D A V I D P E A S E , S P H R , S H R M - S C P D I R E C T O R O F H U M A N R E S O U R C E S B A N G O R S A V I N G S B A N K
THE HE BU BUSI SINES NESS S OF OF PEO EOPLE LE 100 00% of Cu % of Cust stomer omers s ar are e Peo eople. ple. 100 00% of Em % of Emplo ployees es ar are e Peo eople. ple.
PEO EOPLE, LE, PUR URPOSE POSE & P & PASS SSION ION 1. Differentiate as a Great Place to Work – Be a Company with a Purpose and Engage Your Employees Passion
CUL ULTURE TURE IS IS TO REC ECRU RUITMEN ITMENT T AS PRODUC RODUCT T IS IS TO MARKETING KETING People People Want to need a Sense of Work for a Belonging Winner People Want to go Want to on a Make a Meaningful Difference Journey
YOUR CULTURE = YOUR EMPLOYMENT BRAND 2. 2. Creat ate a Talent ent Culture lture that t At Attract racts s and nd Ret etain ain Top p People. ople. 3. 3. Your Brand is Your “Promise” to Candidates & Employees.
DE DEVE VELOP OP YOU OUR R PEOP OPLE LE SK SKILLS LS 4. 4. Devel elop op & T & Train n Manager gers to be Talent ent Scouts outs, , Perform ormanc nce & Career eer Coaches ches and En Engagem gement nt Gur urus. us.
ROL OLE AS T S TALE LENT NT SC SCOU OUT • Identif ntify y curren rent t & f future ure staf affin ing g needs ds • Define ne desired ired job skills/p ills/prof ofiles iles • Culti ltivat ate e ext xternal ernal talen lent t pool • Hire re for Fit – Applic icants ants to job/ b/cult ulture ure • Creat eate e high h work rk stan andar dards/e ds/expectat xpectations ions • Provide ide meaningful, ningful, accelerat erated ed onboar arding ding • Build ld intern ernal l talen lent t pipeli line 5. 5. Net etwo work k – Pros rospe pect ct, , Develo elop p & Sour urce ce Talent ent 6. 6. St Strong rong On Online ine Presence sence – LinkedIn, edIn, Webs ebsit ite, Glassdoor sdoor 7. 7. Build ild Diver ersity sity & Inc nclusion lusion 8. 8. Develop elop Pa Partner ership ships s w/ educa ducational tional & work workfor orce ce organiza izati tions ns
THE HE HI HIRING NG ST STUD UDY • 46% % of newly hir ired ed empl employee ees s wil ill fail il wit ithin in 18 18 months, ths, whil ile e only 19% % wil ill achie ieve e unequi equivoc ocal l succ ccess ess. . Hiring Fo For At Attitu itude e by Mark rk Murp rphy
HI HIRING NG SU SUPER ST STARS • Clie ient-ce centri tric • Res esul ults ts dr driv iven en Sel elf Motivat ivated ed • • Collabo bora rati tive/ e/Team eam Player er • Hig igh EQ • Quic ick k Lea earner er/Inq nquis uisit itiv ive Solution utions focused cused • • Ada dapt ptable le & R & Res esil ilie ient • Achi hievemen ement t Driv ive 9. 9. Hire e for At Attitu itude de & Aptit titud ude e – Train ain for Skil ills ls
YOUR UR RECRU RUITME ITMENT NT PROCE CESS S IS B BROKEN! KEN! Bad Candid didat ate e Experien ience ce 70% % of Orga ganiz ization ations inves in estin ing g in in a st strong ong 42% 42% Would not apply again can andi dida date e expe perie ienc nce e 83% 83% Would tell others not to imp improve their ir qua qualit ity y of apply Would not buy co hir ires es by 70%. %. product 59% 59% 10. 10. Differe erentiat tiate e your r hirin ring g proce rocess ss – we welcomin coming, g, ease, e, spee eed, commu municativ nicative & re respo ponsiv nsive – you wi will ll attra ract ct top talent ent.
HI HIRE SM SMART T PEOP OPLE LE – GET OU OUT OF OF THE HEIR R WAY • Onboard d quic ickly kly – get get out of the e way – gi give e pe peopl ple e the e authorit ority y to do do thei eir jo jobs. s. Giv ive th e them em a v a voic ice. e. Lis isten en. Sup uppo port t gr growth wth. Allow w them em to pr prospe per. 11. Empo 11. power er empl ployer ers s – delegat legate author hority ity along ng wi with job b respo sponsibi sibiliti lities es.
“It is the role of a manage ger/l /lead eader er to hel elp p empl employee ees s ac achie ieve e thei eir maxim imum um performa rmance nce and d striv ive e for thei eir opt ptim imal l personal potential.” -- -- David id Pea ease
ROL OLE E AS A P S A PERFORMANCE ORMANCE COACH CH • Fee eedb dback, Fee eedbac back, Fee eedb dback! k! • Set et goals ls alig igne ned with h Vision ion • Recogn ognize/R ize/Reward re results sults excee ceedin ing g goals ls • Thank ank emplo ployees es who are meeting ting goals ls • Qu Quic ickly kly address ress staff f falling ling short t of standa ndards rds • Build ild on e n empl ployee ’ s s strengt engths • Identif entify y ways to gro row w & develo elop p staff 12. 12. Establish stablish a compan pany y Fee eedba dback k Model. del. Use it. 13. Creat 13. reate e meani ningf gful l perform rmance ce goals. s. 14. 14. Per erform rmance ance – Frequent, equent, On Ongoin oing, g, Focus cus on n Succe cess ss & Developm lopment nt.
DE DEVELOPME OPMENT NT MODE DEL • Set high expectations • Set clear job • Provide job standards & expectations & necessary skill building performance goals Perfor orma mance ce • Assimilate & connect • Provide skills training Onboar oarding ding with bank attributes Mana nage gement nt • Provide on-going Assimilation to • Align job duties with positive & constructive Optimize bank culture Vision 2018/Strategic feedback individual Initiatives Alignment • Calibrate competencies performance & attributes Retention through feedback Career Coachi hing ng Developme lopment Improved results • Challenge them to Behavior • Career discussion Engagement become their best modification • Educational plan & Retention • Listen without distraction Increased • Long term career plan • On-going skills training productivity • Identify project work, • Coach knowledge, skills committee & community or actions as needed participation • Praise specific behavior 15) 15) Crea eate a Devel elopm opment nt Model del. 16) Esta 16) tabl blish ish meanin ingf gful l onb nboar arding ding – rol roll l out red d carpe rpet. t. 17) 17) Train ain Mana nager gers s to Coach h – hold ld them em account untable able .
CA CAREER REER DE DEVE VELOPMENT OPMENT • 68% of employees say their managers aren’t actively engaged in their career development. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then 40% of employees are actively looking for a new job. 18. Provide 18. vide care reer er developm elopment nt suppor pport – it can n give you a huge ge differen rentiation tiation in n the e mark rketplace tplace.
RETAIN IN TOP OP TALENT NT AT ALL COS OSTS 19. Invest and development an internal talent pipeline.
MA MANA NAGER GER ADVI VICE CE 20. 20. Hold d mana nage gers s account untable able for People ople Leade eadersh ship. p. Pro rovid ide e ong ngoing ing training ing & suppor pport. t. 21. 21. Transf sfor orm m recru ruitment tment and nd develo elopment pment from rom reactiv ctive to proa roactiv ctive.
ROL OLE E AS EN S ENGAGEM GEMENT ENT GURU URU 22. 22. Train ain mana nage gers s on b n bei eing g eng ngagem agement ent expe pects. ts.
ENGAGE GEMENT MENT DR DRIVERS VERS 1. 1. Do you u kno now what t is e s expect pected ed of you u at work? 2. 2. Do you u have e the e materi erials als & equi uipmen pment t to do your ur work right? t? 3. 3. At work, k, do you u have the e oppor ortu tuni nity ty to do what at you do best st daily? y? 4. 4. In past 7 days, s, did you u recei ceived d recogn cognit ition ion for doing ing good od work? 5. 5. Does es your ur sup upervis visor or seem em to care about ut you u as a person? son? 6. 6. Is there ere some meone one at work who ho encour courages ages your r developmen elopment? t? 7. 7. At work, k, do your ur opinion nions s seem em to coun unt? t? 8. 8. Does es the e co. . missi sion/p on/pur urpos pose e make e you u feel el your ur job b is imp mpor orta tant? nt? 9. 9. Ar Are your ur co-work rkers s comm mmitt tted ed to doing ng qua uality y work? k? 10. 10. Do you u have e a best t friend end at work? k? 11. 11. In past 6 months nths, has mana nager ger talked ed to you about t your ur progres ress? s? 12. 12. In the e last yea ear, , have you u had d oppor ortu tuni niti ties es to learn rn and grow? w?
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