date february 8 2018 to planning committee recycling

DATE: February 8, 2018 TO: Planning Committee/Recycling Board FROM: - PDF document

DATE: February 8, 2018 TO: Planning Committee/Recycling Board FROM: Tom Padia, Deputy Director BY: Meghan Starkey, Senior Program Manager SUBJECT: Municipal Panel: Litter, Illegal Dumping, Homeless Encampment Cleanup SUMMARY StopWaste

  1. DATE: February 8, 2018 TO: Planning Committee/Recycling Board FROM: Tom Padia, Deputy Director BY: Meghan Starkey, Senior Program Manager SUBJECT: Municipal Panel: Litter, Illegal Dumping, Homeless Encampment Cleanup SUMMARY StopWaste periodically convenes a panel of staff members from member agencies to speak to the Recycling Board on current issues related to solid waste and recycling. At the February 8 meeting, representatives from Alameda, Albany and Fremont will discuss their respective approaches to the cleanup of litter, illegal dumping and homeless encampments. DISCUSSION Cities routinely deal with litter in public spaces, as well as illegal dumping and debris generated through homeless encampments. These types of discards present a range of serious challenges to the cities, including issues such as runoff into waterways, visual blight on public and private property, and bulky, toxic and/or infectious clean up challenges. Homeless encampments provide additional social, legal and public relations complexities regardless of the debris issues. The panelists will discuss how each of their cities has approached these issues, and their relative success and continuing challenges facing them. RECOMMENDATION This item is for information only. 79

  2. Please - Don’t Trash Alameda ILLEGAL DUMPING, ENCAMPMENTS, LITTERING Kerry Parker Zero Waste Specialist City of Alameda

  3. Illegal Dumping 2017 1233 total reports

  4. 2015-2017 Illegal Dumping Incidents 700 600 500 27% 400 300 34% 200 100 0 2015 2016 2017

  5. Illegal Dumping – some assumptions • Healthy Economy • Cheaper to Dump it • Misconceptions • Gap in Franchise Agreement for Multifamily Housing

  6. Multifamily Outreach

  7. Encampments

  8. Litter Reduce through policy

  9. Questions? Kerry Parker Zero Waste Specialist City of Alameda Public Works Department

  10. • Polystyrene ban • Plastic bag ban • Straws and lids

  11. • Cleanups • Education • Illegal dumping • Full trash capture devices • Street sweeping • Litter cans


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