data visualization

Data Visualization Visualization Taxonomy & Statistical Graphs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Data Visualization Visualization Taxonomy & Statistical Graphs Azalea Vo Alexander Lex xkcd Administrivia Thursday: guest lecture on Tableau Jock D. Mackinlay Friday: Tableau and

  1. Data Visualization Visualization Taxonomy & Statistical Graphs Azalea Vo Alexander Lex xkcd

  2. Administrivia • Thursday: guest lecture on Tableau Jock D. Mackinlay • Friday: Tableau and ManyEyes lab Blake and Shirley • Readings for this week Chapter 1

  3. Homework 2 • Topic: • Project 1 proposal! • Advanced web scraping • Working with APIs • Look at lecture 3 (Ian) and Friday‘s lab Lab video: Sources:

  4. Project I • Has to use data you scraped yourself! • Update your Process Books continually • Your choice of visualization tools • We support ManyEyes and Tableau

  5. Design Critique Learning Catalytics Session ID 118785

  6. Comparisons

  7. Bar Chart How Much Does Beer Consumption Vary by Country? Bottles per person per week

  8. Length VizWiz Blog

  9. Direction Nicolas Rapp

  10. Negative Values US Department of the Treasury "The Financial Crisis Response In Charts"

  11. Naveen Sinha, 2009

  12. Waterfall Chart VizWiz Blog

  13. 3D Few, “Show me the Numbers”

  14. Excel Charts Blog

  15. Employment Law HQ Blog

  16. Bullet Graphs

  17. Bars vs. Lines Line implies trend. Do not use for categorical data. Zacks 1999

  18. Relationships

  19. Dot Plots

  20. De novo mutations revealed by whole-exome sequencing are strongly associated with autism Sanders et. Al Figure: Identification of multiple de novo mutations in the same gene reliably distinguishes risk-associated mutations. Nature , May 2012

  21. Proportions

  22. WILLIAM PLAYFAIR 1759-1823 2

  23. Pie Charts

  24. Total: 104% VizWiz Blog

  25. Showing Change v.s. VizWiz Blog

  26. Showing Change v.s. VizWiz Blog

  27. Coffee Drinks Illustrated The Perfect Pour

  28. 3D Pie Charts Few, “Show me the Numbers”

  29. Why 3D pie charts are bad Kevin Fox

  30. Green vs. Purple

  31. Fox News, 2009

  32. No Comments...

  33. Donut Chart The Economist Daily Chart

  34. Total % ? WSJ Graphics Blog

  35. Stacked Bar Chart Few, “Show me the Numbers”

  36. Storytelling with Data Blog

  37. Small Multiples Peltier Tech Blog

  38. Stacked Area Chart Asymco

  39. JOSEPH MINARD 1781-1870 4

  40. Stacked 100% Area Chart Flowingdata, Changes in Consumer Spending

  41. v.s. & Practically Efficient

  42. Area as Intersection WSJ Graphics Blog

  43. WSJ Graphics Blog


  45. Summary: Comparison, Proportions

  46. Ivan Cash

  47. Visualization Taxonomy

  48. Motivation Useful Junk? The Chartjunk Debate

  49. Visual Literacy Periodic Table

  50. Melanie Tory and Torsten Moller, Infovis04 Jeffrey Heer and Ben Shneiderman, ACM

  51. Distributions

  52. Histogram ggplot2

  53. Population Pyramid – A Histogram [Wikipedia]

  54. Bin Width binwidth = 0.1 binwidth = 0.01 ggplot2

  55. Density Plots


  57. Box & Whisker Plots Few, “Show me the Numbers”

  58. ggplot2

  59. Correlations

  60. Scatterplots

  61. Scatterplots ggplot2

  62. Don‘t [Spotfire]

  63. Box Office Quant Blog

  64. Overplotting ggplot2

  65. Overplotting alpha = 1/10 alpha = 1/100 ggplot2

  66. Binning http://

  67. Trend Lines ggplot2

  68. Residual Graph • Plot vertical distance from trend line [Cleveland 85]

  69. Trend Lines NY Times, March 2009

  70. Quadrants

  71. Relative Changes Junk Charts

  72. Path Plots New York Times

  73. Trends

  74. WILLIAM PLAYFAIR 1759-1823 85

  75. JOSEPH MINARD 1781-1870 86

  76. Yahoo! Finance

  77. Data & Trend Plot The Daily Dish

  78. Trend Histories New York Times, Porcupine Graphics

  79. Trend Projections Washington Post

  80. Russell Investments

  81. Design?

  82. Fox News

  83. Aspect Ratio & Scales

  84. Aspect Ratio Yearly CO2 concentrations [Cleveland 95] Slide based on J. Heer / M. Agrawala

  85. Banking to 45  [Cleveland] Two line segments are maximally discriminable when their average absolute angle is 45° • Optimize the aspect ratio to bank to 45  Slide based on J. Heer / M. Agrawala

  86. Banking to 45 Degrees Aspect Ratio = 1.17 CO 2 Measurements William S. Cleveland Aspect Ratio = 7.87 Visualizing Data Slide based on J. Heer / M. Agrawala

  87. Non-Zero Based Scales Few, “Show me the Numbers”


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