current density and its influence ce on clouds

Current Density and its influence ce on Clouds Bria ian A. Tinsle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Space Climate 7, Orford , July 11 Solar Wind influence ces on the Ionosphere-Earth Current Density and its influence ce on Clouds Bria ian A. Tinsle ley Univ ivers rsit ity of Texas as at Dall llas as tins nsle ley@UTDall

  1. Space Climate 7, Orford , July 11 Solar Wind influence ces on the Ionosphere-Earth Current Density and its influence ce on Clouds Bria ian A. Tinsle ley Univ ivers rsit ity of Texas as at Dall llas as tins nsle ley@UTDall du http: p://www.ut utda dalla du/phys ysic ics/tins insle ley-br bria ian

  2. OUTLIN INE The Space-Weather – Atmospheric Electricity – Surface Weather Connection Direct effects of ionosphere-earth current density (Jz) on polar stratus-type tropospheric clouds (a) Response of clouds to Jz changes due to day-to-day variations of Ez at Vostok, with and without the solar wind input (b) Response of polar ionospheric potential to IMF By (c) Response of clouds to IMF By (d) Response of clouds to magnetic Ap (electrojet) variations (e) Response of clouds to By in superposed epoch analysis (f) Responses of clouds to two and four sector solar wind regimes Parameterizing the ionospheric potential: Bz and Vsw (a) Parameterizing the potential at the pole (b) Parameterizing the integrated whole polar cap potential (c) Decadal and semi-annual variations of ionospheric potential Proposed mechanism for stratus-type clouds Indirect effects at solar wind sector boundaries; solar wind speed, relativistic electrons and volcanic aerosols Decadal effects on clouds and the NAO and volcanic aerosols (also in M 10 and JA 05). Conclusions and wider implications

  3. THE ELECTR TRIC ICAL CONN NNECTIO TION Cosmic rays and other space particle fluxes weakly ionize the atmosphere. Each of about 1000 highly electrified storms around the globe sends about 1 Ampere to the Ionosphere, and it charges to V i~ 250 kV, varying diurnally and from day-to-day. The local downward current density, J z , (1-4 pA m -2 ), is given by Ohm’s Law in three dimensions: J z = V i /(R M + R T ) where R M and R T are the column resistances ( Ω -m 2 ) of the middle atmosphere and troposphere respectively. Any change in V i , R M , or R T affects J z . Changes in J z have been observed with six different inputs, and short-term changes in clouds and/atmospheric dynamics correlate with each : V i varies with solar wind electric inputs in the Arctic and Antarctic i.e., with IMF By and with Ap . R M and R T vary with cosmic ray flux , R M varies with relativistic electron flux , the solar proton flux , and volcanic activity . The variations of V i with globally integrated thunderstorm activity serve as a control.

  4. CHANGES IN CLOUD COVER Baseline is 3-5 days before OVER THE ANTARCTIC PLATEAU key day. (a) 3 days before key day. (b) 2 days before key day (c) 1 day before key day (d) Key day The correlations (e) 1 day after hey day (f) 2 days after key day are with measured E z at Vostok, 1998- 2001. Key day is From Kniveton et al., 2008. maximum or minimum of E z .

  5. REGIONAL PRESSURE (a) Southern Hemisphere RESPONSES TO Winter GLOBAL IONOSPHERIC (b) Northern Hemisphere POTENTIAL Winter CHANGES. (c) Correlation of daily From measured surface pressure and E z at Ez at Vostok with 75°S solar wind input (d) Correlation of daily subtracted. surface pressure and E z at (Burns Effect) 75°N (e) Correlation of daily surface pressure and E z for three Sub- Antarctic Locations Averaged (f) Correlation of daily surface Zhou et al. 2018 pressure and E z at 52°N, 5°W.

  6. SOLA LAR WIND GE GENERATES MAGNETOSPHERIC ELE LECTRIC CURRENTS AND SUPERIMPOSES POTENTIALS LS ON THE POLA LAR IONOSPHERES E z E y E y Dawn Dusk E z SOLAR WIND There is a dawn-dusk (east-west) added potential difference, E y due to V x X B z . There is a north-south (pole to pole) added potential difference, centered on the magnetic poles, E z due to V x X B y . These affect Jz, as do the intensified auroral electrojet currents during magnetic storms. From Richmond (1986 )

  7. THE POTENTIAL PATTERN IS FIXED RELATIVE TO THE LINE TO THE SUN WHILE THE EARTH ROTATES UNDER IT. This potential distribution is from Weimer (1996), and is for minimum solar activity, IMF By positive. It expands out beyond outer circle during magnetic storms.

  8. POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTIONS IN THE ARCTIC TO 60° GM LAT.: CHANGING DISTRIBUTIONS FOR IMF B Y AND B Z CHANGES, FROM SATELLITE MEASUREMENTS IMF By Positive IMF By Negative Bz- Bz- IMF By Positive IMF By Negative adds negative adds positive potential, potential, centered on N centered on N magnetic pole. magnetic pole. In the Antarctic In the Antarctic it it adds positive adds negative potential potential Bz + Bz + From Weimer, 1996

  9. IONOSPHERIC POTENTIAL CHANGES WITH IMF B Y CHANGE. From – ve to +ve, relative to a constant dawn-dusk potential pattern. Antarctic (left) and Arctic (right) Opposite dependence of polarity of ionospheric potential change in Arctic vs Antarctic (-ve blue, +ve orange). Derived from Superdarn radar data and the Weimer model. Potential change in kV. Lam, Chisham and Freeman, ERL 8, 045001, 2013

  10. RESPONSE OF CLOUD COVER & SURFACE TEMPERATURE TO IMF By INPUT, 2004-2015 Correlations at Alert, Canada, 87 degrees North magnetic latitude. The horizontal axes are the time lag between The change in cloud +95% the IMF By time series and the measured infrared opacity is cloud opacity in the longwave infrared. measured by (Ionospheric potential and Jz decrease with looking up at the positive By excursions near the northern downwelling magnetic pole). longwave infrared -95% irradiance. The surface temperature lags the cloud opacity by one day. The change in surface The response amounts to a surface +95% temperature is temperature decrease of 0.3C measured by the longwave infrared irradiance looking down (to the surface) -95% Frederick and Tinsley, JASTP 2019

  11. SUPERPOSED EPOCH VARIATIONS FOR ALERT LW_IR 2004-2009 Combined Superposed Epochs at HCS crossings for 2004-2009 of LW_IR (blue) and By (grey). +9d -10d HCS Crossing By LW_IR

  12. CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS RELATING LONGWAVE DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE INFRARED RADIANCE AT SOUTH POLE The solid lines The South Geographic Pole is about 15 denote the best- degrees from the South Magnetic Pole, estimate. The and near the Southern auroral electrojets. upper and lower These correlations are with A p for time dashed curves lags -5 to 14 days. define the 95% confidence limits. The upper panel is for South Pole daylight with 95% confidence limits for the response on The lines with days 1 and 2. open squares are for zero correlation The lower panel is for South Pole darkness, with 95% confidence limits on the responses coefficient. on days 3 and 4. Frederick and Tinsley, JASTP 2018

  13. PARAMETERIZING THE SOLAR WIND IONOSPHERIC POTENTIAL AT THE NORTH MAGNETIC POLE Using the Weimer (1996) satellite based empirical model: Transverse IMF component, B T = Sqrt(B x 2 +B y 2 ) has values 5 nT and 10 nT. Solar wind speed is 300, 450 and 800 km/s. The values of By and Bz determine the Clock Angle (0 to 360 degrees) in this plot. We have parameterized the potential (VpN) as a function of transverse IMF, solar wind speed, and clock angle.

  14. By, Bz, and SW Speed for July 2005 to June 2007 compared with same for July 2007 to June 2009

  15. Correlation coefficients for downward longwave infrared responses at Alert to overhead ionospheric potential VpN, which is positive, as is Jz, when By is negative. Here we compare periods with predominantly 4-sector structure (blue) and 2-sector structure (orange). Note the predominance of the 27-day cycle with the 2-sector structure. Lagged Correlation of Alert D_IR with VpN. From July 2005-June 2007 (blue, 4-sector): from July 2007-June 2009 (orange, 2 sector); overall Sept 2004-August 2009 (black). 0.15 54 day lead 27 day lead Zero Lag 27 day lag 54 day lag 0.1 0.05 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15

  16. FOR PRESSURE ANALYSES: INTEGRALS OF SOLAR WIND IONOSPHERIC POTENTIAL OVER THE NORTHERN POLAR CAP Plots show area-integrals Dusk of the negative (dusk) Dawn lobe, section and positive (dawn) lobe, negative section of the ionospheric positive potential distribution over the northern polar cap. Units are 10 8 kVkm 2. As with the potential at the As with the plots of the potential magnetic pole, we have at the pole, B y and B z determine parameterized the the clock angle and B T , the integrated potential as a Positive transverse IMF component. Negative potential function of Transverse IMF, potential Total both Solar wind speed is 300, 450, and Solar Wind Speed, and lobes, 800 km/s. The negative Clock Angle. SigmaN potentials dominate the positive potentials in the total integral.

  17. FLUCTUATIONS OF STANDARD DEVIATIOONS OF By AND VpN IN 27-DAY INTERVALS. Maxima at solar max and in declining activity. The effects of Bz enhance those of By and SW speed in the second half of the year in the N.H., when By and Bz have opposite signs, and partially cancel in the first half, when they have the same sign. 27 d averages of SSN (black), and of standard deviations of IMF By (blue) and of N Pole Potential (red) 1974-2018 25 20 Standard deviation of VpN 15 10 Standard deviation of By 5 SSN 0 1974 2018, Jan Aug


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