cs449 649 human computer interaction

CS449/649: Human-Computer Interaction Winter 2018 Lecture IX - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CS449/649: Human-Computer Interaction Winter 2018 Lecture IX Anastasia Kuzminykh Create Design Ideas Prototype Design Site/App Flows User Flows The path a user follows through an application. Does not have to be linear, can branch out Goal

  1. CS449/649: Human-Computer Interaction Winter 2018 Lecture IX Anastasia Kuzminykh

  2. Create Design Ideas Prototype Design Site/App Flows User Flows The path a user follows through an application. Does not have to be linear, can branch out Goal - to optimize users ability to accomplish a task with the least amount of steps. Communicates transitions Microinteractions and responses What pages/screens are needed to user’s actions and errors Which pages/screens should link to Help to analyze the efficiency of a each other task Help to design a navigation Often attached to personas experience

  3. Create Design Ideas Prototype Design Information Architecture - structural design of shared information environments Richard Saul Wurman Users flow through Catalog user’s Presentation of the Decision driving your product information information function

  4. Create Design Ideas Prototype Design Knowledge Organisation Domain Analytics Taxonomy Folksonomy Approach

  5. Create Design Ideas Prototype Design Knowledge Organisation Domain Analytics Taxonomy Folksonomy Approach Practice of classification based on hierarchical relationship. Parent-child hierarchies

  6. Create Design Ideas Prototype Design Knowledge Organisation Domain Analytics Taxonomy Folksonomy Approach Practice of Practice of classification based classification based on hierarchical on non-hierarchical relationship. relationship. Parent-child Public tags and their hierarchies frequencies

  7. Create Design Ideas Prototype Design Knowledge Organisation Domain Analytics Taxonomy Folksonomy Approach Practice of Practice of Practice of classification based classification based classification based on hierarchical on non-hierarchical on sociological - relationship. relationship. epistemological view. Parent-child Public tags and their Indexing to fulfill a hierarchies frequencies task by specific group

  8. 1 2 Closed Card Sort: Participants sort cards into groups Participants get a stack the researchers created of cards 1 2 3 Open Card Sort: Participants get a stack Participants sort cards Participants label groups of cards into groups

  9. Create Design Ideas Prototype Design Knowledge Organisation Domain Analytics Taxonomy Folksonomy Approach Practice of Practice of Practice of classification based classification based classification based on hierarchical on non-hierarchical on sociological - relationship. relationship. epistemological view. Parent-child Public tags and their Indexing to fulfill a hierarchies frequencies task by specific group

  10. Create Design Ideas Static representations of the product Sketches Wireframes Mockups Visualization

  11. Create Design Ideas Prototype Design Prototypes Static representations of the product - interactive design model of the product Sketches Wireframes Mockups Low-fidelity High-fidelity Visualization Testing and Evaluation

  12. Prototype Design Prototypes - interactive design model of the product Low-fidelity VS High-fidelity

  13. Prototype Design Prototypes - interactive design model of the product Low-fidelity VS High-fidelity Breadth - number Depth - degree of Appearance - Input methods - of covered features functionality building means device mediation

  14. Prototype Design Prototypes - interactive design model of the product Low-fidelity High-fidelity Tangible & Testable Artifacts Low-tech High-tech Partial functionality “Full” functionality Simulated True interaction interaction

  15. Prototype Design Prototypes - interactive design model of the product Low-fidelity High-fidelity Tangible & Testable Artifacts Low-tech High-tech Partial functionality “Full” functionality Simulated True interaction interaction

  16. Prototype Design Paper Prototypes Lo-fi Hi-fi depth / Interactive appearance / breadth input Simulation of a Experiment with Big picture Early feedback back-end alternatives focus

  17. Prototype Design Paper Prototyping Tips Preprint Make it large widgets Work fast! Add ideas as Use audio they come description Make it One sketch monochrome per screen


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