cds brexit

CDS & BREXIT Lawrence Jasper Salim Kemal | AGENDA The new New - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CDS & BREXIT Lawrence Jasper Salim Kemal | AGENDA The new New obligation Brexit Customs Declaration Service | CUSTOMS | DOUANE | ZOLL Legal Necessity A requirement to drill down to more relevant commercial data Biggest change since

  1. CDS & BREXIT Lawrence Jasper Salim Kemal

  2. | AGENDA The new New obligation Brexit Customs Declaration Service

  3. | CUSTOMS | DOUANE | ZOLL Legal Necessity A requirement to drill down to more relevant commercial data Biggest change since 1993 Much bigger than SAD H change in 2007 !

  4. | THE NEW CUSTOMS DECLARATION SERVICE On some entries Buyer and Seller required in addition to Consigner/Consignee Gross weights will be required More detailed INCOTERM information required Hugely more data on SFDs required (cost to rise to that of SDI or closer to it ?) More AI statements to add in, double to triple ?

  5. OTHER BIG CHANGES ARE Multiple types of entries i.e. H1, I1, B1- Exports Less allowable mixing of customs procedure types so therefore they are like to be more entries . Allowed to have up to 999 lines on an entry so in this scenario a few less, but up to ten times larger, customs entries .


  7. | DESCRIPTIVELY SOME OF THE CHANGES ARE.. Response messages & the notification of Duty and VAT taking place only after all the processing has been completed. Increased items per declaration – (999 items per entry) Additional declared parties - Buyer & Seller, Representatives (sub-agents), Holder-Authorisation. New look CPC’s, with multiple additional procedure codes. Multiple additional Tariff Codes for National measures such as Excise and VAT. Customs Entry Numbers are replaced with a declaration reference - looking similar to a Movement Reference Number (MRN) as seen on current CHIEF export declarations (much longer) Location of Goods (Change of codes). New Valuation data requirements (incoterm inflection points). Cannot mix main Customs Procedure Code types i.e. Free circ, IP, warehousing on same entry Reports will even larger and more complex !

  8. | Logistics firm objectives Prepare Exporters and Importers on the new requirements Change our procedures to harvest all necessary data Evaluate and then re-evaluate market for the charging costs for doing the new more detailed CDS entries (SFD !) Where are potential new clients going to be emerging from with BREXIT (massively increased volumes to process ! )?

  9. | CUSTOMS CHALLENGES / OPPORTUNITIES: Up to 200,000 new (UK and a similar amount in the 27 MS) Exporters and importers who have not been performing EU exporting/importing EU but only dealing within EU New system to register. Those anticipating to commence export/import should acquire an EORI (VAT +3 digit) ASAP. Bolloré Logistics are No 1 in France and well represented in Belgium, Holland & other EU countries for integrated export/importing declaration (don’t forget ICS as well !).

  10. | CUSTOMS DECLARATION SERVICING COSTS: CDS entries contain more data May take more time to complete Are currently harder to correct Have more stages of message responses to process

  11. BREXIT timetable Start of the interim period – March 30th 2019 End of the interim period – December 31st 2020 30/03/2019 31/12/2020 29/03/2019 19/06/2017 23/06/2016 30/10/2018 United Beginning of End of UK-EU The UK is Entry into force End of the transition Kingdom negotiations negotiations on excepted (possible) of the period, entry into voted to between the withdrawal - proposal of to leave transition period force of the new leave the European Union a draft agreement by the the EU until December agreement European and the United EU negotiator to the EU 31th 2020 EU-UK Union Kingdom Council

  12. BREXIT numbers Number of declarations predicted to quadruple ! From the current 65 million to 255 million declarations (one recent estimate) Modes of entries to/from Member States, modes Air, RoRo, Sea. RoRo being widely anticipated the one which we cause the most disruption due to lack of current infrastructure There is an increased value in UK Customs WH and Inward Processing regimes Increased value in being Trusted Trader i.e. AEO schemes to allow lower friction border.

  13. BREXIT matters Dover RoRo has up to 10,000 trucks a day (2,000 are automotive goods) Irish Land Border entries. Goods can cross several times in production cycle. Transit to and from Ireland going to/from France/Holland etc.. likely to expand hugely. Route 1 and Route 2 .i.e. paperwork and physical checks at the frontier to increase (already are ). Companies may need to vastly increase their deferment, call on international logistics company deferment may be too large to handle even for us in the industry .

  14. BREXIT matters UK Ports. There were over 2,000 Customs Officers and Agents on the South Coast alone. Dutch have already about thousand officers to prepare for CDS and BREXIT. France 250. UK?

  15. Q & A ?........ A brand of


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