the tv viewing the tv viewing the total video viewing

The TV viewing The TV viewing The total video viewing landscape - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SECTION TWO SECTION TWO The TV viewing The TV viewing The total video viewing landscape landscape landscape A Few Definitions before we start TV Live/Recorded Broadcaster generated content viewed on any device. Live TV TV

  1. SECTION TWO SECTION TWO The TV viewing The TV viewing The total video viewing landscape landscape landscape

  2. A Few Definitions before we start • TV – Live/Recorded Broadcaster generated content viewed on any device. • Live TV – TV viewed at time of transmission • Recorded TV – TV viewed within 7 days of transmission • BVOD – Broadcaster Video On demand viewed on any device via the player or ondemand service (on TV set 8+ days after transmission) on all other devices – anytime. • Shortform – Youtube, facebook and any other short clips of video • Stand Alone – Netflix, Amazon Prime, Other streaming services, gaming.

  3. In a decade of disruption, TV viewing on a TV set is resilient HOURS OF TV VIEWED ON A TV Total TV BVOD SET PER DAY 4.0 0.1 3.25 3.23 3.16 3.16 3.14 3.14 3.06 3.02 3.01 3.05 3.05 3.00 2.55 89% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Internet access* Source: CSO. Nielsen Individuals. TV set viewing within 7 days of broadcast

  4. If live TV didn’t exist we’d have to invent it • Technology changes quickly but human needs do not. • We are sociable and love to share live experiences. • Live TV reaches 88% of adults in a week.

  5. Young people love TV in all its forms Broadcaster generated content accounts for 65% of 15-34’s video diet Young people are enthusiastic adopters of new forms of TV but this isn’t included in industry measurement, yet …..

  6. TV is going everywhere

 TV is having babies. Over time, TV's new babies will mature. Some will survive and some will die. 
 Consumers will continue to consume video, and there will continue to be plenty of opportunities for advertisers. 
 People love television -- regardless of how it is delivered or what we choose to call it. 
 Bob Hoffman, The Ad • Contrarian

  8. The VISTA Project Video Integration Strategy for a Total Audience

  9. Methodology – Award Winning Research • Winner of the Data Analytics category in the Research Excellence Awards 2017. • Data Fusion conducted by Nielsen Data Science Team Lifestyle Survey TAM Ratings Total Viewing Establishment A/V Data Solution Data Study Survey

  10. Our Video Day - % of mins viewed x format 15-24 yrs 5% 15% 3 hr 8 mins 41% per day 21% 1% 7% 9% Live TV Recorded TV BVOD PPV Shordorm Stand Alone Other

  11. Our Video Day - % of mins viewed x format 25-44 yrs 1% 13% 9% 1% 3 hr 57 mins 53% 6% per day 17%

  12. Our Video Day - % of mins viewed x format 45+ yrs 3% 3% 2% 10% 4 hr 8 mins 82%

  13. Our Video Day - % of mins viewed x format 25-44 yrs 45+ yrs 15-24 yrs 3 hr 57 mins 4 hr 8 mins 3 hr 8 mins per day per day per day

  14. Our Video Day - incremental Daily Reach build x format 15-24 yrs 25-44 yrs 45+ yrs 90 90 90 67.5 67.5 67.5 45 45 45 22.5 22.5 22.5 0 0 0

  15. 15-24 yrs – Share of Ads viewed Format Share of Video Share of Ads Live TV 41.4 78.8 Recorded TV 7.3 5.4 BVOD 8.8 4.5 Short form 21.2 11.3 PPV 1.4 0 Stand Alone 15.3 0 Others 4.7 0

  16. Our Video Day - % of minutes viewed x device 25-44 years 45+ years 15-24 years 81% 95% 55% 3% 1% 5% 2% 7% 22% 9% 2% 19%

  17. Younger viewers are embracing smaller screens for broadcaster VOD 5.7% 22.2% 14.5% 6.4% TV set Laptop / desktop Tablet Smartphone % average net monthly reach of Adults 15-24 watching broadcaster VOD via device Source: TAM A/V Data Solution

  18. “In the home” still dominates AV viewing • Over 90% of all A/V Viewing Still Happens 4.5% 5.4% Laptop Mobile Phone in The Home, Regardless of Device 0.3% 0.6% Games 79.8% TV 1.8% Desktop Console Set Tablet 2017 IPSOS MRBI TAM Viewing habits

  19. As video consumption increases across digital channels – so does video advertising

  20. The average TV campaign in Ireland gets 16.38 million views 25

  21. Key Findings - Firefly Research BVOD viewers watch on the Big Screen Average viewers per view Increase in Purchase Consideration when BVOD is added to linear TV campaigns

  22. Broadcaster VOD enhances TV’s effectiveness 
 36% 36% INCREASE IN AVG. NO. OF VERY LARGE BUSINESS EFFECTS FROM ADDING 27% 27% 18% 9% 0% TV without BVoD TV with BVoD • Source: Media in Focus, 2016, Binet & Field IPA

  23. ADFX 2018 – Energia – TV (Brand Building)Ad

  24. ADFX 2018 – Energia VOD (activation) Ad

  25. Be Creative Tailor ads for device, platform and context Good video creative helps us all Keep ads short and brand early and often Content creation can open up new markets and opportunities

  26. Key learnings Viewing is a massive part of our lives Content is and will always be king Synergy beats Specialism: Combining mass reach (TV) for long term brand building and exponential growth with targeting (VOD) for activation provides the ideal mix for brand growth Integrated screen planning is important to maximise reach across all screens, from TV to mobile video


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