customs declaration services programme cds

Customs Declaration Services Programme (CDS) 1 December 2017 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Customs Declaration Services Programme (CDS) 1 December 2017 1 About the event Graham Pepper CDS Stakeholder Lead 2 Event objectives Update on the CDS programme Your views on the migration to CDS Live feedback using Sli-do 3

  1. Customs Declaration Services Programme (CDS) 1 December 2017 1

  2. About the event Graham Pepper CDS Stakeholder Lead 2

  3. Event objectives • Update on the CDS programme • Your views on the migration to CDS • Live feedback using Sli-do 3

  4. Sli-do – What you need to do • Connect to Wi-Fi on your smartphone • Go to and enter event code – Q905 • Ask questions and use voting buttons 4

  5. CDS progress update Stella Jarvis CDS Programme Director 5

  6. The CDS support model New and expanded service support model for CDS users. Focus on ‘Self Help’ options such as: • Accurate and accessible guidance. • ‘Single Front Door’ leading to a multifunctional helpdesk. • Telephone call handling menus directing customers to: - NCH teams - Help and advice support team for declarations - Teams to evaluate and/or escalate or monitor technical faults • | Official | Customs Declaration Service | 6

  7. CDS support model | Official | Customs Declaration Service | 7

  8. Technical trade documentation list • List of required documentation and specifications has been created in collaboration with Community Service Providers (CSPs) and Software Developers. • A validated list of 23 documents has been shared by the HMRC software developer support team. These are held on a central location for developer access. • CSP and Software Developer technical readiness meetings are a forum to walk- through technical documentation to support understanding and raise questions. • In some cases, technical documents are built upon iteratively to align with trade test drops. 8

  9. Customer transition Transition : the period between delivery of first live CDS functionality until 100% customer take-up. • The transition period is expected to be approximately 6 months. • We will support our stakeholders in transition, providing a flexible approach to customer needs. • Commercial software and/or IT service providers will manage the roll- out of their updated software and transition of their client base. • We will review stakeholder plans and transition approaches to stagger take-up and manage the risk of multiple late transitions – mutually agreed entry criteria will be key to approval. 9

  10. Transition strategy - Key principles • No migration of in flight transactions/declarations due to data conversion complexity. What starts on CHIEF ends on CHIEF. • Once migrated, a customer will remain on CDS unless in a formal fall-back situation. • Dual running and dual data capture are supported. • Support for industry will be developed from the start of trade test and will be grown effectively to support the full service by July 2018. 10

  11. CDS requirements and improvements • All customers – UK, EU and Rest of World – will need a GB EORI number to interact with UK Customs. • Once a customer’s details are validated the process will take minutes instead of days. • The process will feature an assisted/excluded digital alternative for customers unable to utilise IT systems. 11

  12. Development progress • Last month we tested connectivity between the declaration management system and 2 port inventory linking systems via different community service providers. They each sent custom declaration messages through the portal to CDS and received a confirmation message of receipt. • The tariff component has been integrated. • We have also built a digital registration and authorisation system which will go live in 19 October 2018 in advance of the rest of CDS. 12

  13. Development progress • We have now loaded the first set of UK rules on the DMS product in readiness for Trade Test 1 in December 2017. Testing of these within an integrated environment has passed the first 2 stages in readiness for deployment into the Trade Test environment. The integrated environment includes how the core DMS product speaks to Tariff, digital (API front end), messaging, reference & trader data and risk. • The stubbed Customs Declaration API (version 1) is now deployed to external test and is accessible via the developer hub to anyone who wishes to use it. This facilitates testing connectivity and makes sure that the message the user sends is in the correct and valid format • The integrated API (version 2) is also deployed but is hidden until we are ready to start Trade Test 1 when we will make it visible to the 5 software houses taking part 13

  14. CDS customer migration overview Pat Holohan 14

  15. CDS customer migration - Introduction The purpose of this session is to provide an understanding of our CHIEF to CDS customer migration approach and delivery plan. It is intended to answer the What? How? And When? regarding the migration. CHIEF CDS • What? - What do we mean by customer migration? 2018/2019 • How? – How are we going to deliver the migration? • When? – What are the timescales we are working to? 15

  16. CDS Customer Migration - Definition Customer migration can be defined as “the migration to CDS of everyone that currently uses CHIEF”. The core customer population consists of: • Traders • Declarants Software developers • Fast Parcel Operators • CSP’s Supported by software developers The migration will be delivered in a controlled manner to enable an incremental increase of declaration volumes into CDS. We will do this by scheduling the migration of customers in tranches, initially moving supplementary declarations. 16

  17. Customer migration – Analysis to date • Through analysis of the customer population for tranche 1, software dependencies by declaration type and supply chain have been identified, providing an end to end picture of migration requirements. • Analysis activity has enabled HMRC to develop a plan that will provide the necessary technical and business readiness support to software developers and wider customer groups in the lead up to CDS migration. • Analysis has been carried out on our CHIEF customers to understand the historic declaration volumes in order to inform our migration plan approach. CHIEF MSS DATA TRADE STATISTICS 17

  18. CDS customer migration - Approach • A number of the highest volume declarants perform their own supplementary declarations through a single software solution without the reliance on multiple 3 rd party declarants and in many cases CSP’s. Migrating these customers first helps to de-risk the migration. • Supplementary declarations make up approximately 75% of all CHIEF traffic. The migration of a small number of high volume supplementary declaration customers will fulfil the objective of migrating volumes off CHIEF as a priority. • Tranche 1 will commence with the migration of a few low volume declarants after which high volume declarants will begin to migrate to CDS. Tranche 1 should result in the movement of approximately 35% of current CHIEF volumes. 18

  19. CDS customer migration - Approach • From the beginning of Tranche 2 all remaining declaration types can be migrated. All CSP’s, major FPO’s, large 3 rd party declarants and software developers are expected to be ready, thereby allowing all declaration types to be processed. • Tranche 2 will move all declaration types for Tranche 1 customers plus an additional customer group yet to be agreed. • Further tranches will migrate remaining customers requiring support and those migrating through their software developers with minimal support from HMRC. 19

  20. CDS customer migration - Working together • HMRC is providing technical and business readiness documentation and support for the software developer community, 3 rd party declarants, FPO’s and CSP’s. • Regular technical readiness sessions are conducted in various locations in the UK to provide support to software developers. • We are working together to align our milestones, share plans and finalise delivery commitments to ensure you, our trade partners and wider customer network, are ready for CDS. 20

  21. CDS Customer Migration: Timeline Final validation Migration - Migration - All Key Regular CDS Readiness & customer Supplementary remaining engagement & communications Phases Declarations declarations planning Dec Jan Feb 19 Aug 18 Mar Nov 17 Dec Jan Feb 18 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov 18 CDS Go CDS Full Trade Customer Trade Trade Trade Trade Live functionality test M1 migration test M3 test M4 test M5 test M2 & complete Start of customer migration CDS Live CSPs & FPOs on 21 CDS | Official | Customs Declaration Service

  22. CDS customer migration - Next steps • Our customer engagement teams will continue reaching out to discuss migration and readiness support in further detail and to assist in finalising your migration plans. • Our communications team will begin our CDS readiness campaign to share key updates on test availability and information required to complete readiness in the lead up to CDS go live. • Where applicable your software developers will be releasing information about their CDS compatible software releases and roll out schedule. 22

  23. CDS service support Karen Cobb 23


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