creating and sustaining a culture of health and wellbeing

Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Health and Wellbeing Healthcare - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Health and Wellbeing Healthcare Leadership Council HLC Wellness Compendium Fikry Isaac, M.D. Vice President, Global Health Services Chief Medical Officer, Wellness & Prevention, Inc. Johnson &

  1. Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Health and Wellbeing Healthcare Leadership Council HLC Wellness Compendium Fikry Isaac, M.D. Vice President, Global Health Services Chief Medical Officer, Wellness & Prevention, Inc. Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies

  2. Benefits of a Culture of Health • Transform Employee Health from an accelerating burden to a competitive advantage • Reduce the burden of chronic disease and instill prevention & wellness behaviors in work places as well as communities • Allows for partnership with policy makers to improve labor productivity, economic competitiveness, and ultimately reduce healthcare spending

  3. 30 years of commitment- the J&J story Fix the health care crisis one em ployee at a tim e 1978 1995 2004 2007 2008 2015 big goals integration global harmonization new business healthy future “ I’m talking about prevention, specifically in the workplace. …Johnson & Johnson has been making substantial, systematic, and effective investments in prevention for more than 30 years. We dedicate resources to prevention because, like any successful investment we’ve made, it yields steady returns.” -Bill Weldon, CEO J&J

  4. Integrated Health Programs J&J HEALTH PROGRAM COMPONENTS INTEGRATED, HOLISTIC, PROGRAM DELIVERY Occupational Protection Health • Keep people safe: Compliance, Assurance & Quality Care Mental Disease Health & Management Wellbeing Prevention J&J • Keep the well well and manage the employees ill/injured: Innovation in Intervention (pre & post events) Healthy Health Performance Lifestyle Education & Programs • Leading in business by leading in Awareness health: Health is a key business imperative

  5. Programs to Support a Healthy Lifestyle Physical Activity Knowledge Building & Behavior Change  Pedometers – 30,000 participants globally  Million Step Challenge – 10,000 participants  Exercise Reimbursement Program – 5,000 participants Environmental & Cultural Support  Fitness Centers/Fitness Rooms with personalized training available  Walking Trails  Fitness Center Design - “Design for Health” Healthy Eating Eat Complete  Opportunities for employees to access and enjoy Nutritionally Dense Whole Foods at every cafeteria, food station, vending machine, catered event, and whenever food is served at company functions  80% of the US locations with on-site Food Services have launched the eat complete initiative Weight Watchers: At work, as well as program discounts Cancer Prevention Program – Tobacco Free Workplace  Applies to all operating company locations, (property, buildings, leased buildings, company vehicles and company-sponsored meetings)  98% of Operating Companies Worldwide are “Tobacco Free”  Accredited CEO Cancer Gold Standard™ - US

  6. Our Program and its Impact on Population Health and Key Health Indicators ION (2006 T O 2010) % POPUL AT ION HE AL T H RISK RE DUCT 87.1 87.0 85.0 OVERALL INCREASE IN LOW-RISK CATEGORY 78.1 77.8 OVER TIME. OVERALL DECREASE IN MEDIUM/HIGH-RISK CATEGORY OVER TIME. L o w Risk (0-2) 20.6 20.5 13.9 Me dium Risk (3-4) 12.1 12.0 % Hig h Risk (5+) 1.4 1.6 1.1 0.9 0.9 2007 2006 2008 2010 2009 Johnson & Johnson High Risk Factor CDC US Data* Book of Business TPA ( 2 0 1 0 ) 2 0 1 0 (in descending order by High Risk Prevalence) Unhealthy Eating 76.6% 57.4% 62.4% (< 5 Servings / Day) (2009) Obesity 34.7% 20.9% 33.8% (BMI 30.0+ ) (2005-2008) Inactivity 52.7% 20.8% NA (< 150 Moderate Minute Equivalents) (2009) Hypertension 30.9% * * 6.1% 7.7% (Blood Pressure 140+ / 90+ mmhg) (2005-2008) Cholesterol 14.9% 5.7% 6.9% (Total Cholesterol 240+ mg/ dl) (2005-2008) Tobacco Use 24.8% 3.8% 9.9% (Current User of Any Tobacco) (2008) Glucose 2.7% NA NA (126+ Fasting) Stress 1.6% NA 2.1% (Heavily or Excessively Stressed)

  7. Overall Program Impact on Health Outcomes and Cost  Johnson & Johnson health risk trends significantly better than US and other industries  Company employees benefited from meaningful reductions in rates of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, tobacco use, physical inactivity and poor nutrition.  Johnson & Johnson’s Health & Wellness program had a projected return on investment (ROI) of $1.88-$3.92 for every $1.00 spent  Average annual per employee savings were $565 in 2009 dollars  Benchmarking against similar industry shows an average rate of growth in medical and pharmaceutical costs that is 3.7% lower  Lower increases in ER and Inpatient admissions and higher increases in doctor visits and prescription drug fills compared to other large companies  US Medical Program ranks in top 1/3 compared against other Peer Companies J&J Study – Health Affairs, March 2011



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