cuse grants program 2020

CUSE Grants Program 2020 PROGRAM OVERVIEW AND SUBMISSION What are - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CUSE Grants Program 2020 PROGRAM OVERVIEW AND SUBMISSION What are CUSE Grants? The grant program will support faculty research in all disciplines that span across basic, translational and applied sciences, social sciences, physical and life


  2. What are CUSE Grants? “The grant program will support faculty research in all disciplines that span across basic, translational and applied sciences, social sciences, physical and life sciences, engineering, liberal arts, humanities, professional schools, creative research, and various forms of all scholarly activities. The expectation is for CUSE Grant Program-funded faculty members to seek extramural support that will increase the national and international recognition of the awardees, their programs, and the university...”

  3. 2019 CUSE Grants Results 69 projects funded  37 in humanities, social sciences, and creative research areas  32 in STEM research areas (Mathematics, Biology, Earth Sciences, Food Studies, Chemistry, Bio & Chemical Engineering, Information Studies, Civil & Environmental Engineer, Mechanical & Aerospace, Psychology, Electrical Engineer & Comp Science, Communication, Science & Disorders, Nutrition Science & Dietetics, Physics)  Seed Grants (5k): 24 funded  Innovative & Interdisciplinary Research (30K): 33 funded  Good to Great Grant (30k): 5 funded  Interdisciplinary Seminar Grant (10k): 7 funded

  4. 4 programs within CUSE Grants 1. Seed Grant 2. Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant 3. Good to Great Grant 4. Interdisciplinary Seminar Grant Interdisciplinary teams and individuals are eligible to apply. However, to be competitive, individual applications must demonstrate the highly innovative nature of the work.

  5. Seed Grant (Seed)  Seed Grants characteristics:  Funding is capped at $5,000 , per application  They are for a 2 year duration  Applications support individuals or teams  Project Narrative section is 3 pages  Deadline for submission is 5pm, February 17, 2020

  6. Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant (I2)  I2 Research Grants characteristics:  Funding is capped at $30,000 , per application  They are for a 2 year duration  Applications support both:  Individuals – Must be innovative, and can be disciplinary in nature  Teams – Interdisciplinary  PI/team should demonstrate success in their field(s) and how they are competitively positioned for continued success.  Project Narrative section is 6 pages  Deadline for submission is 5pm, February 17, 2020

  7. Good to Great Grant (G2G)  Good to Great Grant characteristics:  Funding is capped at $30,000 , per application  They are for a 2 year duration  Applications support individuals or teams  Lead PI for G2G must have submitted an unsuccessful (not funded) extramural grant as lead PI, which received “Outstanding”, “Excellent”, or “High priority for funding” reviews from an extramural grant review panel  Need statement of support from School/College’s Associate Dean for Research (ADR)  Project Narrative section is 6 pages  Deadline for submission is 5pm, February 17, 2020

  8. Interdisciplinary Seminar Grant (Seminar)  Interdisciplinary Seminar Grant characteristics:  Funding is capped at $10,000 , per application  They are for a 2 year duration  Applications support individuals or teams  Designed to cover the costs of seminar series (e.g.- refreshments, space rental, travel and/or honoraria invited speakers).  Not for research activity or for departmental seminars  Project Narrative section is 3 pages  Deadline for submission is 5pm, February 17, 2020

  9. Proposal Formatting A. Margins - 1 inch: top, bottom, left, and right B. Minimum font size 11 pts or larger. Font face of Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman or Computer Modern. Other font faces and sizes may be used for mathematical formulas or equations, figures, tables or diagram captions; however the text must still be readable. C. Single-spaced 8.5 x 11 inch pages D. Do not paginate documents. E. All files must be uploaded as a single PDF document, named by subsections headers a through f below (e.g., PROJECT NARRATIVE.pdf, CURRICULUM VITAE.pdf, etc.). Please Note: Compliance with the proposal formatting guidelines is important! Reviewers will be instructed to disregard pages submitted that extend beyond stated maximums.

  10. Proposal Submission 1 of 3 Online Application Form A. Browse to the Syracuse University Application Portal B. Select 2020 CUSE Grant Program C. Click Syracuse University Login and use your NetID & PW to login RFP and link to Application Portal is also posted at:

  11. Proposal Submission 2 of 3 Online Application Form (Continued) e. Complete application details screen: • PI title, school/college, dept., center/institute (if applicable), tenure status • Co-PI/Co-I roles & info • Type of application (Seed, I2, G2G, Seminar) • Proposal Title • Total funding request • Indicate if project involves: Human subjects; Animal research; Hazardous materials; Existing (protected) IP; Potentially non- routine data management (HIPAA etc.); Export controls • Indicate if previously submitted for CUSE funding • Project Summary – Text box limited to 250 words

  12. Proposal Submission 3 of 3 Proposal Components f. Budget a. Project Narrative g. Budget Justification b. Results from Prior CUSE Grant* h. Curriculum Vitae c. References Cited i. Current and Pending Support d. Response to Previous Review* j. Conflict of Interest e. Facilities and Equipment * Indicates to include only if applicable

  13. Proj ojec ect N Nar arrative e (Upload)  Conform to formatting requirements & observe page limits for CUSE grant program to which you are applying.  Each Project Narrative should include: o Introduction and Key Personnel* o Rationale, Significance, and Broader Impact o Approach o Intent to leverage CUSE funding  Note: Avoid excessive jargon in proposal narratives, as reviewers may not be experts in your specific area. * Indicates change from 2019. Introduction should now incorporate roles and responsibilities of PI, Co-PI(s), Co-I(s) as applicable.

  14. Inten ent t t to L Lever erage C CUS USE f fundin ing (Section)  Prospectively discuss how you will leverage CUSE funding to further pursue extramural grant funding sources o List what funding agencies & specific programs you plan to apply for, and how CUSE funding will be impactful  Demonstrate how you will show impact from this grant external to the institution  For disciplines where external funding is limited, describe how CUSE grant will enable you to leverage success to enhance the reputation of Syracuse University, through increased competitiveness for prestigious awards, through creation of significant new scholarship, or through creation of unique educational programs or collaborations.

  15. Results ts f from om P Prior or C CUS USE Gr Grant t (Upload)  For lead PIs who previously received a CUSE Grant (2 pages max)  Include detailed description of how you leveraged previous CUSE Grant to secure extramural funding and/or enhance the reputation of Syracuse University.  Information on results from prior funding should include:  Year, title and amount of the previous CUSE Grant;  Proposals submitted and/or awards received, including titles, amounts and funders (please do not list Syracuse University intramural grants);  List of publications, patents or other significant research outputs;  Description of relevant meetings, seminars, or presentations conducted.  If not applicable, do not upload a document in this section.

  16. Refer eren ences es C Cited ed (Upload)  No Page Limit  This section lists all work cited in the text.  References must be complete, including titles and all co-authors in a professional journal format  List alphabetically, using last name of the first author, or list by number in the order of citation.

  17. Respon onse t e to Previou vious R Revi view (Upload)  Response to Previous CUSE Review – (1 page max) o Required for all previously submitted Seed, I2, or Seminar proposals. o Respond to review panel summary, incl. how project has changed  Response to Extramural Reviews – (4 pages max) o Required for G2G proposals only. Include: 1) The PIs response to extramural grant reviews, including how the G2G proposal will help make a subsequent extramural submission more competitive; 2) A statement of assessment of the competitiveness of the G2G application from the Associate Dean for Research of the college/school; 3) A copy of the external agency review (not subject to page limitations for this section). Compile these three documents into one PDF attachment.  If not applicable, do not upload a document in this section.

  18. Faci ciliti ties a and Equipment (upload)  2 pages max  Describe the landscape of facilities, materials, equipment and resources and facilities available to you at Syracuse University or other locations to conduct the project. o Ex. Existing computer equipment/software, performance or meeting facilities, special collections or scanning and recording devices …  For Interdisciplinary projects, note any additional resources leveraged by the entire collaboration.  If your project does not require any facilities, materials, equipment or other resources apart from what is requested in the proposal budget, please state this in the attachment.


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