crenshaw lax line joint development implementation

Crenshaw/LAX Line Joint Development Implementation South L.A. TAY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Crenshaw/LAX Line Joint Development Implementation South L.A. TAY Collaborative | July 28, 2016 1 What is Joint Development? Joint Development is the real estate development program through which Metro collaborates with qualified developers

  1. Crenshaw/LAX Line Joint Development Implementation South L.A. TAY Collaborative | July 28, 2016 1

  2. What is Joint Development? • Joint Development is the real estate development program through which Metro collaborates with qualified developers to build transit-oriented developments on Metro-owned properties. • Support community’s vision for station areas while promoting transit ridership. • Part of Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) initiative – a comprehensive approach to creating compact, transit-oriented, walkable and bikeable places in a community context rather than focusing on a single development parcel. 2

  3. Metro Joint Development Process Initial Community Outreach Developer Solicitation/Selection Project Refinement, Joint Development Agreement (JDA) and Ground Lease (GL) Negotiations Permitting and Construction 3

  4. Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project Overview • 8.5 mile extension, eight new stations • New line will serve the cities of Los Angeles, Inglewood and El Segundo; and portions of unincorporated Los Angeles County • Life-of-Project Budget: $2.06 billion; one of 12 transit projects funded by Measure R • Project is nearing 50% completion • Planned completion in 2019 4

  5. Crenshaw/LAX Joint Development Strategic Plan • Identify potential opportunity sites • Identify strategic public sector partnerships • Outline a robust community engagement process • Define a timeline for implementation 5

  6. Joint Development Opportunity Site Expo / Crenshaw Owner: Los Angeles County Site: 1.66 acres Use: County Probation Department 6

  7. Joint Development Opportunity Site Expo / Crenshaw Owner: Metro Site: 1.77 acres Use: Construction Staging (current) 7

  8. Expo/Crenshaw Station Development Vision • Create a culturally distinct gateway destination and pedestrian-scaled community with high quality retail and range of housing types/affordability • Opportunity to foster job growth with attractive office or incubator space • Build upon City’s Amended Crenshaw Corridor Specific Plan (draft) and Crenshaw Corridor Streetscape Plan 8

  9. Joint Development Opportunity Site Fairview Heights Los Angeles County 1.44 acres County Department of Public Social Services 9

  10. Fairview Heights Station Development Vision • Provide high quality mixed-use residential and neighborhood- serving retail that serves a range of incomes • Enhance pedestrian connectivity to surrounding community amenities and utilize local architectural style to reflect context and scale • Connect to the existing arts-oriented community and promote the well- being and needs of the youth population 10

  11. Next Steps • Summer/Fall 2016 – Issue Request for Proposals (RFPs) to solicit development proposals • Early 2017 - Board authorization to negotiate with selected Developers to refine project proposals • On-going community participation

  12. Contact Information Nicole Velasquez Principal Planner Countywide Planning & Development Phone - 213.922.7439 Email - For more information on Metro’s Crenshaw/LAX Joint Development Program please visit: 12

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