current global landscape

Current Global Landscape 1 Focus on Outreach Methodology: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Current Global Landscape 1 Focus on Outreach Methodology: Qualitative Analysis in Nvivo, analysing over 500 publications by associations, destinations and industry publications and comparison of publications by type of organization. What Word

  1. Current Global Landscape 1 Focus on Outreach Methodology: Qualitative Analysis in Nvivo, analysing over 500 publications by associations, destinations and industry publications and comparison of publications by type of organization. What Word Clouds Tell us About the Level of Focus on Outreach Associations Industry Publications Industry Publications Destinations Talk more about knowledge and science Industry Publications make the link Talk more about tourism and destination Industry Publications make the link creation, and about the efficiency of the between associations and destinations in marketing. They also focus on the factors between associations and destinations networks adopting the scientific content. relation to socio-economic development that can maximize the direct and indirect in relation to socio-economic and a broader perspective of meetings and impact of meetings and events in terms of development and a broader perspective events as a stimulus for local growth. local spending. of meetings and events as a stimulus for local growth. Focus areas: Focus areas: Focus areas: Focus areas: Focus areas: Academic knowledge creation and Socio-economic development Tourism, business tourism • • • Socio-economic development Tourism, business tourism • • dissemination Business and industrial development Events as primary target • Business and industrial development • Events as primary target • • International networks • Research, academia City marketing • Research, academia • City marketing • • Economic development International networks Economic return: direct/indirect spending • • International networks • Economic return: direct/indirect spending • • Industry collaborations •

  2. Current Global Landscape 2 Outreach Drivers: online survey (14 associations, 20 destinations) Associations have a focus on content and networking, while destinations focus on local value creations. It is interesting to note that subventions do not seem to be considered as a critical focus factor for either associations or destinations. A Survey of Associations and Bureaus Provides Insights into the Key Drivers of Outreach Associations put a higher value than destinations on knowledge creation, Destinations put a substantially higher value on local academic & business community/networking, local industry support, making profits from collaboration, showcasing the destination, the need for influencers & meetings, branding, revenue attraction, economic development, driving ambassadors, the need for a local tourism strategy, strong community of innovation and local academic & professional networks (though conversely members, driving change, investment attraction, labour attraction and the 63% of destinations feel that local academic networks are essential to view that planning outcomes & legacy is critical to success. organising the meeting, a view substantiated by only 30% of associations.) Source: GainingEdge association survey - % of agreement with “Strongly agree” = 2, “Agree” = 1, “Neither agree or disagree” = 0, “Disagree” = -1 and “Strongly disagree” = -2.

  3. Current Global Landscape 3 Dynamics of Outreach – Association Benefits: summary of interviews (20 associations and 20 destinations) When asked about sought outcomes from meetings for associations, both meeting planners and bureaus emphasised knowledge exchange, collaboration and audience experience. For the Science, Profession and Meeting Bureaus Associations Both What they want  Knowledge Exchange  Good scientific program (content)  Platform for innovation  Advancing the science  Promote scientific & business collaboration  Minimise organisational challenges  Facilitate business partnering / networks  Position association as knowledge centre  Access to new technologies  Promote association’s mission  Advance collaboration  Improve local standards and innovation  Connections with government  Attract new members and partners  Increase number of participants  Increase best practices  Satisfaction for participants Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Innovation Brand Business Networks Collaboration Governance Mission Audience Collaboration Public Policy Audience Audience How they are getting it  Presentation of new achievements  Knowledge sharing  Connection with local academic, RD &  Innovative programme  Technical tours business sector  Collaboration with local leaders  Attendance grants  Local product showcase  Set up regional office  Influencing government policy  Local key note speakers  Student & young scientists programs  Gov’t/ministerial meetings  Developing local support  Research collaboration

  4. Current Global Landscape 4 Dynamics of Outreach – Destination Benefits When asked about sought outcomes from meetings for destinations, meeting planners spoke more about trade and building the local association community, while bureaus appear to remain focused on tourism impacts and place promotion while also talking about building key industry sectors. For the local community Bureaus Associations Both What they want  Economic Impact (tourism ROI)  Place branding as center of excellence  Platform to promote local companies and  Build and promote key industry sectors  Research/scientific knowledge for local expertise  Promoting local culture/history  Build local association community professionals  CSR activities for local community  Policy improvements  Reputation and visibility in the region  Health outcomes  Public awareness relative to the science  Attract associations to open regional HQs  Talent attraction Trade Brand Economic impact Collaboration Knowledge Cluster development Awareness Public policy Public welfare Awareness Brand How they are getting it  Technical tours  Public exhibitions & demonstrations  Media campaigns  Side events  Destination showcase during the event  Public events / cultural events  Matchmaking programs  Connection with local universities or RD  Community Awareness  CSR / charity activities centers and start up community  Ministerial meetings  Improve local delivery  Education for local stakeholders  Student & young scientists programs

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