data base with ca 60 000 records

Data base with ca. 60.000 records ! Concentrations data and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Data base with ca. 60.000 records ! Concentrations data and uncertainty data for PM10, PM2.5 and 61 chemical components From 10 different measurement stations, Winter-2007, summer-2008, winter 2009 More than 60 major source types (own

  1. Data base with ca. 60.000 records ! • Concentrations data and uncertainty data for PM10, PM2.5 and 61 chemical components • From 10 different measurement stations, Winter-2007, summer-2008, winter 2009 • More than 60 major source types (own data and literature data)

  2. Characterization of chemical compounds in air pollution and significant sources Apportionment of pollution sources

  3. Mass fraction of a chemical compound in the emissions from each source type Receptor concentrations, with appropriate uncertainty estimates RM calculates values for the contributions from each source and the uncertainties of those values

  4. We used an array of multivariate statistical analysis for RM Multiple linear regression Enrichment factor Eigenvectors (PCA, FA,…) (Edge detection - UNMIX) Positive matrix factorization (PMF) Chemical mass balance (CMB)

  5. Many individual estimates of source contributions and uncertainties � � � � � � � � � Probabilistic uncertainty characterization Final source apportionment results as statistical distributions

  6. Accumulated probability function

  7. What results did we obtain?

  8. Source contributions to PM 10 and PM 2.5 at the 10 sites in Lombardy Secondary (aged) aerosol 120 Wood Burning Carbonaceous soil resuspension (mixed) Sand/dust resuspension (traffic related) 100 Traffic (brake and tire-ware) Observed PM 80 g/m 3 60 40 20 0 PM10 PM2.5 PM10 PM10 PM2.5 PM10 PM10 PM2.5 PM10 PM10 PM10 PM2.5 PM10 PM2.5 PM10 PM10 PM10 PM2.5 PM10 PM2.5 MI-ks MI-ks MI-ub MI-ub MI-ub MI-ub- BS-ub BS-ub BG-ub SA-ub MN-ub MN-ub CA-ub CA-ub LO-rb LO-rb PV-rb PV-rb SO-ub SO-ub summer 2007 2009 2007 2009 2009 2007 2007 2009 2007 2009 2007 2009 2007 2009 2007 2009 2007 2009 2007 2009

  9. Secondary aerosol is a main contributor to PM in Lombardy During winter it contributes with: 33-47% of the PM 10 mass ( , 2007) 41-57% of the PM 2.5 mass ( 2009)

  10. Dynamics of secondary aerosol formation after a clean-air episodes. Milan, winter-2009 250 Secondary Aerosol PM 10 Biomass Burning 200 Calcareous soil and lime resuspension Sand/dust resuspension (traffic related) 150 g/m 3 Brake and tirewear + vehicle exhaust 100 50 0 12/02/09 13/02/09 14/02/09 15/02/09 16/02/09 17/02/09 18/02/09 19/02/09 20/02/09 21/02/09 22/02/09 23/02/09 24/02/09 25/02/09 26/02/09 27/02/09 28/02/09 01/03/09 02/03/09 03/03/09 04/03/09 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 250 Secondary Aerosol PM 2.5 Biomass Burning 200 Calcareous soil and lime resuspension Sand/dust resuspension (traffic related) 150 g/m 3 Brake and tirewear + vehicle exhaust 100 50 0 12/02/09 13/02/09 14/02/09 15/02/09 16/02/09 17/02/09 18/02/09 19/02/09 20/02/09 21/02/09 22/02/09 23/02/09 24/02/09 25/02/09 26/02/09 27/02/09 28/02/09 01/03/09 02/03/09 03/03/09 04/03/09 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01

  11. Secondary aerosol important everywhere ! 200 Milano VM 150 g/m 3 100 50 0 17/02/09 18/02/09 19/02/09 20/02/09 21/02/09 22/02/09 23/02/09 24/02/09 25/02/09 26/02/09 27/02/09 28/02/09 01/03/09 02/03/09 03/03/09 04/03/09 05/03/09 06/03/09 07/03/09 08/03/09 200 Brescia 150 g/m 3 100 50 0 19/02/09 20/02/09 21/02/09 22/02/09 23/02/09 24/02/09 25/02/09 26/02/09 27/02/09 28/02/09 01/03/09 02/03/09 03/03/09 04/03/09 05/03/09 12/03/09 13/03/09 14/03/09 15/03/09 16/03/09 17/03/09 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 200 Mantova 150 g/m 3 100 50 0 13/02/09 14/02/09 15/02/09 16/02/09 17/02/09 18/02/09 19/02/09 20/02/09 21/02/09 22/02/09 23/02/09 24/02/09 25/02/09 26/02/09 27/02/09 28/02/09 01/03/09 02/03/09 03/03/09 05/03/09 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 200 Sannazzaro de Burgondi (PV) ) 150 g/m 3 100 50 0 13/02/09 14/02/09 15/02/09 16/02/09 17/02/09 18/02/09 19/02/09 20/02/09 21/02/09 22/02/09 23/02/09 24/02/09 25/02/09 26/02/09 27/02/09 28/02/09 01/03/09 02/03/09 03/03/09 04/03/09 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01 00:01

  12. Primary traffic emissions

  13. Primary road transport (traffic) emissions: During winter engine exhaust, brake/tyre wear, and re-suspended road dust contributes with: 23-26% of the PM 10 mass ( 2007) 17-22% of the PM 2.5 mass ( 2009)

  14. Can we Primary apportion emissions secondary aerosol? Secondary (NO X , NH 3 , SO X , HC)

  15. NO X (gas)  NO 3 – (particle) Inemar database

  16. Road transport is the major culprit ! Contributes half of the PM pollution in Lombardy 50% 40% Secondary 30% Primary 20% 10% 0% PM10 PM2.5

  17. Primary wood burning emissions

  18. Residential heating by wood burning: During winter wood (biomass) burning is the third most important primary PM source: 11-13% of the PM 10 mass ( 2007) 12-19% of the PM 2.5 mass ( 2009)

  19. Other primary sources are minor and local • soil re-suspension • cement production • residential heating with fuel oil • road salting

  20. Valtelline Valley (Sondrio): Wood burning significantly higher 37-51% of the PM 10 mass ( 2007) 25-43% of the PM 2.5 mass ( 2009) Secondary aerosol significantly lower 16-30% of the PM 10 mass ( 2007) 9-29% of the PM 2.5 mass ( 2009)

  21. Average annual contributions to PM 10 in the Lombardy Region

  22. Three words about ozone

  23. WHO (2011): In 2011 WHO has reduced its 8-h guideline limit to 100 μg/m 3 based on recent conclusive associations between daily mortality and ozone levels occurring at ozone concentrations below 120 µg/m 3 .

  24. WHO (2011): Several European studies have reported that the daily mortality can be reduced by 0.3% and that for heart diseases by 0.4 %, per 10 µg/m 3 decrease in ozone exposure.

  25. The black spots on the ozone map of Europe (2008) EEA Data

  26. Source apportionment of ozone precursor hydrocarbons • 9 stations from 2003-2008 in Po Plain • 32 hydrocarbons, receptor modelling

  27. Vehicle exhaust responsible for 50-80% of atmospheric ozone formation in Po Plain

  28. Quali sono le implicazioni dei nostri risultati sulle strategie di abbattimento dell ’ inquinamento dell ’ aria? La nostra ricerca ha mostrato che per affrontare l ’ inquinamento da particolato e ozono nella regione Lombardia, devono essere progettate strategie di abbattimento che inevitabilmente intervengano sul trasporto su strada e sulle emissioni gassose di NOx dall ’ industria, dalla produzione di energia, e dalla combustione di gas naturale. La forte componente secondaria del particolato e l ’ interdipendenza dell ’ inquinamento nell ’ intera Pianura Padana, a causa delle particolari condizioni meteorologiche, implicano che solo poco puo ’ essere guadagnato da misure di mitigazione locale e di breve termine come i blocchi del traffico ad-hoc durante picchi di inquinamento o restrizioni al traffico in zone confinate delle citta ’ . Strategie coordinate di abbattimento su larga scala e a lungo termine sono richieste.

  29. Quali sono le implicazioni dei nostri risultati sulle strategie di abbattimento dell ’ inquinamento dell ’ aria? L ’ abbattimento delle emissioni dei trasporti attraverso il rinnovo del parco veicoli (Euro 5 per veicoli leggeri, Euro 6 per quelli pesanti) e ’ essenziale, ma puo ’ non essere sufficiente per ridurre l ’ inquinamento da particolato sotto i limiti per il PM10 e PM 2.5 . Con le tecnologie di trattamento degli scarichi disponibili oggi, una riduzione delle emissioni di particolato e ’ accompagnata da un aumento delle emissioni di NOx, che a sua volta implica un aumento vertiginoso delle concentrazioni di particelle secondarie in atmosfera. Oltretutto, rinnovare il parco veicoli non influisce su due caratteristiche significative delle emissioni da trasporto su strada, vale a dire l ’ usura di freni/pneumatici e la risospensione della polvere stradale dovuta al traffico. Si prevede che sia necessaria una riduzione del parco veicoli (numero di veicoli e/o numero di chilometri percorsi).

  30. Quali sono le implicazioni dei nostri risultati sulle strategie di abbattimento dell ’ inquinamento dell ’ aria? L ’ applicazione del divieto gia ’ esistente in Pianura Padana riguardo la combustione inefficiente di legna per il riscaldamento residenziale puo ’ ridurre la concentrazione annuale media di particolato fino a 5 g/m 3 . L ’ implementazione di un divieto sulla combustione di biomassa/legna in Valtellina avrebbe un effetto piu ’ accentuato che non in Pianura Padana e sarebbe un passo significativo verso l ’ abbattimento del benzo(a)pirene, che eccede ogni anno il limite EU di 1 ng/m 3 .


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