creatjve design graphic design and realisatjon punto a

Creatjve design, graphic design and realisatjon: Punto a capo - PDF document

Creatjve design, graphic design and realisatjon: Punto a capo comunicazione Supervision and scientjfic contents: Fondazione Eucentre Photos: Niccol Biddau Archivio Eucentre Punto a capo comunicazione Printjng: Key Editore God does

  1. Creatjve design, graphic design and realisatjon: Punto a capo comunicazione Supervision and scientjfic contents: Fondazione Eucentre Photos: Niccolò Biddau Archivio Eucentre Punto a capo comunicazione Printjng: Key Editore

  2. “ God does not play dice with the universe ” Albert Einstein “Stop telling God what to do with his dice” Niels Bohr Fr om the correspondence between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr (1926)

  3. The Mission Build safety, live in a safer future.

  4. Eucentre aims at promotjng supports and sustain Safety is one of the main values for the human beings training and research in the field of natural and man- of the 21st century , safety for one's life, possessions, made risk mitjgatjon as well as more generally in the children, culture, and future. Safety is often considered field of civil protectjon, through the following actjons: a right. With the extraordinary impact of technology in • applied research in the field of earthquake our lives, life expectation has increased, together with engineering, with a view to improve existjng a concern for the threats to this worthy ambition. practjce in assessment and reductjon of seismic Eucentre was born to focus on safety as a value, to vulnerability and risk; mitigate the risk that natural events, especially • support work towards the development of earthquakes, can damage the houses we live in, the guidelines for both practjtjoners and governing places we work in, the streets and the infrastructures bodies, bringing internatjonal state-of-the-art into we use and with them our values and affections. Italian design codes and regulatjons; Earthquakes cannot be predicted, we only know that • scientjfic and technological consultancy, at both some regions of the Earth are more subject than others natjonal and internatjonal levels; to such natural events. We only know what could • training for practjtjoners and technicians. happen in those circumstances to the structures that humankind has built in those places. cultural heritage in the world; all this together constjtutes an incredible asset both public and private, both historical and artjstjc. Therefore, it is in the best interest of everyone, citjzens, instjtutjons, industry and cultural stakeholders, to protect the country by ensuring adequate control of the risk associated with natural disasters. For this reason, in 2003 the Department for Civil Protectjon (DPC) , the University of Pavia (UniPV) , the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS of Pavia (IUSS) and the Natjonal Instjtute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) established in Pavia the European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering which then transformed, in 2005, into the Eucentre Foundatjon , whose mission is to create value In this context, risk scenarios indicate how structural for its Founders and for the Country in the field of risk vulnerability combined with the probability of a natural engineering. disaster can cause collapse and destructjon, threatening our safety. Earthquake engineering and applied seismology contribute to evaluate the vulnerability of buildings, the probability that a seismic event occurs and any losses that it may cause, estjmatjng a global and integrated risk. Earthquake engineering can also provide indicatjons on how to mitjgate such a risk by reducing the vulnerability with interventjons on structures and non- structural elements. Italy is one of the most seismically actjve countries in Europe, it has a widespread heritage of buildings and infrastructures and owns one of the most important 3

  5. The History Eucentre. An international landmark for earthquake engineering.

  6. Earthquakes and natural disasters have always been a characteristjc of the Italian territory, as well as of many other regions of the planet. The impossibility of predictjng with certainty an earthquake and its energy makes necessary to actjvate all the processes aimed at limitjng the damage caused to buildings, to people, to everything of value to the territory. In 2001, the Rose School for higher educatjon in the mitjgatjon of natural risks was established in Pavia. In 2002, the earthquake of San Giuliano caused too many young victjms and the for students, professors and researchers. Eucentre Department of Civil Protectjon reconstjtuted the Major supports the Department of Civil Protectjon in the Risks Natjonal Commituee with the task, among others, to post-earthquake emergency of Emilia Romagna. define recommendatjons for the reductjon of seismic risk. 2014 Eucentre partjcipates in the establishment of the Consequently, in 2003 the Eucentre Associatjon and the Foundatjon Cluster Technologies for Smart Citjes & ReLUIS network of university laboratories were Communitjes - Lombardy. Eucentre stjpulates a multj- established both with the aim to study the effects of year contract with the NAM Consortjum (Shell and seismic ground shaking on buildings and damage reductjon ExxonMobil) for the characterizatjon of the seismic methods. In 2005 the Eucentre laboratory (today Shake- response of buildings in the Groningen area (NL). Lab) was inaugurated and the Associatjon became a 2015 Eucentre partjcipates in the constjtutjon of the Foundatjon. From that moment on the development path SPONSE Associatjon (Internatjonal Associatjon for the of the Eucentre Foundatjon began, thanks to the actjve Seismic Performance of Non-Structural Elements). collaboratjon with the Founders, with the territory, with 2016 Eucentre supports the Department of Civil Protectjon other natjonal and internatjonal stakeholders and with in the post-earthquake emergency of Central Italy. many research partners. Some important dates are: 2017 Eucentre inaugurates the new laboratory with a 6 2006 The Rose School includes an Erasmus Mundus degrees of freedom simulator for tests on non- programme and Eucentre inaugurates a new facility structural elements and the new mobile laboratory for higher educatjon. for in situ tests. The internal structure of the 2007 The Cardinale Agostjno Riboldi College is inaugurated. Foundatjon is reorganized with the creatjon of new 2008 The first editjon of the Rose Prize is awarded to Departments. Nigel Priestley, the ROSE School co-founder afuer whom the prize is now named. 2009 Eucentre supports the Department of Civil Protectjon in the realizatjon of the C.A.S.E. project following the L’Aquila earthquake. Eucentre wins the hostjng of the Secretariat of the GEM Foundatjon (Global Earthquake Model) an initjatjve of the OECD. The first issue of the journal Progetuazione Sismica is published. 2011 The UME (Understanding and Managing Extremes) School is created, expanding the fields of the Rose School. 2012 The Nascimbene sectjon of the College is inaugurated, thus increasing the hospitality offer 5

  7. The Innovation: the Laboratories Estimate the effects, calculate the risks, design the solutions.

  8.   The assets of Eucentre are the relatjonship with the four Founders, the staff and the laboratories. Over 100 people who work and collaborate with Eucentre constjtute a set of professional, scientjfic and cultural expertjse that have allowed the growth of the reputatjon and the role of Eucentre at natjonal and internatjonal level in the field of earthquake engineering. Of course this growth was possible thanks to the availability of laboratories that represent singularly and as a whole a qualified structure of research actjvitjes and services, unique in Europe and among the first in the world . The laboratories have DataLab produces risk analysis and damage scenarios grown over the years since the first investment in 2003 using WEB GIS platgorms that use exposure, vulnerability untjl the last ones in 2017 and 2018, and further and hazard data. At the moment the system contains data improvements and upgrades have already been planned. on about 100,000 artjfacts including: There are 4 Eucentre laboratories: • 18.210 bridges ShakeLab features: • 310 ports • a mono-axial shake table able to reproduce any seismic • 1.071 galleries event that has been measured to date, on large dimen- • 30.687 retaining walls sion prototypes and full-scale buildings; • 532 dams • a bi-axial bearing tester system for testjng of full-scale • 52.435 school buildings bearing and isolatjon devices, with 5 degrees of free- • 38 airports dom; • a 3D strong floor-reactjon wall system for full-scale 6DLab features: pseudo-statjc and pseudo-dynamic tests on prototype • a multj-axial shake table for the study of non-structural buildings and structural elements. elements performance. Components of electrical sy- stems and machines, fixing systems, fixtures, furniture, countertops, panels and facades they are among the systems that can be qualified through experimental tests on the 6DLab shake table; • a system for tests on dampers and large dynamic re- straints. MobiLab consists of a system of mobile laboratories unique in the world that allows on-site testing and measurements for the vulnerability assessment of buildings and infrastructure, but also to generate on- site seismic ground shaking aimed at the calibration of numerical models of structural and soil types which are difficult to reproduce in the laboratory. 7

  9. Departments: Products and Services Software, simulators and cutting-edge technologies to test safety of each product.

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