culture and the arts survey analysis of philadelphia

Culture and the Arts Survey: Analysis of Philadelphia Respondents - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Washington | New York | Denver | Los Angeles | Seattle | London Culture and the Arts Survey: Analysis of Philadelphia Respondents December 5, 2007 Methodology Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates conducted online interviews among the

  1. Washington | New York | Denver | Los Angeles | Seattle | London Culture and the Arts Survey: Analysis of Philadelphia Respondents December 5, 2007

  2. Methodology Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates conducted online • interviews among the general population nationwide and an additional oversample in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, on August 10 - 22, 2007 . National General Population 3815 ±1.59% (Including Philadelphia Oversample) (includes 660 Philly interviews) Philadelphia Oversample Only 660 ±3.81% 2

  3. General Survey

  4. Attendance of Cultural Activities (1 of 2) Q. To start, please tell us how often you attend each of the following types of cultural activities. Showing Once Per Year or More 4

  5. Attendance of Cultural Activities (2 of 2) Q. To start, please tell us how often you attend each of the following types of cultural activities. Showing Once Per Year or More 5

  6. Attendance of Cultural Activities: Increased Attendance (1 of 2) Q. And again thinking about each of the following cultural activities, do you engage in them more or less than a year ago? Showing More 6

  7. Attendance of Cultural Activities: Increased Attendance (2 of 2) Q. And again thinking about each of the following cultural activities, do you engage in them more or less than a year ago? Showing More 7

  8. Attendance of Cultural Activities: Reduced Attendance (1 of 2) Q. And again thinking about each of the following cultural activities, do you engage in them more or less than a year ago? Showing Less 8

  9. Attendance of Cultural Activities: Reduced Attendance (2 of 2) Q. And again thinking about each of the following cultural activities, do you engage in them more or less than a year ago? Showing Less 9

  10. Monthly Attendance of Cultural Events Q. In a typical month, how many cultural events do you attend in total? 10

  11. Cultural Event Information Sources (1 of 2) Q. Where do you get information about cultural events? 11

  12. Cultural Event Information Sources (2 of 2) Q. Where do you get information about cultural events? 12

  13. Influencing Factors in Cultural Event Attendance (1 of 2) Q. Please indicate if each of the following factors influences your decision to attend cultural activities. Please tell us if each factor is very influential, somewhat influential, not very influential, 13 or not at all influential in your decision to attend cultural events. Showing Very Influential

  14. Influencing Factors in Cultural Event Attendance (2 of 2) Q. Please indicate if each of the following factors influences your decision to attend cultural activities. Please tell us if each factor is very influential, somewhat influential, not very influential, 14 or not at all influential in your decision to attend cultural events. Showing Very Influential

  15. Motivations to Participate in Cultural Activities (1 of 2) Q. We have learned about the factors that influence the cultural events you attend; now we are interested in learning what motivates you to participate in 15 cultural activities. Please select all that apply.

  16. Motivations to Participate in Cultural Activities (2 of 2) Q. We have learned about the factors that influence the cultural events you attend; now we are interested in learning what motivates you to participate in 16 cultural activities. Please select all that apply.

  17. Reasons to Incorporate Culture (1 of 2) Q. Do each of the reasons below play an important role or not in your decision to make the arts and cultural activities a part of your life? 17 Showing Very Important

  18. Reasons to Incorporate Culture (2 of 2) Q. Do each of the reasons below play an important role or not in your decision to make the arts and cultural activities a part of your life? 18 Showing Very Important

  19. Importance of Aspects of Cultural Events Q. Do you consider the following aspects of experiencing arts and cultural activities important or unimportant in deciding to attend an 19 event? Showing Very Important

  20. Barriers to Cultural Event Attendance (1 of 2) Q. What are the barriers, if any, that prevent you from attending cultural events? Please select all that apply. 20

  21. Barriers to Cultural Event Attendance (2 of 2) Q. What are the barriers, if any, that prevent you from attending cultural events? Please select all that apply. 21

  22. Evolution of Personal Cultural Tastes Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Showing Agree 22

  23. Reasons to Increase Participation in Cultural Events (1 of 2) Q. Which of the items listed below would increase your participation in cultural events 23

  24. Reasons to Increase Participation in Cultural Events (2 of 2) Q. Which of the items listed below would increase your participation in cultural events 24

  25. Additional Offerings to Increase Cultural Participation Q. How likely would you be to increase your participation if… Showing likely 25

  26. Roles of Cultural Institutions (1 of 2) 26

  27. Roles of Cultural Institutions (2 of 2) 27

  28. Corporations and the Arts (1 of 2) Q. Many corporations have gotten involved with the performing and visual arts. Please tell us if you agree or disagree with each of the following 28 statements.

  29. Corporations and the Arts (2 of 2) Q. Many corporations have gotten involved with the performing and visual arts. Please tell us if you agree or disagree with each of the following 29 statements.

  30. Inclusion of the Arts in Trips Q. When you are traveling to another city, do you always, often, sometimes, rarely, or never make time to include... in your trip? 30

  31. Culture and Travel (1 of 2) Q. Please tell us the degree to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. 31

  32. Culture and Travel (2 of 2) Q. Please tell us the degree to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. 32

  33. Advanced Planning of Culture During Travel Q. How far in advance do you usually decide to include culture in your trip? 33

  34. Benefits of the Arts (1 of 2) Q. Please tell us to which degree you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. 34

  35. Benefits of the Arts (2 of 2) Q. Please tell us to which degree you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. 35

  36. Family Benefits of the Arts Q. Please tell us to which degree you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. 36

  37. Alternative Methods for Experiencing the Arts (1 of 2) Q. In addition to attending arts and cultural activities in person, please tell us in which of the following other ways you experience the visual and 37 performing arts

  38. Alternative Methods for Experiencing the Arts (2 of 2) Q. In addition to attending arts and cultural activities in person, please tell us in which of the following other ways you experience the visual and 38 performing arts

  39. Performing Arts Survey

  40. Benefits of Performing Arts (1 of 2) Q. People enjoy visual arts (e.g., art exhibit, sculpture parks, etc) for many reasons. Please indicate whether each of the following is an important 40 benefit of performing arts or not.

  41. Benefits of Performing Arts (2 of 2) Q. People enjoy visual arts (e.g., art exhibit, sculpture parks, etc) for many reasons. Please indicate whether each of the following is an important 41 benefit of performing arts or not.

  42. Planning for Performing Arts Events Q. When do you typically decide to attend a performing arts event? 42

  43. Preferred Ticketing Method for Performing Arts Q. What is your preferred method of purchasing tickets (if required)? 43

  44. Reasons for Purchasing Tickets to Performing Arts Q. What influences or motivates you to purchase individual tickets to performing arts events (plays, musical performances, opera, etc.)? Please select all that applies 44

  45. Performing Arts Subscriptions Q. Do you hold subscription to theater, dance companies, orchestras, etc.? 45

  46. Motivations for Performing Arts Subscriptions Q. IF HOLD SUBSCRIPTION(S): What influences or motivates you to purchase subscriptions to theater or dance companies, orchestras etc.? Please select all that apply. 46

  47. Incentives to Purchase Subscriptions Q. IF HOLD SUBSCRIPTION(S): What would make you more inclined to purchase subscriptions? Select all that apply. 47

  48. Performing Arts Companions Q. With whom do you usually attend performing arts events? 48

  49. Performing Arts Spending Q. When you attend a performing arts event, how much do you typically spend on each of the following items? Showing the average amount spent 49

  50. Visual Arts Survey

  51. Benefits of Visual Arts (1 of 2) Q. People enjoy visual arts (e.g., art exhibits, sculpture parks, etc) for many reasons. Please indicate whether each of the following is an 51 important benefit of visual arts or not. Showing important

  52. Benefits of Visual Arts (2 of 2) Q. People enjoy visual arts (e.g., art exhibits, sculpture parks, etc) for many reasons. Please indicate whether each of the following is an 52 important benefit of visual arts or not. Showing important

  53. Planning for Visual Arts Events Q. When do you typically decide to enjoy visual arts by attending a museum or visiting an exhibition? 53


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