When – At lunchtime (we can make up the day or date). Where – On the streets of a city (again, we can make up the exact place). What – A huge number of butterflies (more than trillions) descended upon the city. Who – Butterflies, and people of the city. Why – Nobody knows why it happened.

  11. Roll a dice and write down the phrase from the ‘when’ section 5 Ws which matches the number you have rolled. Roll again to add on a phrase from the ‘who’ category. Continue until you have a sentence with all 5 Ws in (write in your book). Game If you don’t have a dice, use: When Who What Where Why 1) Last Friday, 1) Billy McBeard, a 1) Was arrested 1) In Tokyo 1) For crimes against 2) 3 weeks ago, young man from 2) Got a flipped card 2) Somewhere lampposts. 3) At 4am this Scotland, 3) Had to write an near 2) For forgetting to hand in morning, 2) 9 year old schoolgirl, apology letter Shirehampton his/her ICDM book. 4) During their last Jessy Dingle, 4) Appeared on 3) In the Amazon 3) For running in the Friday video chat, 3) English Millionaire, television rainforest corridors of Stoke 5) 3.5 million years Colin Cashalot 5) Was taken to see 4) In the sandpit Bishop Primary School. ago, 4) President of the USA, the Mr Forrester 5) In Tesco 4) For standing within 2 6) Before time Donald Trump, 6) Was raided by the 6) On the metres of another began, 5) Year 5 teacher, Mr FBI International person. Attewell, Space Station 5) Because of unconfirmed 6) Oniony donkey, Mary reports that he/she was Lou, an alien. 6) For dabbing

  12. Day 2 LO: To identify the features of a newspaper report. To plan a newspaper report.

  13. Features of a Newspaper Visit and watch the video, read through the features, label the features on the report and complete the quiz.

  14. Planning Your Report Time to create a ‘boxed up’ plan for your report on the mysterious kaleidoscope of butterflies ( kaleidoscope is the actual word for a group of butterflies – isn’t that lovely?!). Use the format below for your plan: Name of Newspaper [Your Notes] Headline [Your Notes] Try to use wordplay like rhymes, puns or alliteration Opening [Your Notes] Include the 5 Ws, let the reader know what the report is about and entice them to read on Paragraph 1 [Your Notes] Give more detail on what happened, explaining how different people reacted and providing quotes form witnesses or important individuals (e.g. government, police etc.) Paragraph 2 [Your Notes] Explain what happened next (e.g. butterflies leaving and people being left confused, again using quotes) Closing [Your Notes] Use future or present tense to explain what is happening now or what people will be doing next.

  15. Day 3 and 4 LO: To write a newspaper report Today, you can begin writing your report, using your plan and including all the necessary features: • Make your headline short and snappy. • In the first sentence, include the 5 Ws to sum up what the story is about. • Write your report in the third person and the past tense (apart from the very end). • Split your newspaper report up into paragraphs to help the reader clearly understand the information. • Use quotes to make your report more interesting, and don't forget to use speech marks! • Leave space for a picture with a caption to give the reader more information (this can be done on day 5). • Fill your newspaper report with both facts and opinions. Facts give the reader all of the information they need by using the 5 Ws.

  16. How to set it out: You can either print the template (file on website) or use a ruler and pencil to lay out a page in your book so it looks similar. You will be doing your picture tomorrow, so focus on the writing over the next 2 days.

  17. Some examples of what your main paragraphs might include: Regarding the number of butterflies that appeared in the city, some estimates range from between hundreds of billions, to several trillion, though experts have speculated that the actual number exceeds this, with some observers claiming that the quantity was ‘beyond even the concept of counting.’ As of yet, no injuries, or damage to property have been reported. One witness described their experience of the events, stating, “It was marvellous. It was as if they had been sent from heaven to bless us with their presence. People all around us were frozen like statues. Faces displaying a mixture of joy and surprise, they tried to remain perfectly still, silently pleading with the beautiful creatures to stay. But they left after a while, and none of us know where they came from or where they went.” “We are currently investigating the possibility of a never -before-seen weather phenomenon which may have caused the incident. At this point, however, we can provide no scientific explanation for what happened,” stated the USA’s Chief of Zoological Investigations.

  18. Day 5 LO: To create artwork to accompany my report. Today, your task is to add an image (as newspapers often do) to your news report. You have several options on how to do this. You can choose one of the options below or get creative and decide on your own method of creating art to accompany your report. Whichever you choose, I would suggest you do it on paper (the correct size) and then stick it onto the space you’ve left in your report, so that any mistakes you make won’t ruin your page with your writing on it. • Create your own version of the art which accompanies the story in the book (look back to the first page for this). • Draw or paint a different scene which may have taken place during the story (e.g. a person in awe as a butterfly lands on them; or the butterflies on cars and traffic lights etc.) • Draw or paint a close-up of a butterfly (guide on drawing a butterfly: ) • You could make an origami butterfly and send a picture to your teacher, or show the class during your Friday video chat
